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Whats better a pile of shit: The Hobbit Trilogy or The Modern Skywalker Trilogy

Whats a better pile of shit: The Hobbit Trilogy or The Modern Skywalker Trilogy

  • The Hobbit Trilogy is better

    Votes: 89 56.3%
  • The Modern Skywalker Trilogy is better

    Votes: 32 20.3%
  • Do you mean which is better OR which is better at being worse?

    Votes: 37 23.4%

  • Total voters


I think Hobbit is a lesser pile of shit. It's stylistically different to LOTR and can work as a sort of companion movie for children. It doesn't take anything away from LOTR trilogy. It's also completely apolitical.

Disney's Star Wars is an offensive hijacking of the franchise and crashing it into the ground to push the agenda. The damage they've done to pop culture is insurmountable. It doesn't help with the fact that latest Star Wars blu-rays are unwatchable and Disney isn't going to change anything about it. The brand is a mutilated corpse. Every time I encounter a Star Wars product of both present and past I'm getting depressed.


^Hobbit had an actual story, even if it kinda stunk. SW content is just a series of images conceived for marketing purposes.
Just the usual drive-by shitpost.

To be fair I never watched the trilogy. Just the first one. :messenger_tears_of_joy:
Eh, not everyone will like it but it has a special place in my heart. The trilogy inspired me as a kid to pick up a camera and want to be a filmmaker.


Eh, not everyone will like it but it has a special place in my heart. The trilogy inspired me as a kid to pick up a camera and want to be a filmmaker.

The first movie was really cool and the effects were top notch.

I really don't know why I didn't see the next ones. I think I was intimidated because they were too long to watch back to back. I should go back to them.

I never saw any of the hobbits though.


Babu Frik saved that Skywalker movie. It's the only thing that really worked in it.
see he was sort of interesting the first time through. but then i saw the BTS, and how they had created this fantastic puppet, and how the voice actor was working live with the puppeteers, and how they showed them all working together, and how amazing everything was, and it was this cool live performance sort of like the old days...

... and then they just had a company re-create it in CGI and used that instead.

the problem is the original films had one Babu Frick every other scene. unlike the ST they were bursting with new ideas cos George Lucas was a giant nerd who came up with a million ideas for aliens and was cranking out these fine-tuned toy designs in rapid succession. Frick should be as memorable as a Salacious Crumb but he is only there for a fraction of screen time (unfortunately there was no time for anything in ROS). he's really interesting cos there is nothing else. the ST feels vacant and empty, mostly because a director of 1 of the 3 films was entirely uninterested in expanding the world.

the Hobbit movies however are very heavily detailed, they have the density that i loved in the LOTR films. this is because they still have the original filmmaker behind them, Peter Jackson, also a giant nerd and auteur. i am going to extend extreme forgiveness for silly CGI things like the barrel sequence, because at least they heavily resemble something you would read about in a fantasy novel. compared to the absolutely lifeless and wretched Han Solo & the Rathtars skit, even the silliest Hobbit sequence has some genuine fun & dignity to it. at least there is nothing in the Hobbit that feels like an SNL skit.
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While TFA was... passable? The latter two movies are a incoherent mess. The Hobbit was bad anime levels of padding, but it had an overarching theme/plot which made sense. Star Wars wins here by a mile.


Easily the new Skywalker trilogy.

The Hobbit trilogy started off OK but not great. It had tonal issues in comparison to the LOTR trilogy and I understand that in terms of the books The Hobbit was more light hearted. They didn't have to follow the books approach though, they could have kept the tone consistent since it's the same film "universe" with the same director. One of the biggest issues was that a single book was split into films, that's just dumb. The 2nd films cliff hanger that was resolved in the first 10 minutes of the next film. And the third film was mind numbingly boring. Characterisation was crap, I don't know any of the dwarf's names or their personalities, how is this even possible? The action was not on the edge of your seat exciting as they felt like theme park rides to show off the 3D and high framerate.

Sure, Star Wars had a few out of place jokes in episode 8 but it's nothing compared to the tonal confusion of Hobbit. Episode 9 was also a mish mash of crazy ideas but it was still more entertaining and exciting than Hobbit 3.

I don't know who Salacious Crumb is.
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The Hobbit is 3 equally mediocre slogs that put me to sleep without fail. The sequels at least had one good movie, one GREAT movie, and one cinematic piece of shit that angers me more by the day (and even then at least it made me feel something, unlike The Hobbit)

The Hobbit vs. The Prequels would be a fairer comparison (except it still wouldn't since Revenge Of The Sith alone trounces The Hobbit).


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Hobbit. I find it more boring and it takes a steaming dump on the source material. Tolkien would be rolling in his grave.


The fact that we have to put "Skywalker" in talking marks should say a lot about that trilogy...

Short answer: The Hobbit was a series of mediocre-to-bad movies, with enjoyable moments peppered throughout. The "Modern" "Skywalker" "Trilogy" is a fucking mess of stupidity that sought to destroy the legacy of its own series. There's no comparison, to me. Bad movies are one thing - movies that actively seek to destroy something are something else entirely.

Long answer: The Hobbit was, frankly, not very good. But, for every Albert and Radaghast and needless call back, there's still some really great moments tucked away in there. I fucking love Thorin, easily one of my favourite characters in Middle Earth. So, it'll never compare to 'The Lord of the Rings', but it's tolerable because there are actual high points and moments to enjoy. And, at the end of the day, it's entirely "take it or leave it". It doesn't add, nor substract, from the God-tier Trilogy Jackson and co delivered a decade earlier. It's forgettable studio nonsense at its worst.

The "Modern" "Skywalker" "Trilogy" will stand for a long time to come as one of the worst pieces of Hollywood-garbage ever coughed out. According to the general online consensus, each movie is worse than the one before it - I, personally, stopped at The Last Jedi because I'm fucking done after that shit show. This "trilogy" actively subtracts from everything that came before it. When 40 years of fandom talk about walking away from said fandom... you've fucked up on a level I don't have words to describe. They're not just bad movies - like the prequels - they're movies that were designed to pulldown what Lucas had built.
Even the Lord of the Rings trilogy sucks balls. lol :messenger_beaming:


take it back motherfucker


Unconfirmed Member
At least the hobbit trilogy didnt ruin what came before in Lord of the Rings... even though they come after.

Episode 8 killed the franchise stone dead and 9 was the final nail.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I'll never watch any of them ever again...
Lol you had the thrill of seeing Rise of Skywalker with me open night.

I still remember we kind of just looked at each other and you said, "well, you saw it."

What a depressing way to end this. lmao.
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The Hobbit was awful but at least I managed to sit through it.

I've yet to manage more than a third of the way through Last Jedi, and the very idea of then having to watch Rise after that is sinply preposterous.


I am not much of LOTR fan.. so I watched the trilogy kinda mandatory to find out what the whole thing is. I mildly enjoyed the movies - and ended up watching Hobbit trilogy without any knowledge - and ended up enjoying it.

I am however a Star Wars fan... and I watched the new trilogy and was let down. I liked TFA and was excited for the next chapters - Although it was basically a same retelling of NH - I was hopeful and willing to give a BIG benefit of doubt for the future installments... and got disappointed with the end product.

So.. in my case, Hobbit trilogy was better. I had zero prior knowledge and expectations and I was pleasantly surprised - and Bilbo became my favorite Hobbit character along with Samwise from the original. I was later surprised how fans were so very pissed at the Hobbit trilogy - how dragged out it was and all.

However Star Wars - I had super high hopes and got super disappointed.


I'm not a big Star Wars fan.

I really liked The Force Awakens. Finn and Rey are both cool characters, the pace was alright, the chemistry between characters was good... Then came The Last Jedi threw it all in the mud. Fucking atrocity of a movie. Haven't felt like seeing the third one yet, maybe will do this weekend now that it's on Prime Video.

The Hobbit, from start, is bad and dull. I really liked Martin Freeman as Bilbo and loved seeing Frodo and Gandalf again, but the movies are boring and as deep as a pond.

So my conclusion is: the Hobbit trilogy is very uninspired but it's watchable. The Last Jedi, tho, utterly trash.
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SW managed to ruin a franchise the prequels couldn't ruin. 40 years worth of franchise down the drain because of two movies.
The Hobbit is just a fanfiction that in no way is relevant or impacts LOTR.
There's no "Tolkien Edit" of the ST that can't stop it from sucking hard.
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Hobbit is easily better.

I've actually rewatched them, and while they dont hold a candle to LOTR, I dont hate them. I even really enjoyed the 2nd film. When they release in 4K discs I will buy them.

Star wars sequel trilogy is absolute dogshit. Kathleen has no idea what she is doing behind the scenes. The films felt like two directors that hated each other and spent most of their time giving each other the finger creatively. I tried to watch TFA and TLJ a 2nd time and couldnt do it. Will not even try watching TROS again.
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While I really don't like the new SW trilogy, at least it had Force Awakens, which I really liked (yeah, i know, ANH retreat, blabla). So that was two good years for me until Last Jedi dropped and crushed all my dreams with its shitness. RoS was just a rollercoaster ride with your brain switched off (if you were lucky) that I expected nothing of, and was at least entertained.

The Hobbit movies, though, are just UTTER SHITE from start to beginning.
They butchered what is essentially a children's book to do a lame sequel to their money maker LotR trilogy, and bloated it beyond recognition into three movies.
Given that, you'd hope them movies look at least nice. But no, these movies are the ugliest pieces of shit with piss filter on it you have ever seen in the 2010s. I really cannot watch any of these movies for more than 10 minutes without the urge throw something at the screen in anger and throwing up for their ugliness and shitting on Tolkiens work.

So, while this whole comparing the SW sequels to the Hobbit movies reminds me of a fight between two lame cripples, the SW sequels had at least that two years glimmer of hope with TFA. The Hobbit movies have nothing.
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As said before, the Hobbit movies didn't tarnish the LOTR ones. Plus it had a sweet scene where the Dwarves kick the Elves around a bit. Honestly, it was more than a bit shit. But then comes...

The new SW trilogy was a multifaceted cluster of epic shit nuggets, ranging in flavor from unmitigated disaster right through to conceited art student project. When your work makes people go "Hey, the prequels weren't that bad" you have achieved a whole new level of garbage. The crater left by the new trilogy will be referenced in every conversation about Star Wars for the rest of the decade, easily.


This thread is the biggest pile of shit, gtfo OP, this hate mongering and stupid fan wars can fuck right off, if you don't enjoy them, don't watch them.


Ep 9 is the worst movie I've ever seen, so I'm gonna go with The Hobbit. Hobbit 1 & 2 were actually quite enjoyable.

Silent Duck

The Hobbit 1 = terrible, 2 = meh, 3 = okay
Star wars 7 = okay, 8 = terrible, 9 = mess
Hmmmm... :unsure:
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I only watched the hobbit movies once each whey released, but I remember liking them. I never really understood the hate.

The new Skywalker trilogy is fine too, idk. People expect too much from Star Wars movies in general.

I'd say the Hobbit movies are better, imo.


The first Hobbit in all its HFR glory was the most memorable experience I had in a theater, like seeing a glimpse of what gaming would look like in the next 15 years. But I don't remember anything of the movie nor bothered watching the sequels 🤷‍♂️


Gold Member
I watched the Hobbit trilogy again this year & I have to say, as much as I love anything Tolkien & have defended them in the past, those films are not aging well.

I maintain that all of the ingredients are there to make a great adaptation of the book though. The casting, costumes, art design, locations, etc... all of that good stuff is there. It's just a pity that they tried to make it a trilogy of blockbusters on the scale of LotR, instead of the original plan for a more simpler, straightforward there & back again.

All the extra elven stuff could go & the story wouldn't even miss it. Just show what was in the book & if you must, give Legolas a cameo during the end battle or something.

I was looking forward to the Hobbit until they split it into 2 then 3 movies. Then I was out. I knew it was going to be bloated garbage. One day I will watch one of those 3-4 hour cuts.

Of the six movies in question I only watched the first nu-SW movie. I look at it this way. You watch these shit tier movies, that you know are shit going in, and it's like 15 hours of your life gone forever.
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I was actually interested in Thorin and his quest. The rest of the dwarves really were not needed.

Rey I gave zero fucks about, didn't even finish the last movie. The rest of her crew were definitely not needed.


Just tried to remember both movies.

I remember Thorin wanted his mountain back and was crazy about killing that orc.

Rey I can't remember why she wanted to leave with Fin other than her planet was shit? I know her parents dumped her but didn't she say she would wait for them until they came back?
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I've seen bits and pieces of the Hobbit movies and the first two new Star Wars ones and I rate the Hobbit higher because of Smaug.
The way he, looks, moves and speaks when he catches that hobbit in his treasure room, really impressed me. I think he is the coolest dragon I have seen on screen. I loved the GoT dragons too, but they didnt speak, so they lacked some personality there.
Nothing in the new Star Wars movies impressed me very much. I only liked some of the trooper designs and spaceship scenes.

Neil Young

Freckles as an elf added a point to the overall score for the Hobbit. It wasn't horrible but I couldn't tell you what happened in each movie....except that Smaug was in the last one. Skywalker? Absolute garbage. They had NO vision and wanted to use Star Wars to push an agenda rather than tell a story.


I love The Hobbit, aside from some bits.

Especially the first part. The dwarves are just great. I might even go as far as saying I like it more than the LotR trilogy, just because I find the humans to be the most boring race of the universe and LotR focuses more on them. Still love both to death though.

The dwarves and their intro scene, which is amazing.
More Gandalf is always good.
Radagast, the Brown.
All the references to The Hobbit that happen in LotR, coming full circle and making LotR even more enjoyable (the dragon reference, the dead dwarf in Moria being one of the 13 dwarves etc.)

Just all the small lore pieces that make you go on a google spree to find out more about the lore.

Thought I was the only person on earth with this take. I loved the first Hobbit movie and seeing it at release really recaptured that magic of going to the movies for me. I originally did like it a bit better the LotR trilogy, because they put so much of the songs from the books in the story. The two sequels added in a lot of made up stuff that I didn't care for but I'll probably rewatch them at some point.

If Peter Jackson was making the Silmarilion, most people would still give it a shot in theaters. I didn't bother going to see RotS. Even the Force Awakens aged awful by the time it was on HBO. Even with how safe and focus-tested we should have expected these films, it's still kind of hard to believe how badly Disney fucked up such a sure thing.


What time is it?
I never understood how they chopped the Hobbit into three movies so I skipped the theatrical release and never got around to seeing them. I've been itching to re-watch LOTR as I haven't seen them since the extended editions hit DVD. Maybe it's time to marathon them all.

I've watched all the Star Wars movies. The latest ones aren't as bad as the prequels but that isn't saying much. I'm not the biggest fan of the series as a whole, including IV-VI.
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The hobbit trilogy is better because its main problem was that it should have been in 2 movies, not 3. Both 2 and 3 should have been combined with the introduction of Smaug, the killing of Smaug and the big battle all happening in one movie. The Star Wars sequels were worse because not only did last Jedi go full SJW/ crappy storytelling but the Rise of Skywalker reversed some things but still had crappy storytelling. (Rey is related to Palpatine but is somehow a Skywalker after TLJ crapped all over Luke)


how is this even comparable, the hobbit followed a coherent storyline its main sin of being stretched to a trilogy out of greed but new star wars is aggressively bad its disjointed, schizophrenic, inconsistent and just plain stupid. it actually made the old movies worse, think about that a movie so bad that it's terribleness can't be contained to it's own set of movies, the movies take a steaming shit on legacy of the original trilogy.

Cutty Flam

I haven’t seen any of The Hobbit trilogy or read it yet, but I would like to

The Skywalker movies with Rey are very poor. I actually would go as far as to say, that you might actually be better off not seeing them if you are a Star Wars fan. They bring virtually nothing of value, and at times it’s cringe city with how terrible it can get

Very, very poor work imo

Super Mario

I say Star Wars because time has been shown to fix it. The prequels were the most hated thing ever. Now, people seem to be from ok to even liking them. I believe that was partially due to an expanded universe making more sense of things. If that is needed to be a movie more likable, then that is a problem.

Episode 7 was solid. Told a promising new story. We all wanted to see how it panned out
Episode 8 had no idea where it was going with anything except for having strong women
Episode 9 was trying to salvage the remains. If that's the end to that sage, I can definitely think of way worse ways than what we got (including the supposed initial script)
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