Last night after i got out of work, i went to the convenience store to pick up a few essentials. There was this guy who was obviously a little tipsy, complaining about women, how they always want a real man, etc. After he leaves, i put my things on the counter. After the cashier rings me up, she puts a rose in my bag.
Cashier: You got a girlfriend?
Me: No.
Cashier: Well, take this rose. I don't want that guy thinking he got something cause he gave me a rose.
Male acquaintance of cashier: What you do is give it to a girl you like, and tell her "I'm sorry, I don't have time to talk to you now." Then give her a card with your number on it.
Sounded like a good idea, except a)there's no women i'm interested in, b)any likely woman i'd give it to would be taken, c)i'll be at work most of the day, limiting my exposure to women to customers.
i had thought to give it to my grandmother, which i know sounds lame, but she recently had an episode due to low blood sugar and a number of other things, on PSP launch day, no less, so i figured she could use something to cheer her up.
In any case, i'll be working pretty much all day, but i feel compelled to give it to someone before it dies.
Cashier: You got a girlfriend?
Me: No.
Cashier: Well, take this rose. I don't want that guy thinking he got something cause he gave me a rose.
Male acquaintance of cashier: What you do is give it to a girl you like, and tell her "I'm sorry, I don't have time to talk to you now." Then give her a card with your number on it.
Sounded like a good idea, except a)there's no women i'm interested in, b)any likely woman i'd give it to would be taken, c)i'll be at work most of the day, limiting my exposure to women to customers.
i had thought to give it to my grandmother, which i know sounds lame, but she recently had an episode due to low blood sugar and a number of other things, on PSP launch day, no less, so i figured she could use something to cheer her up.
In any case, i'll be working pretty much all day, but i feel compelled to give it to someone before it dies.