I agree with the thread starter.
I'd say that most of those people aren't being serious. I don't think anyone is trying to convey the idea that, in order to live life to the fullest, you have to have some sort of mind-altering drug of choice that you partake in often. However, there have been people (myself included) stating that it is somewhat close-minded to sit around and say "I don't see the point of it" when you haven't experienced it for yourself. Picking the biggest moron out of the group and saying "I don't want to be THAT guy" isn't a valid reason not to try something. You can consume in moderation and not turn into the guy who is laying in a pool of his own vomit while other drunk people draw stuff on him. I just don't see the aversion to trying something even once. If you have tried it before, and didn't like it, then more power to you for not doing it again. But if you've never gotten drunk and/or high, and you're throwing out reasons like "I don't need to drink to have fun," or "I'd rather be sober and laugh at the antics of all the other drunken idiots," then I'll say that I used to think the exact same way. Then I drank one night, and found that alcohol was not as evil as I had once thought it to be. Maybe you would agree with that sentiment if you gave it a shot, or maybe you wouldn't, but at least you'd be speaking from experience.Naked Shuriken said:I find hilarious the whole "IF YOU DONT DRINK YOURE A PUSSY" posts in this thread. Are you guys 15 years old? Let other people be, and dont come down sounding like an old uncle with the funny 'THIS WILL MAKE HAIR GROW ON YOUR CHEST, BOY" angle
nitewulf said:here we were all hugging and kissing, and understanding. and tounging each other (ok not that) and you had to go on and ruin it.
why do you hate freedom?
anyway, without going into a diatribe, because i just dont have the patience for it anymore, all i'll say is grow up a bit (i recall you're in HS, this not yet the time to form these kinds of opinions), give it some time when you're in college and are around a whole bunch of weird and interesting ppl. and after you're a college graduate, experience life a bit more and then look back and think. may be you'll realize what we're talking about.
dont be one of those jackasses that shut themselves in a room, play video games all day and judge everybody else who's going out and having fun.
MIMIC said:Well whatdayaknow? I actually am in college (freshman at Ohio State University, the largest single campus in the United States) and have done all kinds of things with my drunk/high friends...while opting not to participate in the "having fun prerequisite" of getting drunk/high. Roughly 90% of my friends drink, 99% smoke cigarettes, and maybe only 30% do drugs.
Hammy said:How strict are the smoking laws in Ohio? I rarely ever come upon a smoker, and when someone lights up, I'm not afraid to cover my face with my shirt and run away from them.
You are on your way to becoming the Ultimate GAFFER.Fresh Prince said:By the reasoning of GAF I have found out that
A) All poeple who indulge in 'drugs' (also meaning alcohol etc) use are macho manly men who enjoy the loving of a fine woman and having fun with their mates. These are the hardcore men that make America strong, not the pussies of the world like the wine sipping French. However only because they use drugs to cover up their social anxieties and inner hurt they live with in their sensitive souls. The also use alcohol to use cover up that they have a small penis.
B) All people who decide not to indulge in 'drugs' are smarter, wiser and more independant from the 'herd' and who do not need alcohol to loosen their tounge. They will own you from a moral and intellectual standpoint everytime. However they are all Japanophiles loners who play videogames on a Friday night and only come to parties when they are dragged to one. Then they sit in a corner pretending they are better than everyone by judging them and wishing they can get a piece of ass and wondering why they shouldn't kill themself.
And take over MAF? Never!!Socreges said:You are on your way to becoming the Ultimate GAFFER.
McLesterolBeast said:To completely abstain from alcohol and marijuana use (at least in canada), you either have to be irrationally "safe" (see: pusssy), or be reacting out of the recognition that you have an extremely compulsive personality and would not be able to control yourself. (or you've got parents that'll reem you, a health condition that wont allow you, or similar issues)
Knowing how negligable the risks (both legal and medical) are to the typical sane and competent person, the potential payoff of trying the two substances in question are high enough to justify _trying_ them. All of the medical literature supports the notion that neither substance poses any true risk to your health for the typical person from a one time use. Determining how much you'd want to use, which could conceivably be zero, depends on how much pleasure you derive from the use of them. Clearly, given the reported pleasure that others get from the two substances, the expectation you should have is that it _would_ be physically pleasurable.
Highly improbable disutility coupled with highly probable utility, of a greater magnitude (arguably, but irrelevant even if not). A rational individual would choose to at least try if given the opportunity. The only thing that would stop you is if you were irrationally risk averse, which could roughly translate to "pussy", or if they were not widely available.
With that in mind, i rarely drink and have smoked all of two joints in my life.
*note: legal risks may be greater where you live, but for the vast majority of the western world, the legal risk is a non-factor
that's a fairly rational analysis, but i really think it's a very personal issue, and not so simply deconstructible as "the only reason not to is this or this". people can have religious motivations, for example, and i think it's appropriate to respect those
Pimpwerx said:I was like this too while I was in hs. I drank a few times in hs and never smoked. I used to look down on all that...sorta. Then I got to college and I'm a naturally curious person, so I'll try anything with enough info. So I ended up doing a lot of drinking, which is the norm up in the Albany area. Probably been close to alcohol poisoning a few times, but I tend to drink 'til I'm drunk whenever I go out. Can't help it. I tried weed and became a stoner around my junior year. I'll probably never stop until they make THC pills or something. :lol Tried shrooms, acid, ecstacy, ritalin and random pharms too. Always with some info before, I don't do things blind. We did buy some bogus shrooms off some guy at Woodstock, but that's the only time I've been a complete idiot about drugs. Didn't do coke until a couple years ago. Went through a period where I was doing that weekly, which was cool. A good party drug if not for the fiending and high price.
Through all of it, I was always introduced to it by friends who were doing it. From drinking to sniffing, it's always been fairly social. I get stoned by myself everyday, but that's my chillin drug, not really a social thing unless I'm with my friends. I've also gotten wasted by myself a few times, but that's rare and always when I'm in a fucked up mood. If I never hung with people who did this stuff, I would never have started either. My advice is to befriend a crackhead. You'll learn a lot in a few sleepless days. :lol PEACE.
Pimpwerx said:It's not necessarily a good thing to just accept what you're told. I'll say that the PSAs send a good message in telling people to stay drug-free, but most of what they show is exaggerated or just plain wrong. People who say it does damage to your body probably also drink coffee or soda or eat eggs and other food high in cholesterol or sit in the sun too long and so forth. Lots of things are worse for you than even coke. I don't drink coffee. Yesterday I had my first cup in months. Caffeine is such a shitty drug, but lots of people drink coffee by the gallon and then turn their nose up at coke. It's not enough to know that something's bad for you, you should always know why and how. But that's where personal preference comes in. Not everyone does drugs. I still have a hard time admitting some of my habits to people I know b/c I know that eventhough they may smoke pot ocassionally or whatever, telling them you snort lines won't exactly go over well, or telling them you roll or whatever. But if I'd never done any of this stuff, I'd have missed out on a lot. At least now I'm a bit more experienced, for what that's worth. Now if I'm ever on Jeopardy, and there's a question about what happens to the back of your throat when high on coke, I'll know the answer.Yes Alex, I'll take The Rapists for $200. PEACE.
oh yea? well the jerk store called and they are running out of you!gblues said:There you have it, folks. Proof that drug use causes incoherent rambling and shitty spelling/grammar/paragraph structure.
Those are extreme cases of people with problems who shouldn't be near alcohol in the first place. Most people don't get violent when drunk; I get more friendly.Synbios459 said:I'd first like to say I've never done any drugs, ciggarates, or alcohol. Having said that what do you guys think about the fathers that come home drunk everyday and beat his kids, or won't work and provide for his family because he cares more about getting stoned? Sure while you're intoxicated you may be having the time of your life, but I've seen many cases where people do things that they regret. I just don't see how it's worth risking doing harm to others for your own personal pleasure.
Who's saying it's impossible to have fun without alcohol? It's just a different way of having fun. Why can't you people understand that?I still don't understand why people seem to think that it's impossible to have fun without getting intoxicated, doing drugs etc. Sure I may have never tried them before, but I have lots of fun without having to do those, and I don't see why I'd risk it just for temporary pleasure.
Synbios459 said:BTW, I also find it funny that no one seems to care for the simple fact that (atleast in America) most of the drugs that you guys are talking about are ILLEGAL! Does it not bother you that you are breaking the law!?
Synbios459 said:BTW, I also find it funny that no one seems to care for the simple fact that (atleast in America) most of the drugs that you guys are talking about are ILLEGAL! Does it not bother you that you are breaking the law!?
On a similar note I would like to say how rediculous it is that Alcohol, Ciggarates, and Tobacco are a-ok, yet some less harmful drugs (i.e Marijuana) are considered "Evil!!11!!".
Synbios459 said:BTW, I also find it funny that no one seems to care for the simple fact that (atleast in America) most of the drugs that you guys are talking about are ILLEGAL! Does it not bother you that you are breaking the law!?
Badabing said:The only illegal substance I use is weed, and it's not life threatening or harmful to anyone else but my lungs, so I see no reason why I should feel sympathy for the law. Other than that, I do drink under the age of 21, but we always have designated drivers so it's coo.
Miguel said:Anyway, long story short,
People I knew who did/drank drugs/alcohol = Either I stopped talking to, or they stopped talking to me for not hanging out with them while they got stoned.
I don't know what this really accomplishes in the thread, or if anyone will actually read it...
Man, way to jumpstart my interest in this thread. :lolSynbios459 said:I'd first like to say I've never done any drugs, ciggarates, or alcohol. Having said that what do you guys think about the fathers that come home drunk everyday and beat his kids, or won't work and provide for his family because he cares more about getting stoned? Sure while you're intoxicated you may be having the time of your life, but I've seen many cases where people do things that they regret. I just don't see how it's worth risking doing harm to others for your own personal pleasure.
I still don't understand why people seem to think that it's impossible to have fun without getting intoxicated, doing drugs etc. Sure I may have never tried them before, but I have lots of fun without having to do those, and I don't see why I'd risk it just for temporary pleasure.
McLesterolBeast said:To completely abstain from alcohol and marijuana use (at least in canada), you either have to be irrationally "safe" (see: pusssy), or be reacting out of the recognition that you have an extremely compulsive personality and would not be able to control yourself. (or you've got parents that'll reem you, a health condition that wont allow you, or similar issues)
Knowing how negligable the risks (both legal and medical) are to the typical sane and competent person, the potential payoff of trying the two substances in question are high enough to justify _trying_ them. All of the medical literature supports the notion that neither substance poses any true risk to your health for the typical person from a one time use. Determining how much you'd want to use, which could conceivably be zero, depends on how much pleasure you derive from the use of them. Clearly, given the reported pleasure that others get from the two substances, the expectation you should have is that it _would_ be physically pleasurable.
Highly improbable disutility coupled with highly probable utility, of a greater magnitude (arguably, but irrelevant even if not). A rational individual would choose to at least try if given the opportunity. The only thing that would stop you is if you were irrationally risk averse, which could roughly translate to "pussy", or if they were not widely available.
With that in mind, i rarely drink and have smoked all of two joints in my life.
*note: legal risks may be greater where you live, but for the vast majority of the western world, the legal risk is a non-factor
Synbios459 said:I'd first like to say I've never done any drugs, ciggarates, or alcohol. Having said that what do you guys think about the fathers that come home drunk everyday and beat his kids, or won't work and provide for his family because he cares more about getting stoned?
Synbios459 said:I still don't understand why people seem to think that it's impossible to have fun without getting intoxicated, doing drugs etc.
Buggy Loop said:Not alcohol but,
Marijuana + NES contra coop = joy
Damn i played it so many times with my best pal.
Lara said:Moreover, your conception of the perceived payoff is merely an assertion. It is not clear at all that substances of these kinds are pleasurable (let alone always pleasurable), and the reporting of their effects is mixed.
Why, besides the fear of punishment, do you care what's legal or not?Synbios459 said:BTW, I also find it funny that no one seems to care for the simple fact that (atleast in America) most of the drugs that you guys are talking about are ILLEGAL! Does it not bother you that you are breaking the law!?
Nerevar said::lol
wow, that was my junior year of college in a nutshell. One of the guys I knew was either stoned as fuck and playing co-op contra or sober and playing tetris.
I think his point is that, given the negligable risks of participating in such activities, the possibility that an individual can experience pleasure should derive any rational person to at least try them. Refusal to, at the very least, experience their affects would only derive from someone having a sever condition preventing it (parental / medical) or an irrational fear of new experiences (i.e. "being a pussy"). Just clarifying.
Using that logic, how would you even get out of bed? I'd be long dead if I thought like that.Lara said:But as I have suggested, the 'reporting' of the effects/outcomes of taking a particular substance is mixed.
In other words, your first sentence can be turned on its head: 'the possibility that an individual can experience pain should....'
aku:jiki said:Using that logic, how would you even get out of bed? I'd be long dead if I thought like that.
Edit: Using "you" in the general sense here.
Oh, maybe so. I'm just killing boredom by jumping into the middle of a conversation here so nevermind me.Boogie said:Umm, I think that's her point, that such statements are flawed because they're too simple and limiting. And that human action depends on many more variables than simply whether an act is pleasurable or not.
aku:jiki said:Using that logic, how would you even get out of bed? I'd be long dead if I thought like that.
Edit: Using "you" in the general sense here.