Today's five-minute-hate is on gender studies, or people who dump on gender studies, depending on your POV. The short version for those of you not paying attention: A philosopher and a math PhD decided gender studies is dumb and ideological.
They wrote up a jargon- and buzzword-filled article titled ”The Conceptual Penis as a Social Construction" and paid to get it published in a peer-reviewed journal no one's ever heard of. Ha ha ha! Take that, gender studies!
This is a stupid prank that has already been taken down in about
five different places. I'm not going to bother with that.
But in looking at the original journal, I noticed this crazy business model they have. The journal, Cogent Social Sciences, is an open-access outlet published by Cogent OA. It charges $1350 to publish an article, unless you don't have $1350, in which case
they'll take some unspecified minimum.
Okay, so far it sounds like every other scammy ”peer-reviewed" open access journal. But wait. Cogent OA, it turns out, is owned by Taylor & Francis, one of the largest academic publishers. Taylor & Francis owns Routledge, for instance, and publishes Economy and Society, Environmental Sociology, and Justice Quarterly, to pick a few I've heard of.