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Where the hell is SK?


Anyone know what the hell Silicon Knights is up to? Jeez they need to speak soon I wanna see what they are up to. My guess would probably be Too Human but you never know. A Eternal Darkness sequel would be awesome too!



Silicon Knights
This may have been asked a lot of times before, but wasn't SK supposed to officially speak about their future plans after the summer? Well, the summer is over and I haven't heard anything yet. I really, really want to know what they are doing right now and what they have in plan for the future. I really hope you guys at IGN can give me (or us) a hint. Thanks.

A: Through a few contacts we were able to learn they never did have an event and the team has gone silent for a while, sadly. Which means they are probably doing one of two things, A) they've partnered with someone, Sony or Microsoft, and they're hard at work on something for next fall on Xbox, or B) they're partnered with someone and they're working for something on Xbox 2 for next fall. But I know that they desperately want to make Too Human, so that could be one of its projects. I actually played that game in the summer of like 1999 at E3 one year, when EA temporarily picked up the rights before dropping the four-disc action-adventure-RPG.



I even sent them an email three weeks ago.

"Hi Joakim,

Thanks for your kind words.

We are busy working on some new projects, but we can't tell you about them.
We will make a press release when there is some news.

Best regards,

Ross Lillo
Operations Manager Silicon Knights


Guess we'll have to wait and see :(
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