You and I are having the exact same conversation as the last guy. I'm simply not going to agree on this with you.
Yes, women can look like Abby- but they're elite athletes who eat perfectly (and lots, and constantly) and do particular exercises. Constantly. Abby's body is based on Colleen Fostch, and even then Abby ends up looking bigger than that very impressive woman in the game.
Colleen Fostch:
And even then, something about Abby doesn't look quite female relative to Fostch.
So in summary, Abby is a female based on an elite crossfitter (Fostch). She is, at the very least as big as Fostch (arguably bigger), and to my eye looks significantly less female in the process. All of this while living out the post apocalypse.
Remember: Fostch is an elite crossfit athlete. Fostch still manages to look like a woman.
Edit: So I do retract my prior statement. Based on Fostch, a woman can end up looking more like a male I guess. I have no clue if Fostch is taking PEDs. Abby looks like a Gorilla.