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Which part of your neopolitan ice cream disappears firist?

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Homer: Marge, we're out of chocolate ice cream! *opens neopolitan ice cream with vanilla and strawberry left intact*

So which is it?

Justin Bailey

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chocolate then vanilla, i usually avoid the strawberry

BTW, when I was a kid I always thought it was "Napoleon" ice cream.


Suerte said:
I used to mix it all up :p

Damn, now I want ice cream o_O

I melt it and then mix the chocolate and strawberry and try to get the vanilla to just wait it out till i need it.


I hate when my brother or sister gets the chocolate all over the strawberry or vanilla. Chocolate ice cream is gross, it's like frozen mud poop.


Chili Con Carnage!
now i want ice cream, and its gone midnight, gonna have to go to bed craving ice cream, or cursing GAF...both most likely.

We never got neopolitan in my house, always plain vanilla, which says a lot about how adventurous my family is :-/

I never even knew what a vanilla float was untill a girlfriend showed it to me last year...

I also thought it was napoleon when i was a kid.

If i had a box right now? id probably take a mixed scoop, 'cause for some reason im considerate when it comes to food.

way more

Does anyone make quality neopolitan icecream? All the stuff I've ever had is shitty ice-milk covered in flavoring. Strawberry or chocolate, vanilla can wait.
SteveMeister said:
I put Hershey's syrup over the whole thing and eat all three chocolate-covered flavors about evenly :)



That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
mac said:
Does anyone make quality neopolitan icecream? All the stuff I've ever had is shitty ice-milk covered in flavoring. Strawberry or chocolate, vanilla can wait.

Justin Bailey said:
BTW, when I was a kid I always thought it was "Napoleon" ice cream.
I still call it that. :)

For me, it's the strawberry. Vanilla is my overall favorite for its versatility, but since we're much more likely to have vanilla around, strawberry is a good change of pace.


Teh Hamburglar said:
Homer: Marge, we're out of vanilla chocolate and strawbery ice cream! *opens neopolitan ice cream with vanilla and strawberry left intact*

So which is it?
slightly fixed ;) .................*LURK*


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
When it comes to neopolitan, I have a habit of saving the best for last. Since my favorite is the strawberry, I usually start off with the other two first, while still putting a little strawberry in there. Ultimately, the last bowl will be mostly strawberry.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Mmmmm, chocolate.......D'OH!

...Mmmmm, chocolate.......D'OH!

...Mmmmm, chocolate.......D'OH!

...Mmmmm, chocolate.......D'OH!

...Mmmmm, chocolate.......D'OH!
I dont like strawberry ice cream where there are actual strawberry chunks in it. If I'm eating something smooth, I dont want to all of a sudden find something hard and crunchy.
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