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What's with the fear of starchy carbs?

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There's nothing wrong with fruit. Been eating lots of helpings a day for almost a year and have had no issues with the blood work my GF and I did a month or so back.


There's nothing wrong with fruit. Been eating lots of helpings a day for almost a year and have had no issues with the blood work I did a month or so back.

You're not going to get through to anti-fruit GAF. The way they talk, America's obesity problem is due to scarfing down a few pieces of fruit a day. I eat one piece of fruit (or handful of berries) a day and I'm not on death's doorstep.


You're not going to get through to anti-fruit GAF. The way they talk, America's obesity problem is due to scarfing down a few pieces of fruit a day. I eat one piece of fruit (or handful of berries) a day and I'm not on death's doorstep.

Fruit is the least of people's concern. Show me studies that link fruit consumption with obesity.


You're not going to get through to anti-fruit GAF. The way they talk, America's obesity problem is due to scarfing down a few pieces of fruit a day. I eat one piece of fruit (or handful of berries) a day and I'm not on death's doorstep.

We eat 3-4 pieces of fruit a day and usually a fruit smoothie (NOT JUICING, blending) every other day. Blood work was near perfect for both of us. I exercise moderately (25 min walking everyday plus 20 min of core work).


The only reason anyone eats healthy is so that they can judge someone. There MUST be a bad guy.

I don't deny there are a variety of diets that might work for someone. But I think vilifying all carbs is damaging and totally dishonest.

They've worked for me, my GF, and lots of other people we've known who've adopted a whole foods plant based diet (and other diets that use carbs as a large portion of consumption).

There doesn't ALWAYS have to be an enemy, and this (believing all carbs are bad) is a perfect example.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
There are none. It's a crazy assertion. Fruit vilification is utter nonsense.

Weren't you just talking about how you wanted studies about individual foods?

All fruits certainly do not have the same metabolic effects, so it seems pretty silly to blanket judge the entire category, especially since it's so loosely defined.


Weren't you just talking about how you wanted studies about individual foods?

All fruits certainly do not have the same metabolic effects, so it seems pretty silly to blanket judge the entire category, especially since it's so loosely defined.
I do.

But in the meantime I haven't seen fruit consumption and poor health outcomes linked. The opposite really.

Vegetable Oils yes.

Trans fats yes.

Excessive refined sugars yes.

Not whole fruits.


Carbs prevent your body from catabolyzing your muscles after your aerobic workouts. Your muscles will also look depleted without carbs.

That's why BCAA is for. But yes, they're really helpful for muscle growth, but this just means that when you're on diet you should have meal with carbs only after the workout. And since most people don't lift weights every day it means one carbs meal every two days at most.
There's just no scenario when while trying to loose weight you shouldn't at least try to limit the carbs intake.


So what we have learnt from this thread:

- Carbs are literally the mechanic of getting fat. Eat some lentils and you'll literally activate that mechanic and you'll get fat!

- Carbs are basically toxic to your body, though humans are able to tolerate a small amount of it (Did you know, lentils, rice, potatoes, berries and fruit are actually quite toxic to your body!)

- Blood type diet, people! To some people carbs are actually even more toxic than they already would be.

- Sugar and carbs are literally the same thing!!

- Did you know that diabetics aren't even supposed to eat carbs? Therefore, carbs are the root of all evil.

- Starch is broken down into glucose in your body, therefore starch is like a simple/refined sugar.

- You don't need carbs to survive, therefore carbs are literally the devil.

- Fruit is like coke with a little bit of added vitamins.

- "I have lost X amount of weight by eating less carbs, therefore carbs are actually the root of all evil"


You're not going to convince anyone who's been indoctrinated since birth that fruit is good for you.

It just doesn't intuitively make sense to them that fruit would be as terrible for them as drinking a regular soda.
People hate fruit now? Eh just gotta keep everything in moderation I guess.

When I used to be an interpreter, I remember the doc telling patients to eat a bit of fruit but to not make smoothies out of them because it would be way too much sugar for them since you use more than the daily amount of fruits to make enough juice/smoothie. This was for weight loss, these kids needed to lose weight or else since they were already diabetic/prediabetic at age 10.


- You don't need carbs to survive, therefore carbs are literally the devil.

I've wouldn't say that, but maybe more zealous people have. Carbs are just the least essential part of any diet, so they are the first to go when it comes to cutting calories. It's not really crazy to suggest that the intake of an energy source you literally do not need yet is so easy to overeat in modern society should be watched closely. People 'demonize' carbs because, of the three, they've earned it the most.

When I used to be an interpreter, I remember the doc telling patients to eat a bit of fruit but to not make smoothies out of them because it would be way too much sugar for them since you use more than the daily amount of fruits to make enough juice/smoothie. This was for weight loss, these kids needed to lose weight or else since they were already diabetic/prediabetic at age 10.

I mean, you say that like the smoothie is magic. Everything that goes into it can be measured. If you eat more calories than you expend, chances are you're going to gain weight. Sometimes that's desirable (dem gainz) but for most people, watching your total intake and counting calories is enough to start the weight loss process.


You're not going to convince anyone who's been indoctrinated since birth that fruit is good for you.

It just doesn't intuitively make sense to them that fruit would be as terrible for them as drinking a regular soda.
Show me studies that link fruit to weight gain or obesity. Even the more sugary ones like dates. Unless you're going out of your way to eat too much, fruit is not going make you fat or unhealthy.

My GF and I eat fruit multiple times a day and lose weight.

This is an absurd myth.

You know we've reached a new low when diet requires that we cut fruits or veggies.


You know carbphobia is getting out of hand when people are saying not to eat fruit. A big problem with bad American food isn't just the carbs, it's that food items will have a big portion of nutritionally-devoid, sugar-laden carbs combined with a good amount of fat. That's a recipe for storing fat, especially when adding a sedentary lifestyle.

If eating to lose weight, I'd emphasize (in order):
Calories > macronutrients > micronutrients

If eating for "health":
Micronutrients > macronutrients > calories

Ideally, you'd want to blend the two approaches and emphasize all three aspects since maintaining a healthy weight has a pronounced effect on general health. Ideally, if you are also concerned about health, you are exercising at least 3 times per week and carbs will be a good source on energy. Of course, since you're also emphasizing eating for health, you'll want to concentrate on the most nutritious carbs like fruit, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains.

I tried a few different diets, but ultimately lost weight with no problems eating carbs every day. 213 lbs to 145 lbs and I've maintained that weight for about 5 years. I continue to eat a serving or two of fruit every day and probably get around 30-40% of my calories from carbs on any given day. I haven't blown up and gotten fat again because of the carbs. But I emphasize a healthy overall diet. Your mileage may vary.


in general I think the best thing you can do is to avoid heavily processed foods. most people would become much healthier and loose weight from that alone despite how much rice or pasta they eat.
People hate fruit now? Eh just gotta keep everything in moderation I guess.

I think it's not about hating fruit, but you got tons and tons of people who think they will lose weight by drinking gallons of natural orange juice with no additives because it's healthy. It has vitamin c in it, is completely natural and super healthy. Therefore you can drink a lot of it and lose weight or at the very least it doesn't hurt that much.
But there is a really surprising amount of fructose in orange juice. And even if you just eat a lot of oranges with the pulp, you get a lot of nutritional benefits but there still is a lot of fructose. More so than many people understand.

Secondly, an observation I've seen is that many people who are overweight and want to lose weight have bad eating habits. they snack in front of the tv or when watching a movie. they excessily eat with emotions, and so when they go on a diet they are on the lookout for alternatives. And that is where over eating otherwise healthy foods make things go off the rails. it belittles the amount of calories.
Take peanut butter. Really good oils, really healthy, lots of good fats and nutritional benefits, but it doesn't take a lot of natural peanut butter on flat bread to completely break the caloric bank.
So the result is that moderation is difficult, and "take only one chip" is not feesable for many people. People eat one, they want more. Instead the psychological advocacy seems to be that you simply stir away from consuming these things to avoid temptations.

Fruit is still really healthy. But it can be a gateway caloric abuse inducer if you're not careful. I think a great deal of people lie to themselves justifying foods that will limit their weight loss under the guise that it is healthy and natural.
It's part of the spell about natural being good and unnatural being bad and unhealthy. It's a weird line in the sand to draw about what is good and what is bad for you. An arbitary invincible lines highlighted by cognitive dissonance for people with limited knowledge of nutritional supplement. They haven't read a lot about it, and so it's better to chalk it up as that healthy = can eat my face off, and unhealthy = its really really bad in ways I don't have to specify. vaccines are bad, gmos are bad, artifical sweetners is bad. it's bad because it doesn't come from mother earth and there is a reason why they dont sell it in the wellness stores with the branding with the happy youthful yoga lady.
If there wasn't something to it, there wouldn't be so many google hits about it being harmful.
And that is just the way having an uninformed opinion goes unchallenged. At that point its easy to dismiss the rest as hive mind, or people who are in on the conspiracy.



I think it's not about hating fruit, but you got tons and tons of people who think they will lose weight by drinking gallons of natural orange juice with no additives because it's healthy.

If this is the case there seems to be a poor perception of what constitutes "fruit" (in general, not your perspective). Juice extract is not fruit. Eat fruit whole or blended (do NOT juice).

It's so strange that people have this fixation on NOT EATING TOO MUCH FRUIT when they're stuffing so much junk in their bodies. If you're eating right, fruit is the absolute least of your concern.

It's like those people who say DON'T EAT TOO MUCH KALE IT'S BAD FOR YOU when they're scarfing down fast food on the daily. Just bizarre.


Keto is dumb. I often wonder the long term damage people are doing to their bodies consuming such massive quantities of meat and cheese.

And the funny thing is, eating crap loads of red meat, fatty milk products, and all those things with high amounts of trans fat and too much omega-6 fatty acids (in comparison to omega-3) will actually indeed fuck you up by giving you a systematic state of infection, gut problems, digestion problems, heart problems and even diabetes instead of making you healthy.

The Western diet is already too high in omega-6 and trans fats, so going keto with that style is just... horrible.

You need a balanced diet with good carbs such as vegetables and full grain products, essential fatty acids with a good balance between omega 6 and 3, and good source of proteins such as fish, chicken, nuts and beans (not red meat),


And the funny thing is, eating crap loads of red meat, fatty milk products, and all those things with high amounts of trans fat and too much omega-6 fatty acids (in comparison to omega-3) will actually indeed fuck you up by giving you a systematic state of infection, gut problems, digestion problems, heart problems and even diabetes instead of making you healthy.

The Western diet is already too high in omega-6 and trans fats, so going keto with that style is just... horrible.

You need a balanced diet with good carbs such as vegetables and full grain products, essential fatty acids with a good balance between omega 6 and 3, and good source of proteins such as fish, chicken, nuts and beans (not red meat),

And you don't even need to get protein from meats, either, if you don't want. You can get it from a variety of veggies/nuts if you're eating enough calories. Been vegan for almost a year now and feeling good.

The Lamp

in general I think the best thing you can do is to avoid heavily processed foods. most people would become much healthier and loose weight from that alone despite how much rice or pasta they eat.

I think you're misinformed as to what "processed foods" are.

It's convenient to make mental rules for yourself like "don't eat processed foods" but really people just need to read the nutrition label on their food.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
And the funny thing is, eating crap loads of red meat, fatty milk products, and all those things with high amounts of trans fat and too much omega-6 fatty acids (in comparison to omega-3) will actually indeed fuck you up by giving you a systematic state of infection, gut problems, digestion problems, heart problems and even diabetes instead of making you healthy.

The Western diet is already too high in omega-6 and trans fats, so going keto with that style is just... horrible.

You need a balanced diet with good carbs such as vegetables and full grain products, essential fatty acids with a good balance between omega 6 and 3, and good source of proteins such as fish, chicken, nuts and beans (not red meat),


I mean, everything you wrote was pretty much nonsense, but diabetes from eating a high-fat/low-carb diet?

Please explain that mechanism.

And you don't even need to get protein from meats, either, if you don't want. You can get it from a variety of veggies/nuts if you're eating enough calories. Been vegan for almost a year now and feeling good.

Or you can get complete proteins in one stop with eggs and meat while also getting a host of other essential nutrients. I won't try to convince you, though.

Keto is dumb. I often wonder the long term damage people are doing to their bodies consuming such massive quantities of meat and cheese.

None? Why would anyone expect damage from meat and cheese? What mechanism is at play? Please no playing to unfounded fears about "artery-clogging fat" or other such nonsense.


None? Why would anyone expect damage from meat and cheese? What mechanism is at play? Please no playing to unfounded fears about "artery-clogging fat" or other such nonsense.

afaik meat increases risk of cancer. maybe all proteins do? Anyway from what I understand if you go low carb you should make sure the majority of energy comes from fat and try to keep protein intake relatively low. the 1 g protein per pound body weight guideline is not scientifically supported.

I think you're misinformed as to what "processed foods" are.

It's convenient to make mental rules for yourself like "don't eat processed foods" but really people just need to read the nutrition label on their food.
yeah thinking about it I don't really mean processed foods but rather 'refined' foods.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future

I mean, everything you wrote was pretty much nonsense, but diabetes from eating a high-fat/low-carb diet?

Please explain that mechanism.
Because your body is still generating it's own carbohydrates and as they are in short supply insulin resistance occurs to allow them to be used by the brain. Like that Olaf sorenson who was going to beat his grandfather's marathon time on a ketogenic diet, until he had to quit that idea as he was heading towards getting type 2 diabetes.
It's not really a risk when you are still over-weight, but it's definitely a risk if you are lean and engaging in high intensity exercise.


Because your body is still generating it's own carbohydrates and as they are in short supply insulin resistance occurs to allow them to be used by the brain. Like that Olaf sorenson who was going to beat his grandfather's marathon time on a ketogenic diet, until he had to quit that idea as he was heading towards getting type 2 diabetes.
It's not really a risk when you are still over-weight, but it's definitely a risk if you are lean and engaging in high intensity exercise.

This is ridiculous. Physiological insulin resistance is not the same as pathalogical insulin resistance.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Because your body is still generating it's own carbohydrates and as they are in short supply insulin resistance occurs to allow them to be used by the brain. Like that Olaf sorenson who was going to beat his grandfather's marathon time on a ketogenic diet, until he had to quit that idea as he was heading towards getting type 2 diabetes.
It's not really a risk when you are still over-weight, but it's definitely a risk if you are lean and engaging in high intensity exercise.

This guy? https://www.facebook.com/olaf.sorensen.9?fref=nf

Where in the world are you getting that he was even remotely approaching type 2 diabetes? That is a completely insane accusation.

The amount of glucose your body produces on a ketogenic diet is minuscule in comparison to the amount of a glucose the averaged person gets on a "balanced" diet, much less the carb-heavy diets so many people eat these days.
Fruit is the least of people's concern. Show me studies that link fruit consumption with obesity.

If you're a healthy weight or just need to lose a few fruit is fine.

If you're trying to lose a lot of weight or its affecting your health you should avoid it along with any sugary foods because it makes it harder to solve your problem.


I learned when I lost weight a calorie is a calorie.. Now weather it is good for you or not, that's another story


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
This guy? https://www.facebook.com/olaf.sorensen.9?fref=nf

Where in the world are you getting that he was even remotely approaching type 2 diabetes? That is a completely insane accusation.

The amount of glucose your body produces on a ketogenic diet is minuscule in comparison to the amount of a glucose the averaged person gets on a "balanced" diet, much less the carb-heavy diets so many people eat these days.
From him:
I knew all too well that any signs or symptoms of any damage, may not show until much later in life.

I came across evidence to suggest that accumulated stress from prolonged excessive exercise over time may lead to insulin resistance, in other words – type two diabetes.

When I started to see a very distinct picture emerging of a negative outcome possibly outweighing the positive, I felt left with no other choice than to abandon my current pursuit.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
well over 95 percent of human evolution took place before agriculture. Starchy carbs are not what we are designed to use for fuel.

Then again, Asian cultures live on rice, so I dunno. Portion control is probably the bigger thing, and you don't fill up immediately on Starchy carbs the way you do on other sources


And the funny thing is, eating crap loads of red meat, fatty milk products, and all those things with high amounts of trans fat and too much omega-6 fatty acids (in comparison to omega-3) will actually indeed fuck you up by giving you a systematic state of infection, gut problems, digestion problems, heart problems and even diabetes instead of making you healthy.

The Western diet is already too high in omega-6 and trans fats, so going keto with that style is just... horrible.

You need a balanced diet with good carbs such as vegetables and full grain products, essential fatty acids with a good balance between omega 6 and 3, and good source of proteins such as fish, chicken, nuts and beans (not red meat),

This post gave me diabetes.

If anyone is looking for diet advice, please do not listen to a damn thing the person I quited said. 100% bizarro world information.
So what we have learnt from this thread:

- Carbs are literally the mechanic of getting fat. Eat some lentils and you'll literally activate that mechanic and you'll get fat!

- Carbs are basically toxic to your body, though humans are able to tolerate a small amount of it (Did you know, lentils, rice, potatoes, berries and fruit are actually quite toxic to your body!)

- Blood type diet, people! To some people carbs are actually even more toxic than they already would be.

- Sugar and carbs are literally the same thing!!

- Did you know that diabetics aren't even supposed to eat carbs? Therefore, carbs are the root of all evil.

- Starch is broken down into glucose in your body, therefore starch is like a simple/refined sugar.

- You don't need carbs to survive, therefore carbs are literally the devil.

- Fruit is like coke with a little bit of added vitamins.

- "I have lost X amount of weight by eating less carbs, therefore carbs are actually the root of all evil"

Lol good summary.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
afaik meat increases risk of cancer. maybe all proteins do? Anyway from what I understand if you go low carb you should make sure the majority of energy comes from fat and try to keep protein intake relatively low. the 1 g protein per pound body weight guideline is not scientifically supported.

Nothing particularly compelling really, beyond typical correlations that don't imply causation.

1g of protein per pound body weight is a lot and I think it's a perversion of the 1 ~ 1.5g per lean body mass recommendation that you see in body building circles. Unless you're actively building muscle, you really don't need a ton of protein.


He pinned the causation specifically on his excessive exercise for marathon training. i.e. chronic cardio. It has nothing to do with his diet.

I didn't read his explanation, but I imagine it has something to do with chronic cardio leading into constantly elevated levels of cortisol which could lead to insulin resistance.

He seems to be proponent of resistance training now. He certainly looks better for it in my opinion.
I learned when I lost weight a calorie is a calorie.. Now weather it is good for you or not, that's another story

Well some foods are very calorie dense and don't satisfy. A lot of fruits are like that. Berries and apples are a little higher fiber, but grapes, oranges, bananas, etc get a lot of their calorie content from sugar which just isn't filling or useful unless you've just finished a run.

Especially dried fruit or processed fruit products focus on the sugar over the other stuff.
And the funny thing is, eating crap loads of red meat, fatty milk products, and all those things with high amounts of trans fat and too much omega-6 fatty acids (in comparison to omega-3) will actually indeed fuck you up by giving you a systematic state of infection, gut problems, digestion problems, heart problems and even diabetes instead of making you healthy.

The Western diet is already too high in omega-6 and trans fats, so going keto with that style is just... horrible.

You need a balanced diet with good carbs such as vegetables and full grain products, essential fatty acids with a good balance between omega 6 and 3, and good source of proteins such as fish, chicken, nuts and beans (not red meat),
I fuckin love non FitGAF health threads


If you're a healthy weight or just need to lose a few fruit is fine.

If you're trying to lose a lot of weight or its affecting your health you should avoid it along with any sugary foods because it makes it harder to solve your problem.

You will continue to lose weight eating whole fruit. This is complete nonsense.

This post gave me diabetes.

If anyone is looking for diet advice, please do not listen to a damn thing the person I quited said. 100% bizarro world information.
Don't have any experience going keto but eating carbs (from whole foods), whole grains and other plant foods has kept me the healthiest I've ever been for almost a year now.

How exactly would one be getting diabetes from what he suggested?


I can speak from AIP (autoimmune protocol) side which is a stricter subset of paleo. My wife has an autoimmune disease and so we've been getting into this. I can't claim I have a strong faith in their convictions but they seem to have at least small-scale studies for evidence. They don't eat potatoes because they are a nighshade which have chemicals that increase permeability of the intestine. "Leaky gut" (partially digested food proteins and other intestinal bacteria getting past the intestinal lining where there is a lot of immune system cells and creating body-wide inflammation) is a condition they are very worried about because it's commonly paired with autoimmune conditions (and general IBS). Pretty much all grains and proto grains are also banned because allegedly gluten and agglutens (found in proto grains) can do something similar. As a result, it's nearly impossible to eat carbs in any large quantity. Also because carbs are not something biologically necessary (your body can compensate with ketosis but there seems to be a lot of incomplete research on how harmful that may or may not be) they are left out as the idea is to trade nutrient low foods (starchy carbs) for nutrient high foods (greens for instance). So we tend to eat relatively high fat, low carb, not for macronutrient ratios but because of the possible biological irritants. It's an interesting idea that I was never really exposed to before this and certainly not a reason I would have considered changing my diet for.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
You will continue to lose weight eating whole fruit. This is complete nonsense.

Don't have any experience going keto but eating carbs (from whole foods), whole grains and other plant foods has kept me the healthiest I've ever been for almost a year now.

How exactly would one be getting diabetes from what he suggested?

The mechanism for insulin resistance, which can eventually lead to type 2 diabetes, is very clearly understood at this stage. I would highly recommend you thoroughly understand it if you intend to continue eating a primarily carbohydrate diet.
Gaf has a MASSIVE diet soda defense force (even though that shit is literally poison); was about to warn the guy about that, but it seems I was too late.

Look, I'm not going to sit here and say "replace your bottle of water with a can of Diet Coke," but aspartame is not "literally poison."


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
The mechanism for insulin resistance, which can eventually lead to type 2 diabetes, is very clearly understood at this stage. I would highly recommend you thoroughly understand it if you intend to continue eating a primarily carbohydrate diet.
Since when? There are still several proposed mechanisms for insulin resistance and there are likely multiple pathways in which insulin resistance occurs. Where are you seeing this consensus?
But fats are also calorie dense, so you can't go overboard on them when you're dieting. I don't think fats are too blame for heart disease, but you will get fat eating too many avocados and nuts.

Carbs also help refuel glycogen stores. Glucose is still the preferred energy source for the body and that is broken down from carbs.

Heck, it stars in mouths via salivary amylase, showing a huge evolutionary preference there.

But the brain actually runs better off ketosis than glycolysis, as does endurance exercise. Of course, you can't have glycogen stores and be in ketosis.

The insulin cycle (glucose control) is a pretty bad evolutionary design too, in contrast with ketogenic pathways. There are a lot of people who are genetically prone to it failing.

I think the ideal diet is very individual and genetics-based. Your response to glucose and fat is the sum of many different pathways and proteins, all of which will have slight sequence variations and quirks in a population. The body is fully designed IN THEORY to use either carbs or fat as an energy source, so I would expect a spectrum of response.


well over 95 percent of human evolution took place before agriculture. Starchy carbs are not what we are designed to use for fuel.

Then again, Asian cultures live on rice, so I dunno. Portion control is probably the bigger thing, and you don't fill up immediately on Starchy carbs the way you do on other sources

Starch granules have been found in Paleolithic human sites.


We obviously ate meat, but meat was extremely calorically expensive. Hunting is very difficult, even with modern hunter gatherers.

Fire seems to be big discovery that allowed hominids to get access to more calories than other animals.


. Carmody explains that only a fraction of the calories in raw starch and protein are absorbed by the body directly via the small intestine. The remainder passes into the large bowel, where it is broken down by that organ’s ravenous population of microbes, which consume the lion’s share for themselves. Cooked food, by contrast, is mostly digested by the time it enters the colon; for the same amount of calories ingested, the body gets roughly 30 percent more energy from cooked oat, wheat or potato starch as compared to raw, and as much as 78 percent from the protein in an egg. In Carmody’s experiments, animals given cooked food gain more weight than animals fed the same amount of raw food. And once they’ve been fed on cooked food, mice, at least, seemed to prefer it.

The Kitavans, a contemporary hunter gatherer group get most of their calories from starchy tubers. They also eat fish, but that's not the majority of calories.

Ketosis is an amazing metabolic pathway. I'd wager humans wouldn't have survived the Ice Age without it, where plant live was probably less abundant.
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