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Who are your fav. Fatal Fury series characters & why? (No drive by posts please!)


Pretty nice guy (apart from the blue shadows thing...)


I freaking loved Rock. Just... who the hell taught him Reppuken and stuff...?



I freaking loved Rock. Just... who the hell taught him Reppuken and stuff...?

Rock, Geese and Terry's fighting styles are similar aren't they? Tung Fu Rue trained Terry and Geese, so while he could've been able to do a ground projectile, he eventually settled for his own set of techniques to fight with.



I freaking loved Rock. Just... who the hell taught him Reppuken and stuff...?
It plays them up like they're his inherited powers or something, since he has a special ansgty winpose and victory screen about his evil blood if you win with Raging Storm or Deadly Rave Neo.


While male SNK characters are much better than Capcom's, for female characters there is an infinite chasm

Chun-li and Cammy simply can not compare to the female characters of AOF, FF, KOF, SamSho and even World Heroes.

So much spontaneity and charisma are rarely seen in fighting games.

FF was rather overlooked by me in favor of AOF, WH, LB2 and SamSho.
But I liked the KOF characters based on Fatal Fury.

As mentioned characters like Xianfei, Mai, Andy Bogard, Duck King, Blue Mary had original animations and character interactions

My favorite character is Sokaku Mochizuki



He seems straight out of a Samurai Shodown or Last Blade game. I liked that style the most since the above remain my favorite SNK franchises


Joe Higashi:
I like his cockiness/sillyness and how his fighting style.


Damn didn't know Joe could that. Or I forgot he could hah.
Funny how in RBS everyone got a cancelable ABC-like chain combo, which in RB2 was turned into an A, B, DF+C launcher combo


Terry is a lot like Kenshin Himura and Vash the Stampede, i love that kind of character

Fatal Fury movies also had a lot of potential but they never exploited it much, it deserved a proper TV show, imo.


Edit: Sorry, I did read the opening but I guess I got distracted. Sorry ^^


Blue Mary is my favorite Fatal Fury character, she is cool, she have an unique fighting style - I think just Laura seems to fight a little big like her, she is a good partner for Terry... and have an awesome theme! =)

Are you ready? ;-)

Honorable mentions:
Terry, Hokutomaru, B. Jenet and Kim Dong Hwan.


I think my favorite SNK character is Shermie.

I love her style, her sassyness... and she is a power female grappler - something that is still rare.

Her moves are really cool and I love that she sends kisses and mocks the oponents. I miss her so much, my main in every game that she appears.



Honorable mentions:

Terry, Blue Mary, Genjuro, King, B. Jenet and Hokutomaru.
(SNk have so many great characters, is hard to select just a few)
Someone didn't read the OP ;)
I honestly couldn't get into Fatal Fury until Garou MOTW. I never liked the line switching mechanic, so when SNK ditched that in Garou, it was the best thing. Fatal Fury characters are great though.

Everyone has already mentioned Terry, Geese, Mai, etc. Blue Mary's already been mentioned but...


Anyway, my favourite not mentioned Fatal Fury character...


The funnest character to use in Garou.


Joe Higashi:
I like his cockiness/sillyness and his fighting style.


Joe is so freaking awesome. Actually, I love way too many SNK characters, couldn't pick one. But for the sake of the topic... hmm...

I'll pick Hotaru, from Garou, since I don't think she'll show up :p. Yeah, the Garou chars didn't have too much time to shine as the classics, but I'm a sucker for cute, nice girls :p.


inb4 orgasm :p


Ryo was in Fatal Fury 2 and returned as Mr. Karate in Wild Ambition so feel free to bring him up if you want ;3

C'mon man, you know it was Fatal Fury Special.
I just love how by the FF timeline Ryo is portrayed as this legend and that reflects on how strong he is in the FF games - 10 years well spent.
But Wild Ambition Ryo is the goddamn best, and it's a damn shame that design hasn't become permanent in KoF:


It clears Ryo of the plainness of his classic design, tones down the abuse of the color orange in that design (which gets worse when his projectiles are orange instead of blue), and makes him visually even more distinct from SF characters - it's annoying SF5 Ken now looks more like him than recent KoF Ryo does...

Surely there's more to Mai than her assets!

I'm not a fan of Mai, but yes there is: http://dreamcancel.com/2015/06/29/exploring-kof-xiii-dialogues-mai-and-the-shiranui-legacy/
I need to write more like this...

Terry is a my favorite. It's due to the fact that he's a Pisces. I like how SNK gives him a stage with water in most of the games he appears in, like the beach or lake.

I don't recall water in the 1st stage he ever had, the train past Mount Rushmore - but it's ben a while since I last played that.

One character who seems to have a recurring stage motif is Billy Kane - practically all of his are on or near bridges, with the exception of RBS and RB2. Makes me think of that classic Robin Hood moment where he and Little John fight with staves on a bridge, but it's hard to say if it's intentional.

I freaking loved Rock. Just... who the hell taught him Reppuken and stuff...?

In Garou Kain states that Geese was married to Marie, and by FF3/RB Rock was old enough to have been taught a few things - even if Geese's lifestyle wasn't all that family-friendly, if he gave marriage a try, trying to teach his kid something once in a while would make sense.

Especially considering Geese studied under at least 2 different masters (Tung Fu Rue and Suo Tatsumi, Mary's grandfather), but his style resembles neither - I figure he developed his style based on principles from both sources, but which he applied in different ways. Having developed a style of his own, it would make some sense for him to try and pass that on to his living legacy once in a while - he doesn't come off as affectionate and probably didn't get to grow up with a father (presumably he share one with Krauser), but he did have his martial arts teachers, which may have server as surrogate father figures - then it makes sense teaching his kid would be the closest he'd known to acting like a father.

This sort of thing is why Geese is such a goddamn great character. Then the complexities of his gameplay force you to be as good as he's supposed to be in-universe in order to succeed with him.

My favorite character is Sokaku Mochizuki



He seems straight out of a Samurai Shodown or Last Blade game. I liked that style the most since the above remain my favorite SNK franchises

FF is in continuity with LB, and his supernatural elements tie in well with those presented in that series, even if it kind of shifts away from the more grounded tone FF games had before FF3.

As for my favorite, my avatar should be eloquent enough - Chonrei has one hell of a character arc and some development ahead of him that makes me wish to see its results in a Garou 2 more than anything else that game could deliver (closure for Rock's ending is a close 2nd).
(I'm not sure I'm going to add pictures here - apparently I've rambled so much about this that someone recognized me for posting about it on 4chan's /vr/ even if it was anonymously...).

Other notables:
* Toji Sakata is the coolest old man in games
* Kim's gameplay flow is excellent - all his moves just inspire me to trample all over the opposition
* I prefer Joe's more subdued hair in the early FFs


C'mon man, you know it was Fatal Fury Special.
I just love how by the FF timeline Ryo is portrayed as this legend and that reflects on how strong he is in the FF games - 10 years well spent.
But Wild Ambition Ryo is the goddamn best, and it's a damn shame that design hasn't become permanent in KoF:


It clears Ryo of the plainness of his classic design, tones down the abuse of the color orange in that design (which gets worse when his projectiles are orange instead of blue), and makes him visually even more distinct from SF characters - it's annoying SF5 Ken now looks more like him than recent KoF Ryo does...

I'm not a fan of Mai, but yes there is: http://dreamcancel.com/2015/06/29/exploring-kof-xiii-dialogues-mai-and-the-shiranui-legacy/
I need to write more like this...

I don't recall water in the 1st stage he ever had, the train past Mount Rushmore - but it's ben a while since I last played that.

One character who seems to have a recurring stage motif is Billy Kane - practically all of his are on or near bridges, with the exception of RBS and RB2. Makes me think of that classic Robin Hood moment where he and Little John fight with staves on a bridge, but it's hard to say if it's intentional.

In Garou Kain states that Geese was married to Marie, and by FF3/RB Rock was old enough to have been taught a few things - even if Geese's lifestyle wasn't all that family-friendly, if he gave marriage a try, trying to teach his kid something once in a while would make sense.

Especially considering Geese studied under at least 2 different masters (Tung Fu Rue and Suo Tatsumi, Mary's grandfather), but his style resembles neither - I figure he developed his style based on principles from both sources, but which he applied in different ways. Having developed a style of his own, it would make some sense for him to try and pass that on to his living legacy once in a while - he doesn't come off as affectionate and probably didn't get to grow up with a father (presumably he share one with Krauser), but he did have his martial arts teachers, which may have server as surrogate father figures - then it makes sense teaching his kid would be the closest he'd known to acting like a father.

This sort of thing is why Geese is such a goddamn great character. Then the complexities of his gameplay force you to be as good as he's supposed to be in-universe in order to succeed with him.

FF is in continuity with LB, and his supernatural elements tie in well with those presented in that series, even if it kind of shifts away from the more grounded tone FF games had before FF3.

As for my favorite, my avatar should be eloquent enough - Chonrei has one hell of a character arc and some development ahead of him that makes me wish to see its results in a Garou 2 more than anything else that game could deliver (closure for Rock's ending is a close 2nd).
(I'm not sure I'm going to add pictures here - apparently I've rambled so much about this that someone recognized me for posting about it on 4chan's /vr/ even if it was anonymously...).

Other notables:
* Toji Sakata is the coolest old man in games
* Kim's gameplay flow is excellent - all his moves just inspire me to trample all over the opposition
* I prefer Joe's more subdued hair in the early FFs

Ooops my bad :p
But yeah WA Ryo was great Air Haoh shoko-ken was GOAT, and so was Toji.


Great Terry Bogard (and co.) write-up + sprite comparison OP! If possible, please do a few more!

For me, unorignally, Terry is my absolute favorite as well. I'd even go so far as to say that my craving to get into Fatal Fury (and KOF to a lesser degree) has always been solely triggered by how much I like his design.

To me he balances awesomeness with everydayness. Like Ryu and Mario he is an Every man character with a modest, kind personality who finds himself in extraordinary situations that bring out his hidden exceptional talents.

What I never fully understood about him though, especially in comparison to special move minimalists like Guile in SF, is how he can be balanced while having up to 4 or even 5 special moves in some games. At a glance he always seemed so overpowered, but I guess SNK fighting games just work a bit differently.

A special note should also go to how cool his stages generally are, with Garou's train stage possibly being my favorite fighting game stage of all time due to the transitions betwee rounds and the time of day changes. If someone can do it, we should definitely include gif's / pics of some of his stages as well.

I wish Capcom would buy Terry from SNK and put him in SFV. Heck, he could even replace Ken as far as I'm concerned.

Apart from Terry, I also like Geese and Andy quite a bit, as well as Duck King (yeah, really!). (By comparison, many later SNK/KOF designs, like Rock, Ash and Benimaru, became too "anime" for me, as in "pretty young people in fancy clothes" beating up seasoned street brawlers and martial artists like Terry or Joe. To each his/her own I guess.)


I prefer the combination of the best of both worlds. Blood of Geese, taught to fight by Terry. Mix the two bags of badass together and you get Rock Howard from Garou: Mark of the Wolves. With some wicked looking supers such as his version of "Raging Storm" being wild (compared to Geese's controlled version) and his own version of Geese's "Deadly Neo Rave" this was my go-to character. Not to mention he has quite possibly one of the coolest win-poses to ever grace a fighting game.

Shame we will never see him in another mainline FF/KoF game. Fated for spin-offs only it seems.



Also, why don't psn have a Garou version?
Or steam?

Damm. Now I want to play it again.


Also, why don't psn have a Garou version?
Or steam?

Damm. Now I want to play it again.

The Ps2 version is available on the japanese PSN
It was also the most voted game for SNKs next port, so i wouldn't be surprised if it gets announced for Ps4 & Steam sooner than later.
Blue Mary for sure. I've never really played much of the Fatal Fury games, but I have put a lot of time into King of Fighters so I know her more from that then this but from those games I know she is bloody awesome. She dresses great, she has a dog and a spunky personality but most importantly her fighting style is this mix of brutal strikes and insanely aggressive grapples. This is just something deeply hilarious that in a game where most of the other characters are fancy pants fighters who can shoot lightning or fire out of their hands and attack like they are out of an anime, she just throws herself at people and puts them into agonizing armlocks. It is pretty great.


Hard to decide because SNK has so many awesome designs but I settled for those two...
- Good guy : Joe Higashi.
He is the perfect balance between goofy and strong and the living proof a funny character doesn't have to suck (I'm looking at you, latest versions of Dan). I've played him since FF1 without fail when he was included in a game. Screw upper is maybe my favorite fighting game super move of all time.
- Bad guy : Yamazaki. The dude is batshit crazy and violent to an extreme. He fights with on hand in his pocket most of the time when is not stabbing people with a knife. He has no respect for rules or regulations. In spite of all that SNK managed to create a fun and likeable character with a lot of depth IMO. His rumored non-appearance in KOF XIV would be a disgrace.


In the end, it's all about dat ass.


The funnest character to use in Garou.



This guy, right here. Although I played pretty much exclusively with Rock back on the Dreamcast (with some stints with Terry), I wanted to learn how to use this guy when I played it on 360 because just looking at him, everything about him says "fun."

Although, I didn't get very far in learning him. I didn't have a 360 stick at the time and I suck at fighting games so I only really get into them and actually play foightin' games in July.

I'd have a beer with the Donger, I'd tell Rock to go have fun at his Linkin Park concert.


Chun-li and Cammy simply can not compare to the female characters of AOF, FF, KOF, SamSho and even World Heroes.
So much spontaneity and charisma are rarely seen in fighting games.

That's actually a good point.

Whilst Capcom's female fighters are more well known.

Personally, I think SNK do female fighting characters so much better.

Some of my favorites like King, Mature and Leona have so much personality and style that Capcom's efforts pale in comparison.


Eh I dunno Cammy and Chunners both had expressiveness since SF2
Chunners more-so, so I think it's bit dissimisive if not Biased to favour SNK's gals over Capcom's ^^;

i KNOW these are not her sf2 animations, but she had these in SF2, and I can't see to find proper SF2 GIFs of them ^^;

I will say that I find Chun and Mai's gameplay to be rather dull in their latest games but that's just me :/

All things considered though while I do like Xiangfei in RB2, my fav. female FF character is Tsugumi and man is it CRIMINAL that she was never added in any KoF game, she's a wrestler fan and her moves could go with being better utlized since it felt a little awkward to look at in Wild Ambition @_@
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