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Who all do you buy for for Christmas?

Who all do you buy for for Christmas?

  • No one

    Votes: 17 17.7%
  • Immediate family

    Votes: 75 78.1%
  • Extended family

    Votes: 17 17.7%
  • Friends

    Votes: 16 16.7%
  • Colleagues

    Votes: 3 3.1%
  • Strangers

    Votes: 3 3.1%
  • Myself

    Votes: 23 24.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Is your gifting circle a pinpoint or the Large Hadron Collider?

Some people buy for no one; some buy for anyone they can throw a gift at.

I buy for my immediate family (parents, nieces and nephews, siblings. Siblings-in-law count as immediate family, imo). I've got close friends, but
I don't buy for them. I'd rather buy them drinks when we go out.

Curious what youse alls' gifting strategy is.


Gold Member
Immediate fam and extended fam. Immediate fam get the good ones.

Extended fam gets candy/chocolates and a modest gift card. The younger people get an Amazon card. The older people I google map whichever grocery stores or mall is near their house and buy that for them.

Our fams go all out too. We've always done the spiderweb of gift giving where you buy a gift for every person. I'm done my Xmas buying and got a pile of boxes of stuff to give out. I thought this was the way Xmas gifts was supposed t be so later in life when I'd hear some fams do a Kris Kringle thing where you draw a name and just buy one fam member a gift, I was like whoaaaa! So if you get a bum gift from that person thats it?

I never purposely buy stuff for myself for Xmas. I buy whatever I need throughout the year when I find it at a good price. So for Xmas time, I wont bother getting anything unless it so happens I need something and find it on sale.
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We buy gifts for the young ones in our extended family. Other than that, we have a big family gathering Christmas eve, smaller intermediate family on Christmas Day. The kids have a blast opening presents, us all spending time with each other, and everyone takes time to celebrating/honoring Christ singing Christmas songs.

Around a decade ago we stopped buying for each other, as adults that is, when it was nothing but money, gift cards, or stuff that never gets used. Instead, we all chip in for a good Christmas dinner/breakfast, sending cards through mail to show thoughtfulness/caring of each other, and just enjoy each other's company during this time. But gift-giving? A mutual realization that if we all just continue getting each other cash/gift cards, we'd basically be at the same ends just the same as to not participating at all in the corporate marketing of the whole ordeal that has become. Kids need presents though.


Gold Member
Immediate family on my mother’s side, we have a sorting game where everyone gets randomly assigned to make a gift to another member of the family. This way each one only has to buy one present. We’ve been making this for years to save money, make things easier, and avoid buying tons of useless stuff. Only the kids would get presents from everyone, but at this point there’s only one kid left, all the others are in their 20s.

On my father’s side we rarely see each other for various reasons, so basically no gifts.

I will get a gift for each of my parents of course, and some friends and colleagues. And my lover, of course.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
I buy a token gift for some family members and get my girlfriend something for us to do, tickets, etc.

We don't need stuff and buy the things we want through the year anyway.
Serious question. I see these articles claiming in the US and Europe we are spending near an all time high on gifts.

It doesn’t feel like that to me. For myself, this is my lowest dollar amount spent on Xmas gifts in years. Now, I am saving for a larger expense, which does factor in. But still, is anyone else in this same situation? Or are you spending like crazy this holiday? “Doom spending“ as some are phrasing it.

Please let me know your thoughts.


Serious question. I see these articles claiming in the US and Europe we are spending near an all time high on gifts.

It doesn’t feel like that to me. For myself, this is my lowest dollar amount spent on Xmas gifts in years. Now, I am saving for a larger expense, which does factor in. But still, is anyone else in this same situation? Or are you spending like crazy this holiday? “Doom spending“ as some are phrasing it.

Please let me know your thoughts.
This year is about normal for me. That being said, we usually spend well more than normal. Christmas is a big deal in our house
Serious question. I see these articles claiming in the US and Europe we are spending near an all time high on gifts.

It doesn’t feel like that to me. For myself, this is my lowest dollar amount spent on Xmas gifts in years. Now, I am saving for a larger expense, which does factor in. But still, is anyone else in this same situation? Or are you spending like crazy this holiday? “Doom spending“ as some are phrasing it.

Please let me know your thoughts.
I'm spending less this year, but that's because I changed careers and went down in pay, so I'm probably not the norm.
Parents, brothers, a few friends, niece, nephew.

I play the ticket games at the bowling alley on Wednesdays. I have uh more inventory of the stuff i can sell on ebay than there is demand. So I have tons of extra tickets to put toward angel tree kids and the toys for tots box at the bowling alley that had nothing in it after a few days. I went to dollar tree and got a few cheap dolls and jenga games to toss in there too.

*pats self on back*

Oh oh, I have all ten spots on the high score list of the Nerf Arcade machine, lol. I wait for the friday night, saturday night crowds to lower the target score then rack up the easy bonuses.
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Dark Star

Myself of course. I like Christmas electronics and musical instruments deals

Immediate family/ nephews

Girlfriend. Something sentimental, cute

if I get invited to a Christmas party then I’ll bring a white elephant gift or whatever. Starbucks gift card is appropriate

I would never gift my coworkers or boss lol screw them
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Gold Member
Myself, girlfriend and fourteen year old neice. I used to buy my two nephews Christmas presents, but they're in there twenties now so get nothing.
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Ultimate DQ Fan
Between my wife and I, we buy for the following:

Each other
My dad
My mom
Her mom
My sister
Her sister
Her brother-in-law
My brother-in-law
Her neice
My nephew
My best friend
My DND group
Her coworkers (i don't know how many tbh)
Her aunts (two of them)
her uncle
No one.

Life is fucking expensive and not getting any better. I don't have time nor money to buy gifts for others. Being around family and friends during during the festive period is a gift enough.

You want a smart watch? Go fucking buy one yourself.


Gold Member
Vin Diesel Family GIF by The Fast Saga


Gold Member
Kids - yes
Wife & me - no

Mom/Dad - sometimes
Brother 1 - sometimes
Sister in law - sometimes
Niece - yes
Nephew - yes

Brother 2 & family - no

Mom/dad inlaws - yes

Work team below me - yes

Friends - sometimes

Pretty much it


Parents, siblings, nieces, and sister in laws. Only half of my nieces since I found out my sister either throws away or gives the gifts away that we give to her kids.


Hold onto your panties
For the past few years only for my wife and her Mom (who's like a Mom to me). Usually give out some surprise gifts to those around us every Christmas too.


Perpetually Offended
My daughter, my best friends, my daughter's mom, my siblings...

Though this Christmas might not be possible without a job.
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