Too many good games over the past few weeks. Elliott Quest looks like old school Kid Icarus so I'm drawn to that. I have no idea if it actually is like it though, so there's that.
Oops, didn't know there was already a thread like this recently, my bad.
That Destructoid list is pretty good.
For the suggestions in this thread, I struggled to get past the first few hours of Okami (sorry!) and while I own 3D Dot Game Heroes, the blu-ray drive in my PS3 is dead so that's not an option...
I think I own Hyper Light Drifter thanks to PS PLUS, I'll give it a look. And Story of Thor, too, I vaguely remember that one.
Here's why this is such a terrific game. I've only played bits and pieces of Zelda II but if ever someone wanted to see how a Zelda game would work as a 2D sidescroller, Elliot Quest is their game. So, everything about this game is a wondrously emblematic of a lucid world brought to life. The character and enemy design is unique but has that unmistakable je ne sais quoi of the Zelda genre. The action is tight and thoughtful and responsive. The puzzles are bewitching but never frustrating. The music is delightful and memorably grand. The most important thing is game feel, though, and just playing EQ feels terrific. You become Elliot. This is what I want from a game. To be transported into a world, to be the character--to be the "Link" into their world, if you will. EQ offers and delivers this in spades. It's the best Zelda game Nintendo never published, and I can't recommend it heartily enough.
Jonneh, congratulations, I think you just sold me on Don't Knock Twice. Never heard of the game before this thread and I just looked it up, looks pretty good.
For some reason it's not showing up in the (US) eshop Coming Soon page though.
Might also pick up Volgarr the Viking, I feel like it might scratch that Dark Souls itch a bit.
Huh.. I might just have to check this out. Thanks!Elliot Quest is more like Zelda II. It's absolutely amazing, too.
Here's a post I wrote on the game not long ago, BTW:
NP at all! Just thought it would be a thread you'd be interested to see.
In the meantime, as long as I'm here, I'll post about my favorite Zelda-like:
(I'm going to post something I've previously posted in a thread about favorite game maps.)
I really, really like the map in Elliot Quest.
When you encounter an exclamation point, that means there's an area there.
You don't get the sense of it too well in this pic, but traversing across it is reminiscent of Golden Sun for me, but really it's more like a modern Zelda II. Gah. It's so good. Traversing it just feels great with so many hidden secrets and areas. Here's part of my GOTY write-up for it:
There's four or five games on that list I'm interested in, but honestly, my Switch backlog is so large at this point that I think I'm going to take an eShop break until next month at the earliest.
I'm most interested in Rogue Trooper Redux, Spelunker Party (loved the demo) and Elliot Quest though. I actually bought Elliot Quest on Wii U but never got around to playing it lol
I was thinking about something for 4 players, can anyone that have played Neon Chrome and JYDGE tell which is better on coop, since they are made by the same dev.
Elliot Quest >>> your favorite game
Elliot Quest >>> your favorite game
None this week. Just finished SWD2, might have time to complete golf story before Mario
So many people sleeping on the fourth Jackbox Party Pack. I'm sure it'll be just as fantastic as their other games!