The context I was referencing was the example you gave. And we are looking at that thread in hindsight. Really easy for someone to say what they would have done after the fact. In any case, "sanitizing the forum" is just hyperbole. It was a warning.
Well, you said the predicted bad outcome -- big argument and thread derail because of a single lame opinion -- had "happened on a number of occasions" in the past. Those were different situations, not the current one. Thus, different contexts.
Of course "it's easy to say what you'd do in hindsight." How are we supposed to have a conversation about mod activity otherwise? You can't talk about something before it happens.
We're just going in circles, but I'll give one last thought before I bow out. I take it that the rationale for this warning is that it helps to avert a possible flame war and/or thread-derailment. That's fine, and there are cases where that's a good idea. I am just arguing that this is not one of them.
It depends on the probabilities. What is the probability that the post is going to lead to a big argument and thread derail? If the odds are pretty good, then I say, fire away. But if the odds are low, let it go. As I've argued, the odds of his one stupid post sparking a flame war in this context are actually quite small. So, it was an unnecessary disciplinary action, counterproductive in the sense that it didn't accomplish anything (change in behavior would be the desired outcome), stirred up ill will and resentment, created a lot of drama, and had some people questioning the mods' decisions.
I think it was a bad call. I could be wrong. Maybe there's something I don't know about this poster's history. I'm just judging the single post on display. Imo, you should take action on problems, not on slim probabilities that a problem might develop in the future. If it does start to develop into a problem (let's say several people take the bait and a fanboy wrestling match breaks out),
then you take action. But not at this stage, where all you've got is one dumb post floating in a sea of adulation, with little chance of it igniting a flame war.
Ok, I've said enough (probably more than enough, lol). I think the mods needlessly intervened, and you applaud what they did. That's fine. We disagree. Cheers.