So... This thread is a place to laugh at ourselves for our misunderstandings.
I'll go first.
I always read QFT as "quit fucking talking"
Today I realized in means "quoted for truth"
Just... Wow. Perception of people's responses were completely opposite of their intent.
Who else would like to share their own cautionary tale?
GAF= Gaming Age Forum OR Good As Fuck (Usually the former on this forum for obvious reasons)
QFT= quoted for truth
LTTP= late to the party (Hey, I played an old game for the first time)
RTTP= return to the party (Hey, I'm replaying an old game I haven't played in a while)
JNC= Jack n coke (NFL GAF inside joke, apparently)
IQ= image quality
FAQ= frequently asked questions
FTFY= fixed that for you
PSA= public service announcement
ROFL= rolls on floor laughing
YMMV= your mileage may very
IIRC= if I remember/recall correctly
SMH= Shaking my head
SMDH= Shaking my damned head
FWIW= for what it's worth
LettersGAF= LGBTQIA+(Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Asexual, etc) GAF community
G/A/F= Germany/Australia/Florida guess which place this fucked up story came from.
OT= Off Topic OR Official Thread (depending on context)
GOAT= Game of all Time OR Greatest of all Time (depending on context)
GOTY= Game of the Year
IDK= I don't know
AFAIK= as far as I know
IKR?= I know, right?
/s= end sarcasm
IRL= in real life
TIL= today I learned
TF= the fuck
HFN= hell fuckin no
TF= ten four
NSFW= not safe for work
SFW= safe for work
OFC= of course
YW= you're welcome
IDGAF= I don't give a fuck
IANAL= I am not a lawyer
ITT= in this thread
HAM= hard as a motherfucker
ELI5= explain like I'm 5
FML= fuck my life
FTW= for the win
FOH= fuck outta here
FOV= field of view
FPS= First-person shooter OR Frames per second
WYSIWYG= (the weeseeweeg) What You See Is What You Get
I'll go first.
I always read QFT as "quit fucking talking"
Today I realized in means "quoted for truth"
Just... Wow. Perception of people's responses were completely opposite of their intent.
Who else would like to share their own cautionary tale?
GAF= Gaming Age Forum OR Good As Fuck (Usually the former on this forum for obvious reasons)
QFT= quoted for truth
LTTP= late to the party (Hey, I played an old game for the first time)
RTTP= return to the party (Hey, I'm replaying an old game I haven't played in a while)
JNC= Jack n coke (NFL GAF inside joke, apparently)
IQ= image quality
FAQ= frequently asked questions
FTFY= fixed that for you
PSA= public service announcement
ROFL= rolls on floor laughing
YMMV= your mileage may very
IIRC= if I remember/recall correctly
SMH= Shaking my head
SMDH= Shaking my damned head
FWIW= for what it's worth
LettersGAF= LGBTQIA+(Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Asexual, etc) GAF community
G/A/F= Germany/Australia/Florida guess which place this fucked up story came from.
OT= Off Topic OR Official Thread (depending on context)
GOAT= Game of all Time OR Greatest of all Time (depending on context)
GOTY= Game of the Year
IDK= I don't know
AFAIK= as far as I know
IKR?= I know, right?
/s= end sarcasm
IRL= in real life
TIL= today I learned
TF= the fuck
HFN= hell fuckin no
TF= ten four
NSFW= not safe for work
SFW= safe for work
OFC= of course
YW= you're welcome
IDGAF= I don't give a fuck
IANAL= I am not a lawyer
ITT= in this thread
HAM= hard as a motherfucker
ELI5= explain like I'm 5
FML= fuck my life
FTW= for the win
FOH= fuck outta here
FOV= field of view
FPS= First-person shooter OR Frames per second
WYSIWYG= (the weeseeweeg) What You See Is What You Get