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What's the easiest job you've ever had?

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I work at a trophy shop.

This has to be the easiest job ever. I sit on the computer from 9-5 or so and "design" their website. On average, I put in 1.5 to 2 hours actually designing the site, and the rest of my time is spent doing random odd tasks like typing up invoices or putting stickers on trophies. When I'm not doing that tedius work, I'm here.

So in total, I do around 2 hours of website work a day, 3 hours of forum browsing, and after that anything odd I can do to pass time.

I'd do more work for them if I could, but they don't really have anything for me to do. I've done about all the real website work I can for them, as the site has very little content.

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
I process books for an hour, then browse the web all day. But I'm not happy, it's a waste of life and I'm training myself up for something more stimulating

Justin Bailey

------ ------
Probably the job I have now. I'm a computer lab assistant, so basically I get paid to surf the net all day. That's all going to change in a week though when I start my "real" job :/


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
LakeEarth said:
Coat check. For at least 3 hours you sit there doing nothing.

I'm not sure how that's easy when it sounds like you have to deal with an incredible amount of boredom. I'd rather be working my ass off than sitting on it doing nothing all day, but I suppose "easy" is relative...


Walking around on parking-lots, sticking packets of moist towels under windshield wipers. My very first job!


tedtropy said:
I'm not sure how that's easy when it sounds like you have to deal with an incredible amount of boredom. I'd rather be working my ass off than sitting on it doing nothing all day, but I suppose "easy" is relative...


Retail clothing at the mall when i was 16. Very little work besides folding clothes at the end of the night... We spent all day just trying to pick up girls.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Filling in for someone at my aunt's daycare. Watch a kids movie, read a storybook, read a learning book, color, give them lunch, they have nap time while I eat my lunch and do whatever I want (unless you're the one watching them to make sure they at least lay down), wake up and have outside playtime, games designed to calm them down, snack time, watch tv while waiting for their parents time. They're not always perfect little angels, but if you're good with kids it's sooo easy.


Cart guy at Wal-Mart. All you did was push carts and do carryouts. The parking lot went uphill, so it wasn't easy physically, but you basically got paid to exercise. But on slow days, you could pretty much relax and just walk the lot with your coworker, talking about random NES games and whatever.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
LakeEarth said:

They let whip out a Gameboy at work? I have to sneak in a little DS action when I take my six daily craps at work.


tedtropy said:
They let whip out a Gameboy at work? I have to sneak in a little DS action when I take my six daily craps at work.
Well it's coatcheck, it's not like anyone cares what you do during those 2-4 hours that you have absolutely no one to serve, as long as you are in that booth.

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
Well, I've only had two jobs. One was tutoring a SAT class and doing TA jobs, such as correcting tests and homework, doing office work, etc. My current job is working in a federal cancer research facility and running experiments/gels, doing primer design, etc. Both aren't incredibly difficult imo.

Lil' Dice

My current job. Some days can pretty stressful, but on days like today i get to decide when to send the crew home. Hmm, i feel like leaving right after i get back from lunch.....
When I graduated high school in '94, I worked at Funco's corporate office, in the refurbishing department. Basically, I played video games all day, with breaks to shoot basketball in the loading dock, hang out with the GI guys in the breakroom, playing NBA Jam, and letting the CEO take us all to lunch once a week. Man, that job sucked.
I don't know about totally easy, but the most fun job I ever had was working at the movie theater during college summers from 95-97. Free movies, scope out all the girls coming in, hit on the cute concession chicks, and screw around with a crew of cutups. The only things that sucked were working double shifts and on days they had summer camps coming. Oh, that and doing a sweep through the ladies room at the end of the day.....damn, women are slobs in the bathroom.


The job I have now. I work at a steel production plant, and my job is mostly to press buttons. The effective time I actually work during an 8 hour shift can be compressed down to 30-40 mins. There are times when you have to work a lot more than that, but that's like 1 time out of 15.

And now, since the production has stopped for 3 weeks over the summer, I don't do anything at all because...there's really nothing to do. I mean, last shift (a night shift) my co-workers spent 2-3 hours just playing cards, then some of them went to get some sleep in a different room for a couple of hours. Just like that. I brought my PSP to read some manga, watch anime, and play a few games. Then I surfed the web at one of the computers and took a walk outside.
I was supposed to work for 8 hours, but my co-workers said I could leave when there was 2 and a half hours left and they took care of my time card as well. And that's not the first time it happens.
Oh, and the salary is crazy high when you consider how much I actually work. The whole situation feels a bit bizarre, but I won't complain since it's the most relaxing job I've ever had, and I like it a lot. :p


Well right now Im working in the dairy/frozen dept at Tops (a local grocery store),Im only 17 :)

its usually so easy

On weekdays I normally just stock "sale items" and there usually isnt much

If we get a delivery in thats the hardest part, but stocking itself is easy so Im not complaining


Even though there are days at my current job where the workflow cuts off enough that I pretty surf all day, the easiest job I ever had was the three years in high school I spent as a camp counselor. Sure the pay was shit, but my "job" was to go swimming, do archery, hang out with the hot arts and crafts chicks while the rugrats were making their lanyards and bottles filled with colored sand...
Comic shop manager.

Shop opened at 1PM and stayed open until 8PM. Friday's I got out at 6PM, and weekends off.

Comic shops only do big business on new comic day, and on the weekends when the nerds with legitimate 9 to 5's can come in and pick up their pulls.

Most of the time was spent horsing around, throwing neighborhood kids out, playing hackey sack in front of the store, or watching and flirthing with the hot fresh off the boat Polak gals go walking to and from their job at the F.O.B. diner; where they would rope in studly, rich, white morons to get themselves a Green Card.

Worst part was no AC. Which is why my friends and I spent most of our time on the stoop being goons.

Good times.

R.I.P. Tim and Miguel.


it's going to come out of you and it's going to taste so good
In high school someone hired me to sit down and watch a hallway. Yep that's it. All I had to do was sit there and guard this tiny 20ft. long hallway with only one entrance and make sure no kids taking part in the afterschool activities went down there.

That was awesome. I just drank Crystal Pepsi, ate Chinese Food, did my homework, and had my friends come over and hang out by the hallway. If a kid went down the hallway I just let them, what the fuck did I care. All the doors were locked in the hallway anyways.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Spectral Glider said:
Oh, that and doing a sweep through the ladies room at the end of the day.....damn, women are slobs in the bathroom.

That's only because they have hot lesbian sex in there, or at least one would logically assume.


I work at an Enterprise car rental shop, and I work about 2 hours of my six hour shift--the other four hours there's nothing to do (once I've cleaned all the cars), and when I actually do work, it consists of spraying a car with water.

When there's no work to do, I read, play Wario Ware: Twisted!, or hang out with the office workers.

I also have to drive around to pick customers up, usually listening to NPR or sports radio. It's a rough life :D They don't pay much, but for the work I do (and for a summer job, especially), it's relatively painless.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
I guess it would have to be my work study job in my freshman year of college. I was a "computer lab monitor". It already would have been the easiest job ever, but the fact that I never showed up once made it even easier. The professor who was my "boss" was never around when I was supposed to be working, so I just didn't go. He just signed my timesheets and was none the wiser.

Of course, I only made $64 a week, but whatever.
Working valet.

For a 9 hour shift, roughly 2 of it includes parking expensive cars, and the rest of it includes sitting back in lawn chairs playing poker, or sleeping in your car.


I worked at a video store for about a week. It was pretty much dead at nights and I just watched movies all night.


I've never had what you guys and myself would consider an easy job. The closest I got was probably working at Playdium, but only during the part of the rotation where you were assigned on "float" - i.e. walk around :lol

It was great since you were encouraged to play games with people. So I'd always hit up DDR, there was always a crowd, or Initial D as the weekenders got to know me and couldn't beat me, muhahaha :p I don't blame them, I played Initial D for about a year (this was back when Ver.2 had come out).

Apart from that, never really had an *easy* job. I don't care though, I'm a bartender now and make really good tips for not too much work (I work a service bar at a higher end restaurant).


Looking for Pants
Lab Proctor at a Video Game Research Lab.

2 65" Widescreen TVs, XBox, PS2, GC... Xbox Live up to date games tons of PCs. Almost no one there, and I could do whatever I wanted but leave.


I was a scorekeeper for junior high girls' basketball games at the YMCA for $10 an hour. I also work at the front desk of my father's clinic for $8 an hour. For that, all I do is go online practically.


My easiest job had to be wading pool lifeguard. That's right - wading pool lifeguard. I actually turned down a job at the main pool because I didn't really want to teach lessons. I was more than willing to waste my NLS certification and that extra 75 cents an hour if I could have less responsibility. Oh sure, every now and then a kid would shit in the pool, or a mom would drift into fantasy land and let their kid drown under the slide, but it was pretty much a cakewalk.

30-40 hours a week of paid sitting in the sun daydreaming. Doesn't get any easier than that.


Dsal said:
In high school someone hired me to sit down and watch a hallway. Yep that's it. All I had to do was sit there and guard this tiny 20ft. long hallway with only one entrance and make sure no kids taking part in the afterschool activities went down there.

That was awesome. I just drank Crystal Pepsi, ate Chinese Food, did my homework, and had my friends come over and hang out by the hallway. If a kid went down the hallway I just let them, what the fuck did I care. All the doors were locked in the hallway anyways.

:lol :lol :lol :lol
I dont know but that made me laugh so hard


I don't know but what we are calling "easy" are actually the worst jobs ever. I was a receptionist at hotel and man that was booooooring! I think I would go crazy if I had to stare at a hallway for hours :lol


When I was in college I was a system administrator for a medical transcriptions company. The job involved making sure that medical transcriptions were received from the transcriptionists, transferring the medical reports over to the hospitals, and making sure the place didn't catch fire :) It was a very very very easy job on Saturday and Sunday mornings. I could go out and party all night, go into the office (I was the only one in the office on the weekends), start the first batch update and the go to sleep. Wake up, play some Super Metroid, send another batch, go back to sleep. Wake up, call all the transcriptionists to get their word counts into the accounting system, go downstairs and grab some pizza. Come back and watch some TV. Wait for my relief person to show up, and then clock out.

This was the easiest 8 hour job I've EVER had in my entire life. Paid reasonably well too :)


it's going to come out of you and it's going to taste so good
alejob said:
I don't know but what we are calling "easy" are actually the worst jobs ever. I was a receptionist at hotel and man that was booooooring! I think I would go crazy if I had to stare at a hallway for hours :lol

In high school, that was actually a great job. I could do my homework while I sat by the hallway, and it was kind of a good thing for me to just have this time where there was nothing better to do than study. If I were at home I'd just be playing Secret of Mana or something instead of writing essays.

I guess that's why all the real boring jobs in college end up getting called "Work Study" because it's such a lame job with so little actual duties that you'll be forced to do homework during the downtime.


Rent a cop at a first union (now wachovia) corporate building. I did 15 minutes tops of actual work for 4 10 hour shifts weekly. I would come in, hook up my console ( dreamcast at the time ), and either play or sleep all night. 15 bucks an hour doing that shit.
I work mostly midnights at a customs brokerage. The weeknights provide a fair bit of paperwork to do, but on the weekends I work a total of 1/8 hours. I spend the rest of the time browsing the forums. Might pick up a DS, PSP, or a mini-dvd player to mix things up.

Also my other jobs were comparitively less "easy". Prior to this I worked at various restaurants and call centres. I'm much happier pushing papers than pushing cell phones or slinging french fries.


My current job. I get paid well to sit around, do design work on a beautiful iMac G5 for most of the day. I get to spend 8 hours a day with illustrator and photoshop, plus the odd bit of print work.

Compared to some jobs other people have, this is easy.


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
Dude. English Teacher in Japan!

Not only do I have to do something that I have 20+ years of experience in, I get to chat with hot Japanese MILFs, barely legal Japanese schoolgirls, and everything in between!
Reno said:
Dude. English Teacher in Japan!

Not only do I have to do something that I have 20+ years of experience in, I get to chat with hot Japanese MILFs, barely legal Japanese schoolgirls, and everything in between!
Say whaaaat? How much did you get payed? I've always heard about how easy it was and all that but nothing about pay. I demand you make a thread on this at once!
Reno said:
Not only do I have to do something that I have 20+ years of experience in, I get to chat with hot Japanese MILFs, barely legal Japanese schoolgirls, and everything in between!

Pics please :D

... and I never had a easy job :(


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Reno said:
Dude. English Teacher in Japan!

Not only do I have to do something that I have 20+ years of experience in, I get to chat with hot Japanese MILFs, barely legal Japanese schoolgirls, and everything in between!

Yeah it is a good gig here, unless you are serious and want to be a real teacher... then it becomes a bit harder (as in dealing with Japanese from an older mind set)... However Conversation Schools *cough Nova* can be a pretty easy gig..


Queen of Denmark
One of the jobs I have now is an assistant at my college's library. I don't know why they agreed to hire me for this summer, because there's almost nothing for me to do. I do some interweb work for them sometimes, but it's never anything major. Some days I seriously spend like six hours on the GAF/Internet.

Luckily, to counterbalance that, I have another job working at a barn, which gives me the exercise I need after sitting my ass in a chair for eight hours.


Blackace said:
However Conversation Schools *cough Nova* can be a pretty easy gig..

It certainly doesn't sound easy. 40 hour week and only 10 minutes to prepare in between lessons while the management is breathing down your neck about being 'genki' enough.
Administering exams. There is a lot of responsibility associated with the job, but man, if you want a good part time job that pays well with little work, head down to your local high school with ashtrays or university's Testing office and see if they have any openings for test proctors or examiners. The only thing is, you'll have to sacrifice a Saturday morning, but I used to get paid about $150 for 6 hours worth of work.
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