in the wise words of philosopher Sean Strickland, if you meet a girl and she doesn't want to be with you while you're driving a shitty car, taking her to socalled shitty restaurants like cheesecake (lolwtf cheesecake is bomb), she's not the one and you're wasting your time
if a girl doesn't like you, and you open every door for her, pay for expensive restaurants, buy her new phones, etc, the fact is she still won't like you. conversely, if she likes you, and you don't ANY open doors for her, take her out to wendysin your shitty car, never buy her anything ,she will STILL LIKE YOU, because what's important is the company you provide,show her that you are socially competent, if you can make her laugh, make her feel good about herself, etc in other words all free/intellectual things
if you have a shitty car that breaks down, and have no money to fix it, but you can handle it WELL and make the best of the situation to make it memorable and intimate and have a laugh, thats INFINITELY better than if your 80k bmw broke down and you called to get a benz rental but just sat quietly and awkwardly while you get bailed
women are way less shallow than people on the internet make them out to be
women are essentially given a choice in these terrible first dates: go out with guys they don't like that shower them with money vs guys they dont like that don't shower them with money. be a guy they like and all this shit goes away