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Who here likes the time limit?

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What is the time limit?

If its main achievement is some reduction in posts that consist solely of:
"IAWTP" or ":)" or ":("

...then I'm all for it.



Junior Member
People should be spending at-least 60 seconds reading the post/topic their replying to, thinking about their reply, and typing it anyway.



Hamfam said:
People should be spending at-least 60 seconds reading the post/topic their replying to, thinking about their reply, and typing it anyway.
Very true.



Hollywood Square
30 would be nice, but 60 is fine. If it helps sift the idiotic posts from decent ones, I'm all for it.
Ryck said:
I honestly didn't realize there was one ...........how do you post that fast anyway?
Reply... then hit reply again... and keep hitting reply until you reply. Easy way to be a post whore, but a bad way to be a post whore. :(


most of my posts are pretty pointless, so i guess i have a problem with it. but then again i imagine things would be worse without it.


Haha, too bad for 56kers because they'll never notice it.

I've only got caught once but that was at night when my cable was really freaking fast.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Society said:
I think the 60sec on searches it way too long.

I agree. Especially when you try to search something, find out there's no results, go back and try another search but NOO you have to wait 60 seconds


Drunky McMurder
I can't imagine running into the time limit on posts often enough for it to be a bother.

I think I've seen it once, and that was because I had the gaming and OT forum open in different tabs and posted a short reply in one thread after I had posted in the other forum.

The search limit hits me every time, though. It got me often with the 20 second limit on the old forum, with 60 seconds it seems like I get the limit message every time I search for something.
Kind of offtopic, but this gave me a good idea:

Have certain threads have a rule set... "The 45 second flamewar":

Pick a subject and start a flamewar about it- you're only allowed to post to the thread once every 30 minutes... the paste function is locked out, and after 45 seconds, whatever you have typed is automatically submitted. Simply put, you only have 45 seconds to formulate and type out a response.

Damn that would kick ass :p

Edit: Oh, forgot to mention that a bigass timer would actually be ticking away in the corner :p
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