Have you been to China? South Korea? Japan? They know Jordan. When I went, they seem to know Jordan. Hell, they linked Chicago to Jordan.
People are assuming because Soccer is a bigger sport it means the person has to be bigger. The most popular players of all time isn't the most popular player now either. Justin Beiber and Michael Jackson have about the same amount of likes on Facebook. Who do you think is more famous of all time?
Part of what makes Ali, Jordan, and Pele so well known for their sports are how they absolutely dominated it. Right now people are still fighting about who is better, Rolando or Messi. With Pele... was there a doubt? Almost every single list I'm looking at with google as Pele as number 1 greatest soccer player of all. And guess what, most list that include Messi and Rolando have Messi ranked higher. If you want to be remembered, guess what, you need to win. Your bum ass can't be getting knocked out in the first round of the World Cup by USA.
Second, it's also looking at who are ambassadors to the sport. Beckham fits this better than Rolando. Beckham is moving out the brands, he is helping build up the sport in America, he is in H&M ads even thought he last time he was relevant was a decade ago. The longer you're in the public's eye, the longer you'll be remembered. This is to be seen still. It's a bit of having that charisma in the public's eye too. Ali was a hype man like no other. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. Probably the most known words ever spoken by an athlete.
And we can always look at MJ some more. As I said, there is no comparison in the world for Jordans. Nike has his shoes selling at 5% of their total revenue. Completely anecdotal info, but when i was in South Korea. They had a line of several hundred people out there waiting for the new Jordans. This was during the World Cup. They aren't waiting for some Nike Shoes. They are waiting for some Jordans. There is not one athlete ever who can say that.
We are talking about lasting power. We aren't talking who is currently the most popular player in a sport. We're talking someone people are going to be brought up 20 years after they retire. And it isn't going to be Rolando.
Dedicate to all you Rolando fans for another unsuccessful World Cup.