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Who are your fav. Fatal Fury series characters & why? (No drive by posts please!)


Inspired by the other thread that was about SF characters, and being an SNK nut, I figured I'd make one for the true 'rival' of Capcom's flagship fighting game.

Note that this is for Fatal Fury characters only so KoF characters like Kyo and co. don't count ;P If you want a list of FF characters check this page out

Let me start off by stating the obvious, cuz what can't you like about good ol Terry 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH YOU OHKEEEEEY?!' Bogard



Now we all know former Capcom employees went on to work at SNK and we eventually got Fatal Fury followed by Art of Fighting.

Terry is the vagabound, always on the road, but where Ryu is the serious fighter, Terry's the easy going big bro, which is what I like about him. That and his explosive ENGRISH, as we all know.

Heck go look up the main character of any FG made from 1991 til 1995 and you'll notice something that makes Terry stand out: He's not a traditional martial artist (although you COULD give Haohmaru the benefit of having more hair than a samurai has any right to but I'm sure that's borrowed from at least 1 anime/manga series from the era, regardless Haohmaru is for another thread ;)).
Furthermore a bunch of his artwork from SNK show him just hanging out doing normal stuff such as playing video games at an arcade (stated to be among his hobbies IIRC)

Plus you can't deny he has some of the coolest moves an FG protagonist could have:
and the one that started it all the POWAH GEYZAR (Easily performed as QCB, HCF~)

In fact the Power Geyser is so awesome Optimus Prime does it in TF Devastation

There's something satisfying about punching the ground and causing an explosion.

Terry also got the benefit of getting a fantastic 'redesign' that manages to keep the vagabond aspect of his characterization.

And that's not even getting into his themes, his most commonly known is his Fatal Fury 2 Special theme, Kurikinton (tl. Chestnuts and Mashed Sweet Potatoes) that really brings out his energetic and optimistic personality

In Fatal Fury 3 he was given a new theme called Big Shot, which carried over to the Real Bout games

Finally, there's Sunrise on the Train from Garou MotW, just listening to it gives you all you need to know about the theme and its character

As a final note Terry's upper body clothes were changed 3-4 times in the games he appeared in
See for yourself

Fatal Fury 3 introduced HonFu, a Chinese police officer inspired by Jackie Chan right down to his movelist being so weird and awkward a reference to the crazy stunts Jackie does in his movies. Oh and he fought with a nunchuck, I like nunchucks
It wouldn't be until Real Bout 2 that I actually ended up liking HonFu and I am very displeased that SNK never bothered to feature him in a KoF :/

HonFu happens to have what may just be the best special move ever in a fighting game. Sadly I can't find a GIF of it but what it is is
HonFu crouches and kicks the opponent, the kick is blockable. If the kick connects a special animation will occur and it's different for each character he does it on! The opponent will do an auto combo on HonFu AND HE PARRIES EVERY HIT, followed by him damaging the opponent with a quick auto combo of his own!
No the air auto-combo may not be much to look at but it's just this one special move that managed to make me like him. His supers are OK though, and I just love his RB2 theme even though it's an ear worm :p

And now we come to the one you've been waiting for, the Big Bird himself
Tizoc aka Griffon Mask
In Garou, Tizoc's bottom tier, literally the weakest character in the game, but I see him as an underdog and at one point in my life I felt that way too, so I ended up taking it as my username, and the rest is history

Still...he's a cool guy and reminds me it's still worth doing the best you can in life

When you're a kid you generally get an appreciation for giant characters; my first ever team in KOF 97 when I played it as a kid were Chang, Choi and Iori, and since then...I started liking big characters in FGs, Hugo, Alex, Gief eventually, Potemkin, Tager and Waldo in UNIEL.

I think Big Bird was one of my turning points, while he's no where at being the best character in the game he looks friggin' cool AND has cool moves-
The spinning piledriver JUST TASTE THIS PAIN!
The neck snapping/rib cracking POTATO WAVE


He also has a really cool wrestling stage and one of the best themes in the game, though that's not saying much as 90% of the tracks in Garou are really great

There are other characters I like that I'll write about later, but for now thought I'd write about some of my fav. 3 characters in the series.
Ryo was in Fatal Fury 2 and returned as Mr. Karate in Wild Ambition so feel free to bring him up if you want ;3


Griffonmask is my favorite. Mostly because of how much of a polar opposite he is other wrestlers like King. He's washed up, he wants to get back into the ring to prove himself. Sort of like a coming of age story.

I also like Billy Kane. Sort of an anti-hero.


Rick Strowd, who only appeared in Real Bout 2 is my favorite.
I have a thing for native americans in fighting games for some reason (I love T.Hawk as well), and this dude is just straight up badass. His Playstyle might not be the one i like to use as i usually go with grapplers, but his design is just insanely cool. Being a boxer just adds to the coolness.
I would love a Terry, Rock & Rick team one day.

Shoutouts to Blue Mary for Blue Mary's Blues. :p
Li Xiangfei

I just loved her design, personality and taunts in Real Bout 2. Loved the fluidity to her movements. Just the way her pants flow as she performs moves like her downward kick and her backflips. Loved a lot of her moveset. Also l dug her white and blue alt as well as yellow and blue in KOF '99.

Other favorites of mine include Andy Bogard, Billy Kane, the Jin Brothers, Blue Mary, Bob Wilson and Duck King.
Fatal Fury Special is my all time favorite. I own all Fatal Fury games on Aes, including Garou MotW.
Geese Howard is my favorite character, its the greatest boss of any fighting game, it as never been surpassed. Also FF music is amazing, specially in FF Special.


Was never a fan of Terry's design until MOTW, because he always had the horrible 80s fashion sense which I was never a fan of. Especially his FF1 look.

Personally my favorite is Yamazaki.

I like his Yankii look and the fact that he always fights dirty with knives and kicking sand.




However, gameplay wise, he's one of the most interesting characters and definitely more technical than most of the characters in the series besides Geese.

I personally enjoy playing as him in the KOF series the most. Especially in 97-98.

The old guy who would go all Master Roshi with low health. Thought that transformation was so cool when I was a kid. Would pick him just to see him do that every round


Surely there's more to Mai than her assets! Then again her movelist is about as dull as ChunLi's @_@

The old guy who would go all Master Roshi with low health. Thought that transformation was so cool when I was a kid. Would pick him just to see him do that every round

Tung Fu Rue, he raised and trained Terry after Geese killed his father. In at least one game, likely due to the complexity of it, his giant muscular form was changed into a spirit for easier and/or faster animation



Li Xiangfei

I just loved her design, personality and taunts in Real Bout 2. Loved the fluidity to her movements. Just the way her pants flow as she performs moves like her downward kick and her backflips. Loved a lot of her moveset. Also l dug her white and blue alt as well as yellow and blue in KOF '99.

Other favorites of mine include Andy Bogard, Billy Kane, the Jin Brothers, Blue Mary, Bob Wilson and Duck King.

Xiangfei's a great design, and has some neat animations. In Wild Ambition she had a 'walking grab' where she puts her arm around the opponent and they both sway as if they are drunk and then she does a quick punch or something. been a long time so I don't remember it exactly XP
Dat 101 hit super move doe.
Oh and she's more of a Chinese character than Tekken's Xiaoyou's been since T4.


I think Big Bird was one of my turning points, while he's no where at being the best character in the game he looks friggin' cool AND has cool moves-
The spinning piledriver JUST TASTE THIS PAIN!
The neck snapping/rib cracking POTATO WAVE


He also has a really cool wrestling stage and one of the best themes in the game, though that's not saying much as 90% of the tracks in Garou are really great

Personally my favorite is Yamazaki.

I like his Yankii look and the fact that he always fights dirty with knives and kicking sand.




However, gameplay wise, he's one of the most interesting characters and definitely more technical than most of the characters in the series besides Geese.

I personally enjoy playing as him in the KOF series the most. Especially in 97-98.


Tung Fu Rue, he raised and trained Terry after Geese killed his father. In at least one game, likely due to the complexity of it, his giant muscular form was changed into a spirit for easier and/or faster animation


...Yeah. These guys, right here.

I'm inclined to give some shine to my boy, Joe Higashi, too, though.


When I first walked up to a MVS cabinet that had Fatal Fury 2 in it back in the day, Joe was the first character I picked. And ever since then, he's been one of my main go-to's in any game he shows up in!


I mean utility-wise.

Maximum Spider is just Killer Bee Assault, anyway. Still looks good.

Haha, I'm actually not familiar with this version of Mai. My last FF game was RB2, the overhaul of characters in Garou turned me off to the game and after SNK was acquired by Playmore I just stopped caring about them anymore.


Haha, I'm actually not familiar with this version of Mai. My last FF game was RB2, the overhaul of characters in Garou turned me off to the game and after SNK was acquired by Playmore I just stopped caring about them anymore.

Playmore is made by some of old SNK employees anyways.
Mai cause she is a ninja girl that uses fans. I like the Fatal Fury 3 iteration the best with the fuller skirt and the jacket top. As a Kitana player I'd feel obligated to main Mai in any Fatal Fury and have her on my team in any KOF.



B. Janet is pretty great in Garou too.
I prefer the combination of the best of both worlds. Blood of Geese, taught to fight by Terry. Mix the two bags of badass together and you get Rock Howard from Garou: Mark of the Wolves. With some wicked looking supers such as his version of "Raging Storm" being wild (compared to Geese's controlled version) and his own version of Geese's "Deadly Neo Rave" this was my go-to character. Not to mention he has quite possibly one of the coolest win-poses to ever grace a fighting game.

Shame we will never see him in another mainline FF/KoF game. Fated for spin-offs only it seems.




Li Xiangfei

Great design, both visually and gameplay-wise. One of my favorite SNK designs, and one of the best "fighting Chinese girl" characters in fighting games IMO.


Joe Higashi

Loud, cocky, cool, awesome muay thai fighter with appropriate outfit.

Tung Fu Rue

His transformation gimmick is pretty unique, and he's overall a badass old martial arts master.


Kim. Ever since Fatal Fury Special got combos, I really liked him (his cr. C & DM were obscene). Always try to use him in every game to the best I can.

I honestly liked his character more when he was just a generic family man, before they made him into a crazy person in KOF, lol.


Terry is a my favorite. It's due to the fact that he's a Pisces. I like how SNK gives him a stage with water in most of the games he appears in, like the beach or lake.

Also, he has the best symphonic piece in the Fatal Fury Symphonic Sound track: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TImjLnbheY

I always felt that this track went with Terry. A guy who could adapt to any situation and just go with the flow.


Of the characters originally introduced in Fatal Fury 1, Joe, Tung, Geese and Duck King are also my fav.
Well Tung became my fav. during RB2, but his giant forms were pretty cool and his spinning lariat super was slick, shame you can hardly ever combo into it =_=.

Joe's already been explained I guess, gotta love dat SCRUUUU UPPAH!

Duck King is all kinds of stylish, how many video games do you know that give a character a break dance grab super?! Plus he has pet Ducks look at those cute little guys!


And dat theme

Geese Howard started a tradition that SNK bosses are some classy CEO-level mofos, exclude KoF bosses except Rugal and you'll know what I mean :p

One can't deny that he has the most bizarre input for a super move ever
But the payoff is worth it. IMHO the RB series Raging Storm looks muuuuch better than the cage, although I think at the time SNK wanted it to look like explosions were blasting out :p

Geese is also notable for having the MOST variations to an FG character's theme, seriously go compared Dictator's themes to Geese's and see how many each of them got.

Fatal Fury 2 gave us Laurence Blood and Krauser, and while I like the two, I like Krauser more, I mean the guy's a giant Tom Selleck!
Dat Kaiser Wave doe.


Rick Strowd, who only appeared in Real Bout 2 is my favorite.
I have a thing for native americans in fighting games for some reason (I love T.Hawk as well), and this dude is just straight up badass. His Playstyle might not be the one i like to use as i usually go with grapplers, but his design is just insanely cool. Being a boxer just adds to the coolness.
I would love a Terry, Rock & Rick team one day.

Shoutouts to Blue Mary for Blue Mary's Blues. :p

Holy shit post 5 and we already got a Rick Strowd. I definitely loved rick and wish he'd made it in to more than just RB2. He's definitely the one that stands out to me, even though FF has so many great characters to pick from.


Fatal Fury has so many great characters. I will give my vote to Rick Strowd, since his design is so badass and was one of the most criminally underutilized fighting game characters ever. His stage was also great and had fantastic music. To me, something about his look and music embodies 90s fighting games (and the pinnacle thereof) like few others. It's a shame that he was featured only in one game ever(!!). Some of this moves live on in KoFs Vanessa though.

Honorable mentions go to Bob Wilson for his smooth Capeira moves.

When talking about Fatal Fury characters, it is notable that the series did a SF3 like roster change (meaning they did away with most of the old characters and brought in completely new ones) two times in the series, once with FF3 and once with Garou MotW. Both times the new cast is a testament to the skill of SNKs character designers. Where the SF3 cast took some time getting used to, the new FF characters where convincing immediately with badassery and stylishness. I mean take a look at freaking Yamazaki, fighting with one hand in his pocket.
I got to give props for Terry as well. As much as I think he's a big, dopey, relic of the early 90s, down to his clothes, silly moveset (rising tackle, anyone?) and his Engrish yelling, I think he's not only the best Fatal Fury character, but the best SNK fighting game character of all time. He's just screams iconic, something not many fighting game character's do. Even when he breifly changes to that bomber jacket he still kills it. He just so appealing. Hope he's in KoF XIV.

2nd favourite is Duck King because Duck King.



Maximum Spider was first used in 1995's MSH game though so it outdates even Killer Bee Assault :p

Malin/Marin from KoF has the Maximum Spider though, she even yells it!

Speaking of which, SNK really needs to bring this gal back

Tsugumi from Wild Ambition

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
really the only super I hate doing is Deadly Rave because for the life of me I can't remember the sequence, and even then I flub at the last minute (for some odd reason the final qcf+p doesn't register)
Not quite... the three strokes in the kanji for "girl" can be read as kunoichi ie "female ninja":

く (ku)
ノ (no)
一 (ichi)

I kinda want to go back and look at Maximum Spider now...

Not to mention essentially writing it with fire, so I took it mainly as "hot kunochi," which seems pretty accurate to me.

Anyway, for the OP's question, tough to choose (as with anything SNK for me). It's harder for me to pick any character I don't like from the FF franchise. Terry always tops lists for me, but maybe just for playtime in anything he's in, I'd have to give it to


Kim Kaphwan.

Love his use of Tae-Kwan Do, his sometimes irrational love of justice, his seriousness, the jokes about him ("even his punches are kicks"); he just clicks with me.

Art and gifs I've seen of him helped me love him too.


There might be a little bias there since he birthed sons as kick-ass as Jae Hoon and Dong Hwan


Honorable mention to the lesser considered Andy Bogard

I know he doesn't have the charisma of everyone else, but have always loved his design (moreso in KOF I'll admit) and movesets. And I love playing with him since he seems rarely picked from my experience, so few people know how to deal with him. And even for the ones who know, he can be tricky.

And though it's more KOF,
one thing that always got me is how there might be a connection to Geese just for how similar he and NeoWave Geese looks.


I am Korean.
I was always partial to Terry. Something about "Hey. Come on! Come on!" Always struck me funny.

His movelist also shifted around about as much as a Soulcalibur character's does so he always felt new.


Dong from Garou. I just love that goofball.

Marco/Kushnood is pretty cool too.

And Kevin Ryan is a badass...

Damn I think I'm going to play a bit of Garou!
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