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Who picked up Time Crisis: Crisis Zone?


Mistaken iRobbery!
what are you waiting for?



Although not really part of the Time Crisis Series, Crisis Zone is a series on its own. The PS2 port has alot of extra Crisis missions to unlock, dual guncon option, and even an Extra Extended story mode after you beat the usual Arcade Mode. After playing for a while, you can also unlock a Pistol, Shotgun, and special weapons(for some zones only) in addtion to your Standard Machine Gun to play alot more like Time Crisis 3 with it's weapon switching.
There is no vibration option in the menu so any thoughts of attaching a controller to the Guncon for authentic Arcade Force Feedback will be disappointed. The game does offer you to adjust the flash brightness when you fire your gun so the entire screen won't be too bright.

For Namco Lightgun fans, Crisis Zone is a console homeport that was long over due. Although, I do think that Time Crisis II is the best game in the "Crisis" series. If you play through the arcade mode, bump up the difficulty to Hard because the default Normal is a bit easy for my tastes. P.S. Hori please make a Force Feedback Machine Gun:


For reference, this is what Claud McGarren(hero of Crisis Zone) looked like back in the 5 year old Arcade of Crisis Zone:


Most of the Enemy character designs have changed as well.


Gold Member
IGN said it was garbage so no one should buy it ;)

I'll probably get it later after the November hell is over.
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