During the PS3 Era, mainly because of wanting mods for Elder Scroll Oblivion, Morrowind, and Fallout 3.
But even before that I was already trying to make the change since Starcraft, Counter Strike, and World of Warcraft were really fun. But haven't made the switch fully during the pre PS3 era because there were tons of great games on the PS2 and Halo 1 and 2 were also amazing on the XBOX. But console games didn't appeal to me that much during the PS3 era so it was the perfect time to jump ship and was the best choice I've ever made. Haven't really have anything purely console exclusive since then that wasn't already or going to be on PC. And modding the Elder Scrolls and Fallout game by themselves were already more than worth it. Also being able to do everything on the PC instead of just gaming also helps a lot.
Only timed exclusive that I'm interested in were Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart, Stellar Blade, and the FFVII Remake trilogy but they all came to PC eventually or will come very soon. I used to really enjoy Zelda during the Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and Twilight Princess era but haven't really liked the franchise too much these days.