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Who is the most prolific poster on GAF?

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Mike Works said:
This was on the previous board (not the temp 1-2 week one, but the one that kept getting server busy errors) I think. Every fucking second thread was a sales thread, I swear to God. It's not nearly as bad now as it was then, as it's completely bareable now.

But yeah, this occured one night at 2am, where I posted a stickied thread declaring all sales threads were banned.

The next day (or later that day I guess), eXxy woke up, saw the thread, deleted it, and de-adminned me citing my lack of going over this with any admins as the reason.

It was worth it

DJ Sl4m

Either Bish or Ripclaw, Bish is hilarious in tag threads (best sence of humor on the forum), but Ripclaw's news threads are a riot.


Musashi Wins! said:
Doesn't prolific mean "posts a fucking lot"?
What happened here?
I'm not sure. It's either "Who is the most recognizable?" or "Who do you like the most?"

I have a lot of respect for the Vancouver contingent. Partly because of the affinity, but they still often demand it. Funny, too.
White Man said:
How the hell could you possibly have 1100 posts already? Isn't that like 50 posts a day?!

It's 49.28 posts per day actually.

Don't ask me how I know. I'm just really good with math.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face


"text entered was not found"

Fuck you all.


Ugh. Yeah, Wario and Buddy are the most prolific posters. Bishop and Mike are the funniest and most readable posters. I am the poster most likely to die of liver and kidney failure.


I dunno dude. I drank so much in the past week the winos are trying to lick my sweat off me on the way to my car just so they can get hammered. It's disturbing.
MAF for me, nothing like a pissed off at motorists thread, really brightens my day

*heh my post count is slowed right gaf is getting duller :( *
Mike Works said:
Lack controversy? What about that time when I;
- Censored the word 'Buffy' on the forum to piss of SolidSnakeX, which in turn made him start referring to his favorite show in his favorite massive thread to 'the Buff', which in turn forced me to spam the thread with images of Buff Bagwell and random Buff Bagwell quotes




Wario64 I used to browse www.fatwallet.com and www.salescircular.com on my own to find game deals. Now Wario does it for me. + 5 for laziness.

Ripclawe Should have his Forum Nickname switched to Google. The guy is a human search engine. This is also why I try to avoid posting new threads.. these people must scour the internet ravenously.

Me: Hey, guys I err.. well.. uhm found this neat stuff.. uhm.. yah!

RandomGAFer: OMGZWTF, welcome to 3:42 am, March 14, 1997! I'd hit it anyway

Funny Dudes and Stuff

Off the top of my head.. MAF, Bish.. funny sometimes = Mike, Will, Andy (doesn't post a lot).. probably a lot more. It's harder to think of the ones who don't spam the forum constantly.

Semi-Recent Throwbacks - M0rphix and Gashprex were both quite recognizable/prolific in recent history.


Mike Works said:
This was on the previous board (not the temp 1-2 week one, but the one that kept getting server busy errors) I think. Every fucking second thread was a sales thread, I swear to God. It's not nearly as bad now as it was then, as it's completely bareable now.

But yeah, this occured one night at 2am, where I posted a stickied thread declaring all sales threads were banned.

The next day (or later that day I guess), eXxy woke up, saw the thread, deleted it, and de-adminned me citing my lack of going over this with any admins as the reason.

It was worth it

dudes, sales threads are the lifeblood of GA... it keeps GAF churning along... I bet right now everybody's looking foward to NPD Quarter 1 +2 report and NPD sales for June...

without NPD, Media-Create, ELPSA or whatever the UK uses, where would GAF be?


efralope said:
dudes, sales threads are the lifeblood of GA... it keeps GAF churning along... I bet right now everybody's looking foward to NPD Quarter 1 +2 report and NPD sales for June...

without NPD, Media-Create, ELPSA or whatever the UK uses, where would GAF be?

There are like 1% of the sales threads currently as their were at the time. You might as well have stickied 10 sales threads and had them taking up half of the first page.. it was annoying as hell. The console wars were in full swing then.. now quite a bit tamer in the gaming forum.


I'd personally have to say Kobun Heat and fenekku-Gitsune.

I loved Gahgiddy too:(

I'm cool with olimario, and the rest that where posted here pretty much cover everyone else.

Oh, John TV should be here also.


SyNapSe said:
There are like 1% of the sales threads currently as their were at the time. You might as well have stickied 10 sales threads and had them taking up half of the first page.. it was annoying as hell. The console wars were in full swing then.. now quite a bit tamer in the gaming forum.

just wait till fall...

the console war is gonna be a bloodbath in November...


Queen of Denmark
Gahiggidy always had a special place in my heart.

For some reason I always enjoy reading Anihawk's posts. I think it's because he comes off so reasonable and level-headed. That guy could probably sell me the Brooklyn Bridge.


I no longer really post in the gaming forum, mostly because I haven't played a video game in like 2 months or so. So I can't speak as to who the prolific gaming forum posters are, but it's probably the usual suspects: SSx, DarienA, and nowadays BuddyC I'm guessing.
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