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Who can do really good impressions?

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Voice impressions - whatever. Two I can do really well are:

Hulk Hogan - I'm dead on with the Hulkster. I get requests to do it at parties all the time even though I'm usually only willing to do it when I'm wasted.

Arnold Schwarzaneggar - I'm surew a lot of people can do this - you listen to enough 'Who is your daddy, and what does he do?' crank calls on the internet - you could do it yourself.

I can also do a decent Flair - but its hard to get his Flair-speak down.


Billionaire Ted

My boss

I can do a lot of people after spending enough time around them, really.


I can do a lot of good impressions. I'll try to remember who, though. :\ I always just do them, I don't even really notice that I am.

I used to be able to do a spot-on Jim Carrey. I'm not talking I can go "ALLLLLRIGHTY THEN," I actually sounded just like him.

I can do a really good Milton from Office Space.

A bunch of others, too, I'll try to remember.
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