Heh, I just got done watching Harold and Kumar 2. All I could think of while reading this was the leader guy on fire and them saying something along the lines of "damn the KKK is slow".
I know!, he must count for at least 4/5ths of a person. (80%!!) *rolleyes*
The real answer is is that race and racism are social conventions less than they are biological (see the "one drop rule). I doubt a KKK member knows what a punnet square is.
1(* 0.5) + 3/5 (* 0.5)
I had to show my work or I wouldn't get full credit.
I actually almost got into a fist fight about this at a house party that I threw at my own house. I said something about speedy and this Mexican guy got all offended about it. He literally wanted to fight me over it, but what he didn't realize is my roommate at the time was 100% Mexican (plus he is one of my best friends) and he basically told the other guy to fuck the hell off. I fucking love Speedy Gonzales and it pisses me off that the Mexican community basically got this cartoon taken off the air. What the hell? He always kicks everyones ass, he always wins. How is this a racist cartoon?