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Which review scoring system do you think is the best?

What system do you think it's the best?

  • 1/10 (10 numbers)

  • 0.5/10 with .5 decimals (20 numbers)

  • 1/20 (20 numbers)

  • 1/5 [Stars] (5 numbers/stars)

  • 0.5/5 [Stars] (10 numbers/stars)

  • 1/100 (100 numbers)

  • 0.1/10 with all decimals (100 numbers)

  • Recommend/Not recommend

Results are only viewable after voting.


Easily the 20 numbers. There are so many games that are somewhere between an 8 and a 9 for me aswell as 7 and 8. Need that .5 decimal.


I prefer 100 point scale with points separate by 5, meaning, being able to give e.g. 75 or 80, but not 79 or 43.

It is granular enough for me. Sometimes I really like a game but don't quite feel it's a nine, so I give it 85.
Please add a letter grade option to the voting list, i.e. 'A,+ A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-' etc.

The number point systems don't work because most American outlets use a scale of 60-100. This is due to their schooling systems doing the same. If everyone used letter grades things would be way better, because saying a game is a C+ or a C doesn't guarantee a death sentence as much as a 5/10 or 6/10.


Gold Member
Please add a letter grade option to the voting list, i.e. 'A,+ A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-' etc.

The number point systems don't work because most American outlets use a scale of 60-100. This is due to their schooling systems doing the same. If everyone used letter grades things would be way better, because saying a game is a C+ or a C doesn't guarantee a death sentence as much as a 5/10 or 6/10.
I dont think too many media review places use a letter grading system, but a game mag back in the 80s did. It used the full grading system from A+ to F-. And they gave out their share of F's. lol

It was called Computer Games (having to do with Video Game Player's magazine). It was short lived I think. But my bro bought a few mags back in the day.
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I dont think too many media review places use a letter grading system, but a game mag back in the 80s did. It used the full grading system from A+ to F-. And they gave out their share of F's. lol

It was called Computer Games (having to do with Video Game Player's magazine). It was short lived I think. But my bro bought a few mags back in the day.
There are some youtubers out there who still use letter grades and I find it to be a better method. I don't know if this thread considers youtubers an exception though. I figured it was all outlets and not just specific or official ones. I did like Computer Games magazine, also GameFan and Play magazine used letter grades for a while before they went out of business.
Old school me: 1-5 starts with half stars allowed, must have a summary and conclusion paragraph at least to flesh things out from the reviewer.

New school me: I like the subs model (Game Pass for me) e.g. try it for yourself, buy it or keep subbed if you like it (if the game stays on the service) then rope your friends into playing stuff too. Also getting discounts on purchases or add-ons etc is a nice sweetener.
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Neo Member
This has been my rating system for years. most of the Mainstream Urinalists are fucked up with their 7=average mentality.
  • 1 = Uplayable or Makes you sick
  • 2 = Horrendous
  • 3 = Straight up Bad
  • 4 = Undercooked
  • 5 = Meh
  • 6 = Good
  • 7 = Great
  • 8 = Excellent
  • 9 = Mind-Blowing
  • 10 = Flawless Masterpiece


Gold Member
This has been my rating system for years. most of the Mainstream Urinalists are fucked up with their 7=average mentality.
  • 1 = Uplayable or Makes you sick
  • 2 = Horrendous
  • 3 = Straight up Bad
  • 4 = Undercooked
  • 5 = Meh
  • 6 = Good
  • 7 = Great
  • 8 = Excellent
  • 9 = Mind-Blowing
  • 10 = Flawless Masterpiece
Mine is more simplified than that, but I agree with your 1-10 scale

1-3 Shit
4-6 Avg
7 Good
8-9 Great
10 Hall of Fame worthy


GamePro's rating system in the 90's did not fail me.
They also had a thumbs up to.
Like say controls were ZZ but not total shit so it got a ZZ + a thumbs up.
But if you got red with a thumbs up? oh baby!
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Watching even a few seconds of gameplay is way more valuable to me than a review score.

That said, 0.1/10 or 1/100.
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Arguing over number scale is pointless. Review scores aren't objective. A reviewer may give one game a 3 that they would give a 7 at a different point of their lives. Comparing scores from the same reviewer is barely useful at best. I prefer something like "buy, wait, skip" with a good writeup explaining why. Maybe an extra award to show games which the reviewer found special.


One of the green rats
Scoring is dumb and has always been dumb. People like different aspects of gaming and games. The best reviews are the ones who approach games based on multiple angles.


3 point scale. 3 points, you should definitely play it at least once. 2 points, you will like it if you are a fan of the genre, solid title. 1 point, not a very good game, don’t lose sleep over skipping this one. 0 points means the game was released incomplete or doesn’t function properly.

Honestly though I try and find reviewers with the same taste in games so I can get a good baseline, but your mileage may vary.


Recommend/Not recommend.

Your 83 might be another man's 87 might be my 99. I've played so many 9/10 games I hated, and so many 5/10 games I absolutely adored.
This. Let's not forget review is subjective, I don't want to read you reading from a feature list. Just tell me your impressions.


ChatGPT 0.1
Reviews don’t make me worry you really need to play a game for yourself, look at all the review bombing and hating going on.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
The numbers mean absolutely nothing to me. Especially when most operate on a fucking 7-10 scale.

The ultra specific ones that are like 82% rating make me laugh because what does that even mean lol.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
20 points is good for me, in the 0.5-10 format. 5 stars too little and the 100 point system is just ridiculous, nobody can tell you the actual difference in quality between an 86 and an 87, they're both actually 8.5s and that's fine.
Recommend/not recommend.

Review scores have been meaningless to me for over a decade. I use GAF and YouTube for decision making when it comes to purchases.


End users: 👍/👎

Critics: Whatever they choose, with a conversion to a 100 point scale.

50/100 being mediocre, 70/100 being an arbitrary goal post and 100/100 being "you better have a damn good reason for giving this score" reflected in the review.

Edit: bell curve .gif
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Parody of actual AJUMP23
1-10 and 1-100 are the same rating system and they are what I am use to. I do like recommend and not recommend as well. But many times I just play what I am interested in and ignore the reviews.
Ideal would be 1-10 with more than one reviewer, Famitsu style.

Numbers are the most efficient way to express judgment. "Recommended/not recommended" is good foi avoiding conflict between media and publisher only. It's similar to Rotten Tomatoes system, which is the worst ever for consumers.
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