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Which was your favorite Austin Powers?

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Mine was the first. I found it to be the wittiest of all three. It also has great re-watchability.

The second is, in my opinion, a worthy sequel. Sure, there were some reused jokes, but the story was great and the characters still seemed fresh. My only complaint is that the general mood of the film had more of a "mainstream" feel to it. It's like they thought, "Well, we have a bigger audience now, so we need to add more poop and fart jokes."

The third was a funny film, but easily the worst of the three. The barage of cameos cheapened things quite a bit. Still funny, but I don't think it's even worthy of owning the DVD. A good watch on TBS though (if it's not on there yet... it will be).



well not really...yet
Goldmember, easily. The only one to really make me "burst out laughing"

3 > 2 > 1


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery

The first is simply a really great self-contained film. Most everything in it was original and the characters were fresh, and it didn't go really over-the-top like the sequels. I'd say the second is close, with Mini-Me and more of the characters in relatively fresh situations. The third was terrible though. Beyond the opening parody sequence, which was great, it just fell flat repeatedly for me. I hated Beyonce, too much Fat Bastard, the flashback was cheap, the Goldmember character was not only lame/disgusting but also had a large number of gags ripped from one or two of Mike Myer's old Weekend Update segments on SNL, etc. Most of the big jokes were just reworkings of ones from the other two films. I left the theater disappointed, and I've had no interest in watching it since.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
The first, easily. I actually saw it in a theater, BTW. Judging by the grosses, not many people did...
I liked the second the best. I thought that it introduced enough new things to still be fresh all while going bigger and better than the first, which was also very good.

I absolutely hated the third one. Every joke seemed recycled, cheap, or just plain unfunny.


Only watched the first one. I don't recall hearing a lot of good things about the third movie except for those chicks they got to play those twins.

J2 Cool

Suerte said:
I must be the only one who thought the second one was the best :( Felicity Shagwell OWNS JOO!

agreed. This was an absolutely hilarious movie. I was dying when I seen it. I had seen the first and loved it but a few things about it I didnt like. Like the one music piece in the middle that went on forever. It was cool and the best parody of spy films as was intended but the 2nd burst out and took me completely by surprise and it really became its own film with its own identity at this point. Then the 3rd became a parody of everything it did right in the 2nd flick and was just horrible. A blemish on a great franchise


The first one's the only one that I can happily watch again and again. I didn't like the second one much even the first time I saw it, and though I was laughing so hard I was nearly wetting myself watching the 3rd one in the theatre, the jokes only really work once.


Suerte said:
I must be the only one who thought the second one was the best :( Felicity Shagwell OWNS JOO!

Second is my favorite too. I've seen the first too many damn times, and only got about half done with Goldmember.

The twins were godly though :D
Goldmember. I was glad to see that many of the jokes which had already been done twice ("Well which is it, spits or swallows?") weren't used again, so it stood more on its own. The change in the Evil/Mini-Me/Scott dynamic was interesting. And yes, the celebrity cameos made a cool bookend.

*looks up own short movie review*
June 8, 2003
A lot of rehash? Yes, but some super fine rehash that kicks everything up to another level. More smiles and laughs than I was expecting.


The first is my favorite, followed closely by two solely because of Fat Bastard... the 3rd, it's like robocop 3... I pretend it didn't happen


Anyone who says Goldmember should be shot. The best part of that entire movie were the first 5 minutes with all the cameos. It was all downhill from there, with horrible and gross characters.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I thought the second movie was the best, then the first, then Goldmember. Eugh, Goldmember just did nothing for me. It seemed like Beyonce didn't really do anything...they could have taken her out of the movie and I wouldn't have noticed.
Though I stated Goldmember as my favorite, I agree with some of the complaints here. If the Phantom Editor wanted to edit out most of Fat Bastard and Foxy Cleopatra, I'd give him a pat on the back.


First was a better 'movie,' second was funniest to me though. Goldmember was weak but Dr. Evil was great for all three movies.


First was very funny, original, and smart. A classic.

Second was very funny, but hackneyed. A great sequel.

Third was funny, but very hackneyed. A worthy sequel, but wouldn't have minded if it was never made.


Thats a tough choice, i like them all, all very funny. But ill have to go with the first then.
And Fuk-mi and Fuk-yu indeed rule ;)


There's a ramen restaurant not far from me called Fukumi's. I get a laugh every time I pass by there.


Junior Member
shibbs said:
Thats a tough choice, i like them all, all very funny. But ill have to go with the first then.
And Fuk-mi and Fuk-yu indeed rule ;)

I would have to go with the first one but we need more pictures of Fuk-mi and Fuc-yu.

Fook-yu, aka Carrie Ann Inaba...that was an interesting google picture search.
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