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Whatever happened to weekly pay checks?

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Seth C

Temp agencies tend to pay weekly. Mine certainly did. I'll take bi-weekly pay with full medical and dental, along with paid vacation. Thanks.


I've never had a job that pays every two weeks, and I never will. God I could never stand that. It just means that you'll 2 weeks of problems to drain all you money. And while most people say to keep a little money to last until your next check, it never works out that way.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
My last job paid montly, lordy did it suck. Now, every week I have an excuse to run down to Fry's and blow my newfound money. Whee!


Getting paid bi-weekly only sucks when they mess up your check, and you have to wait an additional two weeks for them to fix it. Or maybe that's just because I work for the city, and with private companies, they'd be able to fix it on the spot.
I get paid weekly but I don't make much so it really doesn't matter. lol At least if it was every two weeks, it might look like I actually made some money.
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