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Who should get the shitty Expos? NoVa or DC?

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NoVa, of course, is Nothern Virgina and all their related suburbs. Isn't the fastest growing county in NoVa? I can't remember the name. Anyway, I've heard they (NoVa) wants to build some massive sports complex for the Expos that includes Hotels, Condos, shopping centers, etc. that overlooks, get this, an AIRPORT. How scenic!

As for DC, they can have their stadium up in three years right next to RFK and unlike NoVa, when their fans look beyond the outfield wall would see all of DC's finest monuments instead of a American Airlines flight 894 coming in for landing. Shouldn't the capital of the free world have a baseball team. It IS American's past time, afterall.

I won't even get into the horrendous traffic problems that plauge NoVa. Either way, the shitty Expos will play in RFK until the stadium is built.

Well? I say DC. The MCI Center has proved that a downtown stadium can function and work, let's get some baseball up in that bitch. Fuck the suburbs..
I mean, DC's had the Redskins leave to the 'burbs, the Olympics deny them for 2012, baseball regularly keeping them on the fence.. It's ridiculous.


Hollywood Square
As much as I would love to have a team in DC, because it'd be easier to commute via Metro than run up to Camden, I say Northern Virginia is the best idea.

Instead of taking away revenue from the Orioles, which will in return also take revenue away from a DC team due to its installed fanbase in places like Montgomery County (my residence), we'll get two teams with not a great amount of revenue and will result in owners putting less money into players. I agree with Gammons. What we'll get are two mediocre teams.

Northen Virginia allows for more distance.
Willco said:
As much as I would love to have a team in DC, because it'd be easier to commute via Metro than run up to Camden, I say Northern Virginia is the best idea.

Instead of taking away revenue from the Orioles, which will in return also take revenue away from a DC team due to its installed fanbase in places like Montgomery County (my residence), we'll get two teams with not a great amount of revenue and will result in owners putting less money into players. I agree with Gammons. What we'll get are two mediocre teams.

Northen Virginia allows for more distance.

I've heard that discussed, too. Something about a team in DC pulling Angelo's(Baltimore's owner) maket away. He claims it's his market. Willco, how far is Baltimore from DC? You think it would be that big of problem?


Hollywood Square
Baltimore is not that far from DC. You can take the MARC train up to Camden Yards, even. The demographic that the DC team and Baltimore team would fight for are the bordering counties, Montgomery County and Prince George's County. Montgomery especially, because it's a rather wealthy county. As a Montgomery County resident, it would be easier and quicker to frequent a DC baseball team than a Baltimore one, by far. But there are a lot around here that are diehard Orioles fans.

Angelos brings up a valid point about a DC team pulling revenue away, but he exaggerates it a bit more than he has too.


HalfPastNoon said:
I mean, DC's had the Redskins leave to the 'burbs, the Olympics deny them for 2012, baseball regularly keeping them on the fence.. It's ridiculous.

Frankly, you should be estatic that the Olympics denied you...nothing's worth getting that event.
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