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What's your dream game?

I know this isn't vey imaginative, but I really do dream about having a tactical online third person shooter on console. that would be ideally be a socom 2 remaster but I would love an outstanding new IP as well. It's a dying/dead genre unfortunately.


It's hard to describe what my dream would actually be. It's certainly not a sequel or reboot of any kind. If anything my dream game is the game I would develop, God willing I ever had the opportunity to do so.

It's more of an amalgamation of several design concepts and ideas, but at its core it would be an adventure title. Something I hope to realize one day.
An Armored Core game with the Aesthetics and controls of Verdict Day, but just a little more sim and perhaps a few open world elements (maybe driving those crazy helicopters around the huge open world to deliver your mech to hotspots), Oh, and a ton more missions. And botmode


I've always wanted something along the lines of Heroes as a video game. Discover your chosen power, trying to avoid capture by the Company/death by Sylar. Infamous series more fleshed out i guess you could say. Preferably with cooperative multiplayer that's not separate from the main game.


An open world GTA style game set in modern world with some magical elements but with bayonetta combat, romance options, include a dating simulator, and have some kind of gripping story, not just save the world/friend ship is magic bullshit also have it include some kind of online element like dark souls where other players can invade, leave messages etc. Director being Kojima, writer david cage, composer Yoko shinomura, Development team Rockstar games.

FFXV comes close except the combat sucks ( from the demos i played ) nothing like bayonetta, and game really isn't open world from what we know.

Open world Naruto RPG with the anime's original soundtrack

The Witcher 3 was a dream come true for me.

I adored The Witcher 2, finished it so many times. But when playing it, I always thought that what if I can explore more of this world, what if there are more side activities in this amazing setting, what if The Witcher 2 is an open world game. And boom, The Witcher 3 happens.


Harry Potter Persona.

Arkham-quality Spider-Man.

Lovecraftian sci-fi Dark Souls. Ancient alien ruins, laser swords, trippy fucked up aliens to fight. It could be amazing.

Middle Earth RPG that has the rights to everything and not just the small subset of stories/characters directly pertaining to the battle of the Ring. (Fuck off Chris Tolkien)

Yes, yes, yes and yes.


I have multiple:

- Outrun 3 ...just take Outrun 2's core concepts, improve the graphics and add some more route options; perhaps add more Cannonball Run influences like cop chases or other road adventures. Maybe add some rogue-like elements like changing circumstances and needing to refuel.

- (Semi-) Open world Castlevania game made by the Bloodborne team using Fox engine and Lords of Shadows character designs and atmosphere. I want to see Dracula's castle in the distance but have to explore other areas like hamlets, forests and caves first to be able to gain enough strength and equipment to reach and tackle it. Make it the ultimate 3D gothic action adventure game.

- Street Fighter 3: Fourth Strike, done like Wild Guns Reloaded with widescreen support, new sprite art for new characters, new balancing.

- Garou: Mark of the Wolves 2, also in vein of Wild Guns Reloaded, aka with new sprite art and widescreen support.

- New RPG that captures the feeling of adventure and excitement like Grandia and Skies of Arcadia.

- New Vandal Hearts style SRPG, one where characters don't walk in place like peons on a game board.

- A new Panzer Dragoon Saga or game set in PD world.

- A 3D beat 'm up that builds upon the foundation set by Final Fight, Streets of Rage, AVP (etc.) and God Hand and innovates upon it further to finally get this genre back on the map.

- New Seiken Densetsu in style of 2 and 3.

- New 3D Mario game that builds upon 64 and Sunshine to deliver a more open experience. Perhaps something that takes inspiration from DQ Builders / Minecraft. I want to be able to explore the Mushroom Kingdom while platforming organically through the landscape and not be restricted by small levels and obstacle courses in a vacuum.


A combination of Crusader Kings and Total War with maybe a pinch of having to make decisions on the direction of your realm ala Fable III (but much deeper and better, obviously) or even the Telltale Game of Thrones game.

A man can dream...


Legend of Dragoon prequel, Rose main character. And with the same (or improved but basically the same) combat, i love the addition system.
So Alundra or Darksiders then? Well, Darksiders did have that one fetch quest at the end I guess.

Mine would just straight up be a Matsuno led Vagrant Story 2 or Final Fantasy Tactics 2.

Nah, Darksiders was okay but not nearly up to the quality of Zelda.
And not in the way i want. It still has to be a Zelda game. Made by Nintendo.


I don't really think I have a "dream," game that's better than any of my favorites that already exist, but my concept for a game that I want that'll never happen is Crossover Nintendo RPG, with a TTYD-inspired battle system and writing.


Gold Member
At this precise moment, I can think of a new King of Fighters game in 240p 2D (Neo-Geo style).

Or a best of all the 2D games, including all the characters, and the possibility to edit the roster. Or even make your own game (characters, backgrounds, musics, gameplay style) choosing from all the content that was created in 2D in old KOF games.

And a new Shining Force game by Camelot, without the old character designs (not the current one).


Too many to name. I'll name two off the top of my head:

1. Fire Emblem Musou. Complete with weapon triangle. Will use fe fates roster or it could be characters from all major games. Ike, roy, Marth, the works!

2. Platinum developed 3d megamanzero. Complete with cuuuhhhraazzyy combos for zero. I imagine it will play like devastation in that you can aim your gun mid combo (z buster in this case) and he obviously can enter bullet time by dodging (dashing?) at the right moment.

Will also have megamanzeros's signature difficult platforming sections!


Too many to name. If they ever pull it off STAR CITIZEN will be pretty close.

Otherwise i have a rythm game/fighting game that has been in my head for a while.

2.5D Starfox X Punchout with the Superman IP

A prequel to Xenoblade X in the spirit of Metal Gear Rising Revengance

Assasins Creed/Uncharted with actual platforming
Rpg life simulator with growth elements encompassing a complete genre shift when the protagonist moves into adulthood. Essentially combining Persona 4 and Catherine into a single game.
I keep a running list of games I want to make one day. I have somewhere between 15 and 20 ideas jotted down. Some are just single sentences, others borderline on full design documents.

One game I don't think anyone will ever make is a natural disaster game. After seeing the GTAIV "Carmageddon" video series it made me want a full-on natural disaster game, like 2012 in video game form, or something. A whole entire city that could deform and crash down around you in real time because meteors are falling out of the sky or there's an insane hurricane or something like that.

Stuntman Ignition did something like this, too, where one of the movie sets you had to drive through was a Dante's-Peak-style volcano eruption, but I want something on the scale of GTA where it's open world and you have to figure out a route to safety based on semi-dynamic factors.

I understand that there were some PS2 games in Japan based on this concept, and that there's even a new entry coming up on current-gen consoles involving surviving a Godzilla attack, but those don't have quite the same flavor I'm picturing in my head, from what I've seen of them.

I want sort of a survival game, with a rudimentary crafting system and "needs" like food and water. Your goal is to traverse the city as its falling to pieces, maybe collect loved ones, and then get out before the city collapses entirely. Though I mention GTA, vehicles would only be usable in short bursts. Ideally, maybe a single playthrough only lasts 3-4 hours, but because of the game's dynamic elements, multiple playthroughs change how you have to route through the city to get to your objectives.

The problem here is that this would be impossible to make. You'd not only have to build an entire open world city, but preferably interiors for most buildings, with a heretofore unseen level of physics interactions. For the kind of openness needed to make this truly stand-out, we're talking a generation or two beyond the one we're currently at.

And even then, it's probably never going to be financially feasible.


A great 3rd person action adventure game. Mega Man Legends / Zelda style of game with super charming overworlds and mysterious secrets and enemies below the surface. You would think there would be tons of these, but it's almost just Zelda.
Sentai/Super Robot game with fleshed out mechanics for both your hero and your Robot.
Customization on robot chasis, weapons, etc and your hero with various sentai-as-fuck poses.


Neo Member
*cracks knuckles*


A third-person, stealth-action-platforming open-world RPG (with non-lethal combat), taking place in a large, modern day section of war-torn Africa, specifically around a demilitarized zone.

You would play as a British journalist of African descent, having had a rough arrival to the area, leaving the protagonist alone and forced to make alliances with the local people to survive.

Your character would essentially be the media lifeline from this one region to the outside world. From story missions of trying to find your missing news crew teammates, reporting and taking photos of the actions of two of the local militias, performing odd jobs for the residents of the village you use as a home base and any other people you meet along the way, to even taking photos of the local wildlife to catalogue their population and for the occasional puff piece...

Your actions would have a direct effect on the area, as the way you choose to slant or not slant your reporting affects the perception of the outside world to the people around you, enabling or denying life-giving foreign aid, affecting underground arms dealing, banking prospects for the militias, and even whether you have stable internet access with which to post your photos and stories.

It'd be a fine balancing act between appeasing your editors, finding the supplies you need to keep reporting, choosing how involved you become with the people around you or to keep your objectivity, and even having a hand in which way the war you're reporting on goes.

It's the journalism game I've been brewing for a decade.


Neo Member
Also I'd like to see a Star Fox RPG reminiscent of, but not cribbing wholesale, the style of Mass Effect.


Donkey Kong Jungle Beat 'Em Up

a 3D beat 'em up in the vain of God Hand staring Donkey Kong beating the shit out of everything including but not limited to Kremlings, Lilttle Mac, Mario, Dread Kong, Stanley the Bug Man, and Donkey Kong Jr. Have the soundtrack be something in the vain of Tropical Freeze's music. Have Platinum develop it since I'm not sure who else could pull it off, but keep Miyamoto far away. Let Koizumi direct and give it a neat little narrative hook and some of the charm/humor of a Link's Awakening since I also just want to let the man be unleashed.

I am a simple man at heart.

Also have always wanted a 4 player coop Star Fox campaign with the meat and depth of Star Fox/Star Fox 64 in terms of hidden paths and so forth.


- A new soft-rebooted Tekken, with completely new assets and animations, a diverse smaller roster and nerfed juggle game.
And a ton of other changes

- An AAA Monster Hunter game using latest tech and assets for its generation's consoles and PC
or "Lost Planet 2" 2

- Hideki Kamiya's Õkami 2


Zelda: Breath of the Wild is shaping up to be my favorite game of all time and ofcourse my dream game.

It's crazy how much stuff you can do only on the Plateau it's like the Gta of the adventure/action genre wich is very exciting. It's why the nx rumors are killing me i really hope it launches in march.
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