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Where's LOTR: ROTK: EE?

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I haven't heard a single thing about it.

No amazon entry, and no news.

What's happening with it? Will it still be released in November like the other 2?


I think this one is coming a bit later than usual, early december, due to peter jackson being busy with king kong and the length of rotk:ee, which is estimated to be about 250 minutes long =)


Count of Concision
All I know is that Gandalf better use his wizard powers at some point in the movie or I'm personally gonna storm Peter Jackson's offices and make him eat low-fat twinkies until he regurgitates them. :D

I need to see a Gandalf-Saruman showdown, even if it's merely a conversation (though obviously a magical duel would be infinitely cooler). If it's not in there (people tell me it's in the book), I'm going to kill myself. And Peter Jackson. And the entire New Line crew. I may spare the independent theater owners, but only for a hefty sum. :p

EDIT: Also, there was a scene in the preview for ROTK which showed Gandalf carrying Pippin (or is it Merry?) on his horse, riding up the side of Minas Tirith; they then come upon the black rider and it seems as if they're about to fight. Unfortunately, this scene was not in the regular release, so I'm hoping to see Gandalf work some wizard voodoo on the Nazgul. :)


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Gandalf and Saruman have a very large confrontation in the book (one of my favorite chapters) and it was cut from the movie because apparently they filmed over 7 minutes of it (and it bogged down the beginning of the film). It will be in the Extended Edition though... but... well, highlight if you want to be spoiled.
Although it should be exciting, it's not a fight.

As for Gandalf and his powers, a lot of people who haven't read the books seem to be confused about this. (And that's fine and understandable... I'm happy to help and even happier to kill some time talking about my obsession =) ). Everyone wants to see him blast the hell out of things, but... well...

Although Gandalf is called a wizard, you should really think of him as more of an angel. He is a Maia, a holy being. He was sent to Middle-Earth to aide the free peoples against the growing might at Sauron - but his purpose and powers are that of offering council and guidance. Not in doing the pwnage himself. =)

Although he can kick some ass and do some cool magickz, it takes a lot out of him to do so and is impractical to over-exert himself early in lengthy-battles (which is where most people seem to want to see him "blast things" or whatever). Every time you do see Gandalf use his magic in the movies, it's against a single foe (Saruman, Balrog) or a last-ditch effort at the end of a battle (blinding light over the hill at Helm's Deep, scaring away Nazgul from fleeing Gondorians).

As for the Nazgul that appears while Gandalf is on Shadowfax,
it's the Witch-King! That shot in the trailer is an unfinished special effects shot ,and WiKi wasn't wearing his armor yet. If the scene is anything like the book, it'll be mighty cool, but very brief.


Count of Concision
Thanks for the clarification. Must...resist...urge to...click on...spoilers. :D

EDIT: I mean, I hear ya on the wizard power thing, but I mean, there was only a SINGLE INSTANCE of Gandalf doing anything at all "wizardly" in the third movie, which was when he rode out and shone the light into the air, chasing away the Nazgul. He just as easily could have used a megawatt lightbulb. ;) I wanna see just one or two wizard moments, dammit. :p


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Yeah, true. It would be cool to see him "bust out" more. =) I think PJ's stance is he doesn't want to make things "too easy".

I think there will be a few things in the EE in the way of magic that will please you, though. =) They will be minor, but from what I know they should be neat. :D
The showed a preview of it at Comic-con. Through the powers of fate, I was able to see some of it.

In terms of "coolness factor" (don't swipe if you don't want some things spoiled from the EE)

- Merry giving his service to Theoden (seen in the very first teaser trailer for Fellowship)
- Orcs taking a battering ram to the front door of Minas Tirith (presumably before Grom breaks it down)
- House of Healing shots; Eowyn resting, Aragorn walking away, and she grabbing his hand
- Eowyn fighting that "Sloth" orc
- Saruman and Gandalf screaming at each other; Saruman still on top of Isengard, and shooting a fireball down at the party
- A loooot of random battle scenes
- Coolest thing was the brief Gandalf Witchking encounter. The witchking flies right in front of Gandalf (as was seen in the ROTK trailer) and stops him. Gandalf says something like "Go back to the abyss!" Witchking says "This is my war(?)!" while drawing his sword, which he then raises and it becomes engulfed in flames.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
I saw some really dark and crappy footage of the same event. I am hoping we'll see a high quality trailer of it soon (officially released), since we didn't get a preview on the ROTK TE DVD.

Anyway, the dialogue for the Gandalf-
Witch King encounter is "Go back to the abyss that awaits you and your master!" and then "THIS IS MY HOUR!" Gave me goosebumps. =) Hopefully there are a few more lines in that scene from the book.

Edit: Oh, and the big ass battering ram the orcs use is called "Grond", and it's named after the hammer of Morgoth (Sauron's old master and the LOTR-equivalent of Satan). :D Also, the "Sloth" orc is called Gothmog, and he's actually named after an ancient Balrog leader who is referred to as "The Lord of the Balrogs". Not trying to be a know-it-all... but these are tidbits that I always found really cool and I can't help but share. 8)
Ah, that's it. I couldn't quite hear the dialogue.

Plus I'm sure your footage had every single friggin' fangirl in the San Diego area attending this thing, screaming whenever Dominic Monaghan or Billy Boyd showed up.
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