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Where’s the worst place you’ve dropped your phone?


Gold Member
I was about to drop my morning deuce at work and damn near dropped my phone in the toilet. Luckily I didn’t, but it made me wonder, where is the worst place we have all dropped our phones? Food, toilets, ocean, etc.


I've dropped my phone a few dozen times fishing it out of my pocket but that's why I always have my phone in a case.

The worst drop I've personally seen was at work where One guy dropped his phone 800 feet onto concrete. Took people a while to figure out what fell because no-one owned up to it and since it was in a million pieces the owner couldn't be identified. Rumor was that the droper was a Senior Management type doing a walk-through who decided he wanted to take a selfie at the top of the structure.
I'd dropped my phone from 4-6' a few times. No issues.

Dropped it about 4" onto the edge of a table, and the entire screen looked like an oily rainbow like when you'd press your finger on the display of an old calculator


Gold Member
Walking home from a night out crossing a bridge I was dying for a piss, so I walked out on a set of metal steps which lead down about 4 flights to a large patch of ground that was used as a carpark during the day. Got the old fella out and made a man made water fall off the steps to the gravel below. Zipping up I pushed the phone in my jacket out the pocket and it free fell over the steps and hit the ground with a smack. Didn't bother going down for the pieces of phone.
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Gold Member
When I worked in construction as a kid, dropped my phone in a port o potty. It disappeared in a mound of shit.

jurassic park deal with it GIF

RIP iPhone 4

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
Coming out of a castle in Scotland (in which I had just gotten married), my newly-minted wife dropped my phone face down on the parking lot, with a sickening smack, only made worse by the fact that I then kicked it as I was walking, and it skittered across the pavement and up under a parked car. I had to bend down, crawl to get it, wearing a kilt (with nothing on underneath, which is the only legal way to wear a kilt).


Gold Member
Pavement and it was the one time I ever had a phone out with no case on it. Luckily I was getting a new phone soon anyways, but it shattered about a third of the screen. Worked fine otherwise.

I also have jumped into a pool with that same phone (before the above mishap) and all it needed was some time in rice and a new battery.
I've dropped my phone a few times but I've been lucky. I have a case and screen protector on my phone since I bought it.

I went about 2 years with the original screen protector on it before I dropped it. Nothing exciting it just landed on a tile floor and my screen protector shattered but luckily the glass of my phone wasn't damaged. Put a new screen protector on it when I got home and not even 24 hours later I dropped it again off the side of my bed and the screen protector smashed again! Phone was still fine. Put a new protector on and been good now.

Worst place I dropped it was outside my car in heavy rain. Not really the worst place you can drop your phone but it was sitting in the rain for a couple hours and if someone used that parking space they could have drove right over my phone but nobody did and when I went back it was still sitting there.
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Dropped mine into about a foot of snow while walking back to my apartment with a friend.

I didn’t realize it was missing until we got back. We had to retrace our steps over a pretty long walk and miraculously found it. It had actually fallen straight down into the snow, so it sunk perfectly all the way down to the ground and made an almost invisible indentation in the snow.

Wasn’t damaged but it sucked looking for it. Took us a solid hour or more, and we honestly got really lucky to find it.


Hold onto your panties
I used to storm chase in my teens and early 20's. We'd go out in teams of two with walkie talkies and phones. One night I got a call from my buddy that there was a tornado aloft about 4-miles out about to drop.

Forgot my walkie talkies and got hit with the rain belt after the gust front. All I had was my old cell phone. I called for 5 minutes and coukd move because of the "never chase a rain wrapped tornado rule". Phone could never get signal and I "dropped it" so hard against my dashboard that it snapped in half (flip phone) and indented the dash.

I missed the tornado that time and my buddy got the video.

Non-related but: 2006-ish in rural Central Illinois. Registered EF0 and hit some train carts but not much damage. Lifted after only 6-minutes.


with pride I can say that the worst place I ever dropped my phone at was next to the sofa... I never dropped my phone outisde or anywhere public.

off the sofa to the gound is the only and worst drops any of my phones ever had to endure


I dropped it in my wife's car in between the seat and the middle console. What made it bad was, I didn't know where the heck it was. And I had lost something else that fell from my jacket pocket when we were out and about just days before. It was a wake-up call that I need to be a little more mindful about zipping up my pockets. Not cool...
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When my brother told me he dropped his phone in the commode, I told him that it was my biggest fear. His phone was fine, humans have ascended.


When I was a kid I dropped my phone out of a moving car. But it was a Nokia 3510i so it didn't give a fuck.


Elden Member
Dropped my phone down an airline seat on a very long flight where all the people behind me where sleeping… went 7 hours without being able to retrieve it.


I had a Nokia flip phone and an iPod touch in spring of 08 and laid them both on the trunk of my car. Took off going 50mph on a country road next to my house when I realized I forgot them back at the house. After looking around the house, I remembered that I placed them on the back of the car. 😓

I walked for a half mile and found them laying in the stones along the side of the road. The Nokia was open and slightly scratched but fine, the iPod screen had shattered to where you could look behind it. To Apple‘s credit, they replaced it free of charge in a couple of days.


Been lucky, the worst thing was I let a friend use my ipod touch and he dropped it within the first week of owning it. It scuffed the frame.
Toilet bowl, it was a decade ago but yeah, it was still working when I pulled it out, took a while to get the lingering piss smell out though
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