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When/how will we get compensation from China for COVID?


I think I speak for everyone when I say this past year has SUCKED.

From lost jobs, lost wages, lost bonuses, lost enjoyment of life, poorer mental health (way more stress), poorer physical health (way less exercise), and for the least fortunate of us, moderate to severe to fatal illness impacting ourselves and our loved ones.

Yet this isn't a mystery why we have had this pain and suffering imposed on us. China unquestionably suppressed the existence of the virus to the point where it become a local epidemic, then allowed its Wuhan residents to travel freely throughout the country (never forget 5m residents travelled out of the city during January's Chinese New Year) which eventually lead to the global pandemic.

While I know none of us have "THE" answer (any political insiders? haha), I am genuinely curious to hear ideas on how or even IF we will be compensated in any form.

Perhaps countries sue China?
Perhaps individuals sue China? (good luck getting a cent from a sovereign nation)
Perhaps countries ally together to apply "COVID tariffs" on Chinese products until the trillions of damages we are owed is recovered?
Perhaps nothing happens and we all just lost a year of our life, and tough luck to us all?
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Joe T.

China is guilty of covering up information about the virus and using propaganda to legitimize incredibly damaging "mitigation" measures that did far, far more harm than good.

We're guilty of trusting our governments, "experts." and "trusted" corporate news outlets that are using that same propaganda and fear to control us.

Time to wake up and turn the tide, don't normalize this garbage we're currently living through. Everyone needs to open up their businesses, get back to pre-pandemic life and tell the government to screw off. They've burned their credibility to their ground.
China is guilty of covering up information about the virus and using propaganda to legitimize incredibly damaging "mitigation" measures that did far, far more harm than good.

We're guilty of trusting our governments, "experts." and "trusted" corporate news outlets that are using that same propaganda and fear to control us.

Time to wake up and turn the tide, don't normalize this garbage we're currently living through. Everyone needs to open up their businesses, get back to pre-pandemic life and tell the government to screw off. They've burned their credibility to their ground.

It is a real virus, but it is not a world-ending epidemic nor close.

But I agree with your statement as do likely many millions upon millions of people.




China would have to first accept sole blame---which they never do, for anything, ever. I'm not saying any other country is different, though.---before you could even begin to consider some sort of compensation, none of which you personally would benefit from, much less receive directly.


I think I speak for everyone when I say this past year has SUCKED.

From lost jobs, lost wages, lost bonuses, lost enjoyment of life, poorer mental health (way more stress), poorer physical health (way less exercise), and for the least fortunate of us, moderate to severe to fatal illness impacting ourselves and our loved ones.

Yet this isn't a mystery why we have had this pain and suffering imposed on us. China unquestionably suppressed the existence of the virus to the point where it become a local epidemic, then allowed its Wuhan residents to travel freely throughout the country (never forget 5m residents travelled out of the city during January's Chinese New Year) which eventually lead to the global pandemic.

While I know none of us have "THE" answer (any political insiders? haha), I am genuinely curious to hear ideas on how or even IF we will be compensated in any form.

Perhaps countries sue China?
Perhaps individuals sue China? (good luck getting a cent from a sovereign nation)
Perhaps countries ally together to apply "COVID tariffs" on Chinese products until the trillions of damages we are owed is recovered?
Perhaps nothing happens and we all just lost a year of our life, and tough luck to us all?

They give a shit about the enviroment, they give a shit about other countries and they surely give a shit about your affected life.

They just celebrating that America is heading back into the Climate Change Pact with Paris, so they have the advantange over America.
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Unconfirmed Member
I just want to know wther it was intentionally released or not. We won't ever know the truth though.


I always laugh when people blame their governments for the shitshow that has been 2020 when they seem to forget that its because of china and their primitive handling of food that we are having this problem in the first place. The worst part is that wet markets are still thriving in China.
I don't understand, its as if the CCP neuralized the whole world into forgetting where the virus came from.
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My fantasy is that my girlfriend was actually a young high school girl.
We Australians are enjoying the CCP compensation treatment as we speak. Cheers 🍷


How'd you lose a year of your life?
Dramatization to get the point across.

Didn't lose a year of life but when I consider travel, socialization with friends, Muay Thai classes, going to the theatre, etc. to be a huge part of what makes up my non-work life, then I'd be comfortable saying I've lost anywhere between 15-30% of normal enjoyment this year.

Wouldn't be surprised if more extroverted people say 50% or more.

Point is we did nothing wrong to deserve any negative. It was caused by the actions (more accurately, the inaction) of China. Hence the thread!


all applications for compensation should be submitted via tik tok

this will be going to the top of the Chinese government's to do list, along with stopping the human rights abuses against Uyghurs


Gold Member
The lack of interest from the government and media towards getting to the bottom of this really makes me think it's not as simple as China fucking up on its own.

How'd you lose a year of your life?

Are you one of those soys that was bragging about being able to live in your pajamas and not go to happy hour anymore?

I haven't been able to properly socialize, go to work, frequent my usual restaurants and go to the gym (a lot of places have closed down permanently), see my family regularly, travel, and so forth. The government has stripped me of all my rights. I've suffered mental health problems from isolation and constant fear mongering. It's been awful, but most importantly, when someone does this to someone else, there is normally legal channels to pursue to gain restitution.
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The lack of interest from the government and media towards getting to the bottom of this really makes me think it's not as simple as China fucking up on its own.

Are you one of those soys that was bragging about being able to live in your pajamas and not go to happy hour anymore?

I haven't been able to properly socialize, go to work, frequent my usual restaurants and go to the gym (a lot of places have closed down permanently), see my family regularly, travel, and so forth. The government has stripped me of all my rights. I've suffered mental health problems from isolation and constant fear mongering. It's been awful, but most importantly, when someone does this to someone else, there is normally legal channels to pursue to gain restitution.

And you're questioning whether I'm soy? You sound fragile, dude. No amount of Covid or lockdowns has taken a year away from anyone that isn't dead. Your life may be radically different, but it didn't magically take a year from you. Adapt and move on, stop whining about your mental health for fuck sake.


Gold Member
And you're questioning whether I'm soy? You sound fragile, dude. No amount of Covid or lockdowns has taken a year away from anyone that isn't dead. Your life may be radically different, but it didn't magically take a year from you. Adapt and move on, stop whining about your mental health for fuck sake.

The point is that real damage has been done to us, and it is reasonable to demand compensation. We've all adapted to this miserable situation.
Holy fucking shit at this thread. Some serious false narratives being thrown around here, like you guys have been ignoring recent news on where the virus actually comes from. Yes it started in China but its actual origin is still a mystery because of some recent discoveries. Not only that, but looks like some people in Italy had antibodies for this virus well before the doctor that discovered it in China said something (another one).

I'm not saying that it comes from Italy, or that it comes from China, but rather that its origin is still unknown (it might come from China or simply someone brought it to China and eventually all this shit started). Lots of viruses lay dormant and they can simply pop up if the conditions are met.

Another thing - wet markets in China, is nothing more than a fresh products market. Those markets with those fucking weird animals are actually illegal, but with a country so big is impossible to control everything so tightly. The city where I live has 0 of those markets, as most cities in China. But the south still has some illegal ones, because of history reasons.

And lastly - saying that China doesn't care about its citizens and blaming it all on China. First of all, China does care A LOT about its citizens (despite whatever propaganda is thrown around) to the point of lifting 800 million out of poverty, creating social programs to help people in need, offer jobs. (but not here to discuss about it).

This situation is being used as a political point and you guys are just eating it up. Demanding compensation... ffs, blame your government and your people for not behaving correctly. They had time to prepare, but "MAH FREEDOM, I CANNOT WEAR A MASK BECAUSE I CAN'T BREATHE" and shifting blame to the country where normal life has already resumed is just some fucking bullshit. What's happening right now with the rest of the world is a shame, but its a result of using this as a political game and pretending it's not gonna reach your shores. Fuck, it did, now what? Now you blame others for not taking action when the shit storm was going on in China.

EDIT: CHina does have some blame on this, but this thread, god damn...
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Holy fucking shit at this thread. Some serious false narratives being thrown around here, like you guys have been ignoring recent news on where the virus actually comes from. Yes it started in China but its actual origin is still a mystery because of some recent discoveries. Not only that, but looks like some people in Italy had antibodies for this virus well before the doctor that discovered it in China said something (another one).

I'm not saying that it comes from Italy, or that it comes from China, but rather that its origin is still unknown (it might come from China or simply someone brought it to China and eventually all this shit started). Lots of viruses lay dormant and they can simply pop up if the conditions are met.

Another thing - wet markets in China, is nothing more than a fresh products market. Those markets with those fucking weird animals are actually illegal, but with a country so big is impossible to control everything so tightly. The city where I live has 0 of those markets, as most cities in China. But the south still has some illegal ones, because of history reasons.

And lastly - saying that China doesn't care about its citizens and blaming it all on China. First of all, China does care A LOT about its citizens (despite whatever propaganda is thrown around) to the point of lifting 800 million out of poverty, creating social programs to help people in need, offer jobs. (but not here to discuss about it).

This situation is being used as a political point and you guys are just eating it up. Demanding compensation... ffs, blame your government and your people for not behaving correctly. They had time to prepare, but "MAH FREEDOM, I CANNOT WEAR A MASK BECAUSE I CAN'T BREATHE" and shifting blame to the country where normal life has already resumed is just some fucking bullshit. What's happening right now with the rest of the world is a shame, but its a result of using this as a political game and pretending it's not gonna reach your shores. Fuck, it did, now what? Now you blame others for not taking action when the shit storm was going on in China.

EDIT: CHina does have some blame on this, but this thread, god damn...

10 points have been deposited to your social credit score. Thanks for being a good citizen.
10 points have been deposited to your social credit score. Thanks for being a good citizen.
Fuck, sounds nice.

In all seriousness, I'm not here to defend any country. China is far from perfect, but I do notice a lot of misinformation regarding this country, thanks to western propaganda. As a westerner living in China, I can see both sides of the story. But yeah, I'm just a CCP shill. I don't know why I even bother posting any information regarding China in forums, always get this same response.
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
The lack of interest from the government and media towards getting to the bottom of this really makes me think it's not as simple as China fucking up on its own.

Are you one of those soys that was bragging about being able to live in your pajamas and not go to happy hour anymore?

I haven't been able to properly socialize, go to work, frequent my usual restaurants and go to the gym (a lot of places have closed down permanently), see my family regularly, travel, and so forth. The government has stripped me of all my rights. I've suffered mental health problems from isolation and constant fear mongering. It's been awful, but most importantly, when someone does this to someone else, there is normally legal channels to pursue to gain restitution.

While it didn't mess me up as much as you, my work fell to nothing and I've been actively searching for work and can't even land the most crappiest job (one interview and it was pushing carts at Smith's for $7.25 an hour and I didn't get it) and now my dad fell really sick with terrible sciatica so I had to stop looking and help him and it's full time. Worst is NO income so I've been struggling hard. I thought 2019 was a bad year for me on a personal basis but this might be worse in every regard.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
And you're questioning whether I'm soy? You sound fragile, dude. No amount of Covid or lockdowns has taken a year away from anyone that isn't dead. Your life may be radically different, but it didn't magically take a year from you. Adapt and move on, stop whining about your mental health for fuck sake.
Tell that to the people who lost their jobs, businesses, incomes and homes as a result of this fucking lockdown. Go ahead. Tell that to the people living in their cars as a result of this shit. Go tell that to the family of the elderly woman in a nursing home who asked to be euthanized because she wasn't able to see her family. I'll wait.

diffusionx diffusionx has every right to feel the way he does.
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If Biden gets in, there will be zero accountability. In fact, the same policies made under Obama will continue and probably be expanded, so you can expect to lose more jobs and IP to china. This was my primary reason to vote against him. China deliberately spread the virus outside their country, so just imagine what the next one might be like, and there WILL be another.
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Tell that to the people who lost their jobs, businesses, incomes and homes as a result of this fucking lockdown. Go ahead. Tell that to the people living in their cars as a result of this shit. Go tell that to the family of the elderly woman in a nursing home who asked to be euthanized because she wasn't able to see her family. I'll wait.

diffusionx diffusionx has every right to feel the way he does.

Even those people haven't had a year removed from their lives. Look at that, you didn't have to wait long.
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Holy fucking shit at this thread. Some serious false narratives being thrown around here, like you guys have been ignoring recent news on where the virus actually comes from. Yes it started in China but its actual origin is still a mystery because of some recent discoveries. Not only that, but looks like some people in Italy had antibodies for this virus well before the doctor that discovered it in China said something (another one).

I'm not saying that it comes from Italy, or that it comes from China, but rather that its origin is still unknown (it might come from China or simply someone brought it to China and eventually all this shit started). Lots of viruses lay dormant and they can simply pop up if the conditions are met.

Another thing - wet markets in China, is nothing more than a fresh products market. Those markets with those fucking weird animals are actually illegal, but with a country so big is impossible to control everything so tightly. The city where I live has 0 of those markets, as most cities in China. But the south still has some illegal ones, because of history reasons.

And lastly - saying that China doesn't care about its citizens and blaming it all on China. First of all, China does care A LOT about its citizens (despite whatever propaganda is thrown around) to the point of lifting 800 million out of poverty, creating social programs to help people in need, offer jobs. (but not here to discuss about it).

This situation is being used as a political point and you guys are just eating it up. Demanding compensation... ffs, blame your government and your people for not behaving correctly. They had time to prepare, but "MAH FREEDOM, I CANNOT WEAR A MASK BECAUSE I CAN'T BREATHE" and shifting blame to the country where normal life has already resumed is just some fucking bullshit. What's happening right now with the rest of the world is a shame, but its a result of using this as a political game and pretending it's not gonna reach your shores. Fuck, it did, now what? Now you blame others for not taking action when the shit storm was going on in China.

EDIT: CHina does have some blame on this, but this thread, god damn...

50 cent army alert


The amount of damage that this has done to the West and the amount that China has profited from it....

I wouldn't be surprised if this was one of several 'accidental' virus' that release over the next 10 years.

Begun the Virus Wars have.


Chinese government would also mislead the WHO and the rest of the world with its statistics, hiding the true victim numbers and thus allowing travels and commerce. In fact they do it even now, where the numbers now are much lower due to a supposed vaccine. I am sure that far more people there died and got infected than any country.
My GF is Chinese Japanese, she is not the CCP. Blaming this on Chinese people is ridiculous, it's the CCP that allowed it all to happen.
My gf is Chinese, my friends are chinese, I work in a chinese company that helped the fight against covid, I live in China. Does it matter?

If you read my post , in no place I say this is not the government fault. I simply debated that conclusions are still not clear, the government has being doing a good job about making their people happy (which some user stated that the government doesn't care about its citizens). So I ask you, how am I a CCP shill? Just because I simply didn't jump the gun and looked for someone to blame? I trust neither Chinese propaganda or American one. Lots of statements come based on hate and ignorance, not actual fucking research or experience - "oh they lied about the numbers, I bet a lot more people there died", for example. Do these people even know how the government acts if even ONE case is found in a city? How the chinese people act in case of a pandemic? Because let me tell you something, you can bet they use their fucking mask everyday, you can bet they make strict rules even a simple thing as entering a shop. I go to the mall, I need to scan a code to mark my location - if someone there gets infected they will trace everyone that was there and offer a test. But they've been using this for almost a year now - and that's probably why they could tackle the virus the way they did.

Did they lie about the actual numbers? I have no fucking clue, but for sure I'm not gonna throw shit at them while my home country and its friends are getting fucked by this because they were laughing while this was happening in China.

They could have done better? Yeah, they could. It's solely their responsibility of this fuck up? No, it's fucking not.
They could have done better? Yeah, they could. It's solely their responsibility of this fuck up? No, it's fucking not.

Yet you accused me of sinophobia first so clearly there's a redirect going on. The CCP and the WHO screwwed all of us, not the average Chinese. So thank you for the accusation of racism.
Yet you accused me of sinophobia first so clearly there's a redirect going on. The CCP and the WHO screwwed all of us, not the average Chinese. So thank you for the accusation of racism.
Calling someone 50 cent army is clearly not in good faith and reeks for holier than thou . If you don't want to be called of sinophobe, maybe next time try a different approach. Either way, I apologize for that.

Yeah the CCP and WHO screwed us all, damn those monsters. Individuals inaction and fuck all by the governments is completely fine during a pandemic.
Similarly you have my apologies, but floating conspiracy theories for now will do no one no good. There are probably tribes in South America with similar antibodies, who knows. Once more, apologies, lets keep our perspectives clear.


Covid-19 should be renamed the Chinese Virus, it originated from China, China should get the negative stigma that it deserve look at them trying to cover up tiananmen square and rewriting history by not teaching it.

China is becoming the New Nazi, it's only a matter of time.


ChatGPT 0.001
Suing China isn’t going to work, China is far more diminished from Covid than anyone else, the world deserves a rebound, reimbursements for sure though.


My gf is Chinese, my friends are chinese, I work in a chinese company that helped the fight against covid, I live in China. Does it matter?

If you read my post , in no place I say this is not the government fault. I simply debated that conclusions are still not clear, the government has being doing a good job about making their people happy (which some user stated that the government doesn't care about its citizens). So I ask you, how am I a CCP shill? Just because I simply didn't jump the gun and looked for someone to blame? I trust neither Chinese propaganda or American one. Lots of statements come based on hate and ignorance, not actual fucking research or experience - "oh they lied about the numbers, I bet a lot more people there died", for example. Do these people even know how the government acts if even ONE case is found in a city? How the chinese people act in case of a pandemic? Because let me tell you something, you can bet they use their fucking mask everyday, you can bet they make strict rules even a simple thing as entering a shop. I go to the mall, I need to scan a code to mark my location - if someone there gets infected they will trace everyone that was there and offer a test. But they've been using this for almost a year now - and that's probably why they could tackle the virus the way they did.

Did they lie about the actual numbers? I have no fucking clue, but for sure I'm not gonna throw shit at them while my home country and its friends are getting fucked by this because they were laughing while this was happening in China.

They could have done better? Yeah, they could. It's solely their responsibility of this fuck up? No, it's fucking not.
I totally agree with you, bit this is an american forum, you can't have this types of opinion cause "freedom".

We are un the middle of another "cold war" there is propaganda on both sides, and we shouldn't trust any of it.

Btw sanity is public in China so they actually care for the ppl more than the american government.
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