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White House West

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Kind of funny, but the whole "Bush is an idiot" thing has been done in comedy so much it's jsut not very funny anymore. Not to say he isn't ... it's just now it's like hearing an old joke over and over.
SteveMeister said:
Yeah, because anyone who dares question The Administration must be silenced, right?

Well I meant in the sense that it's a bit beyond playful poking at the President... this is clearly part of a political agenda, which might cause the guy problems later down the road.
Seems sort of risky career-wise. I dunno....
Kind of funny, but the whole "Bush is an idiot" thing has been done in comedy so much it's jsut not very funny anymore. Not to say he isn't ... it's just now it's like hearing an old joke over and over.

What are you guys on crazy pills or something? Uhhh Ferrell basically patented the whole "make fun of GW" course a good portion of his rise to fame is based on the mocking of GW. I hope that SNL can get him back for the debates.
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