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Which console should I get shipped to me?

White Man

As you know, two months ago, I moved. It's been two months since I'd had a gaming system of my own to waste time with. Frankly, that's two months too long. I've talked my brother into shipping me a system and now I have to decide which one.

Playstation 2
Pros - I have more games for PS2 than I do for both other systems combined. Also, MGS3 and GTA:SA are two of my most anticipated games this holiday season. Also, I've been having mad VF4evo and Tekken Tag urges for the past week. Also, DDR.
Cons - There hasn't been much new on it to play lately. I also think this would be the most fragile system to ship, and my PS2 had been sketchy before I left. It may be on its death bed.

Pros - Uh, ToS? I'm really excited for Metroid Prime 2. Paper Mario RPG is my most anticipated RPG this year. I've been awaiting Pikmin 2 since before I was conceived. It would probably be the easiest thing to ship.
Cons - Comparably small library. Fall release list doesn't compare to the other two guys.

Pros - In my always-correct opinion, it's been having the most exciting new release year so far. I really want to get back to playing Thief 3, and I want to start Ninja Gaiden over, especially once that update hits. Also, cable connection will allow me to partake of Xbox Live. Oh yeah, Halo 2. I'm dying to hit up Full Spectrum Warrior and Riddick.
Cons - Will cost the most to ship, due to its weight. Outside of this years sextacular releases, there's not a whole lot of grade A games for the system that I particularly care about.

Also, any shipping advice would greatly be appreciated. What's the safest and most efficient way to send these fragile beasts cross country.

Also note that I'll likely be going back home in October to grab more of my stuff. At that time, at least one more console will be coming with me.

I do have my GBA with me, thank Dagon.

PS2, unless the DREs you're getting are really bad. I doubt shipping it will cause any damage, unless you don't trust your brother to put some degree of padding in there.

Most of the good Gamecube stuff isn't coming out until after you get back home. Same for Xbox. In the meantime, you have fewer games for those systems.

White Man

Explanation of PS2 problems:

Sometimes, when I power up the system, the screen just stays black. No PS2 or Sony logo screens. Resetting makes the screen flash (so I know it's doing something) but the screen remains black. Powering down and powering back up rectifies the problems, but I usually have to do it several times.

Also, something I will get the logo screens, with the blackness coming after them. Same remedy. These problems happen with both DVD and CD games. No text or anything appears on the screen. I cleaned the vents (carefully) with compressed air on a regular basis.



Junior Member
Considering I love all my systems and I'm a Nintendo fan at heart:

Ship the Xbox. You said you'll have access to live.

Madden 2005
Halo 2
uh...Halo 1

Those 2 will make your fall and winter.

Although, you will be missing out on Ace Combat 5 so make sure you slap yourself in the face for leaving all 3 of them. I mean come on, you had enough space for things like clothes but no games?!?!?! WTF?!?!? I might give you a +1 for having the GBA tho...do you have Advance Wars 2 with ya?

If no, choke yourself. :p

White Man

Of course I have AW2. I saved my virginal playing of it for the plane ride here. I made sure I brought my GBA because I basically only play it in the summer. I have most of the big classics for it.

I really wanted to bring a console with me, but I really didn't have enough room. I consolidated my entire life into two suitcases and a carry-on, so it was just about 90% clothes. I still have 80 pounds of vinyl at home and innumerable CDs that I dearly, dearly miss
I was\am kind of in the situation that you were. I too left home and had to decide what to take on the plane.

I chose my Gamecube. I chose poorly.
I just didn't have enough games for it that I enjoyed, but it was hella easy to carry on the plane, GBA SP case clipped on to the NGC tote for extra respect. The GBA carried my ass a great deal.

I really began to miss my PS2 and XBOX, and since I got the chance to retake the flight, I brought them with me this time.

If your PS2 isn't broken, then I suggest you get that shipped to you. You'll have more games to choose from, assuming you can't bring them all.

Personally I lose interest in XBOX Live games very fast, so I wouldn't count on FSW or some other LIVE game making the XBOX worthwhile by itself. I'd bet PS2 online would be the same story if I had it. Also, even though Halo 2 is due, it's assuming a lot that you will be able to continue to buy games, I don't think you specified.

A situation like this is an opportunity to pay the games you wouldn't otherwise, clear the backlog. But you might end up bringing games you don't like or games that stayed I your backlog for a good reason. I feel it behooves you not to count chickens and to depend on what you already have and enjoy.

Having gone through what you describe, and knowing what I know now, if I could only take one system and a handful of games, and I knew I'd pretty much be playing alone, I would go with the PS2. I have a lot of varied games for it, plus several that I know will take eons of time to finish up. I hate Japanese RPGs but they are time killers and the PS2 has the most, if you're in to that.

The real hit, for me, was having to fly away without even one arcade stick. Somebody pour a forty.


Just including games you already have plus the games coming out by October, I say ship the PS2. You will have a bigger selection of games to play from plus have it for GTA:SA's release. You can pick up the XBOX in October for Halo 2.
If I could only have one it would be PS2 by far. Not enough RPGs and Strategy games on the other systems. Plus I like the occasional quirky titles. I guess Gamecube is good for that too.


I'd say go with the PS2, but since that is acting up, I suggecst you ship the Xbox, especially if you have Live. You might not want to miss the Halo 2 hype and craze this fall... or should I say August 24. ;P

White Man

MGS3 is in November, right? Actually, I think all the PS2 titles I want are after October. I think I'm going to go with the Xbox. The PS2 being semi-wonky has a lot to do with it. It's going to cost a bunch to get that Xbox shipped, isn't it?

I really do want to get back to playing Thief 3. I sunk down 3 or 4 levels before I moved, and I've sort of been thinking about the level I left off on for the past 2 months. Thanks for your help, guys.



I suggest GC + PS2 combination. More sensible to ship than Xbox; twice the gaming lineup. Pikmin 2, and Paper Mario RPG. :D


i tmight be the psu in the ps2 dying. I dont think its expensive to exchange it for a new one. I believe there are 3rd party ones out there. But I havent really checked.


Xbox with a few games and an additional controller cost me less than ten bucks to send via USPS from Ohio to Philadelphia...and you'd have access to Live... :p
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