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Why are we accomodating to gender fantasies?

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Our current generation is increasingly on the spectrum of "non binary" and this fight against "social norms".

Where did all this shit start from? Why is this a problem only seen in urban white teenagers? I'd wager these problems do not exist in Africa/China/Ukraine/West Bank.

Even more baffling is that we must respect gender pronouns as if they are sacred. No - you do not have any right to any adjective. The recent Scottish law which allows you to change your gender on a whim has been exploited by these two male prisoners convicted of various offences claiming they are now women and deserving of a female prison! Absolute insanity.

At least they had the common sense to send the above cunt to a mens prison.
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Animal House Reaction GIF


Our current generation is increasingly on the spectrum of "non binary" and this fight against "social norms".

Where did all this shit start from? Why is this a problem only seen in urban white teenagers? I'd wager these problems do not exist in Africa/China/Ukraine/West Bank.
It’s really not that difficult to understand. Non-binary people were always there, but with Internet and social media they got the chance to find people like them and share their experiences.
No, it’s not only white teenagers, they are just probably the most vocal because they are most well off and have time to spend time on social media and Internet.
No, these issues exist in other countries, they are just not publicised or tolerated.
I think some parents stopped smacking their kids and here we are!
Let’s not condone child violence.


Gold Member
Because now you can just change your gender at the roll of a dice without making any firm commitment to actually 'transition'. That's why you see all these celebs riding the pop culture train.

Empty vapid words that basically mean nothing.


Simps for Amouranth
It’s really not that difficult to understand. Non-binary people were always there, but with Internet and social media they got the chance to find people like them and share their experiences.
No, it’s not only white teenagers, they are just probably the most vocal because they are most well off and have time to spend time on social media and Internet.
No, these issues exist in other countries, they are just not publicised or tolerated.

Let’s not condone child violence.
Get Out Of Here GIF by filmeditor

With your sensible replies



This is a correct answer among among a few. Looking inward to western societies, mental health has also long been overlooked - arguably consciously by governing powers. Couple the theme of the video with a conscious lack of mental health awareness and lack of patient care, and things become ripe for influence and manipulation.

Another reason is the decline of societal moral governing bodies. The Church, while it has done some terrible things, was seen as a moral judicial body that kept the middle, not the fringes, in line. Now that those beliefs are breaking down, due to exposure of past Church transgressions which makes people lose faith in it, as well as science and technology advancements where people focus moreso on tech-bro and tech-sis demigogue cults, there's a vacuum where new power plays for managing society are underway. Boy, it's unsettling sometimes.

One example that's also a mindfuck is the concept of the Matrix or simulation theory. Clearly it is making some turn away from religion. (Personally, I think God/heaven/Earth and the simulation theory are both part of the same thing).

In short, what have been traditional moral governing institutions which condemned fringe behaviors like transgenderism, and encouraged boldly defined men's and women's roles in society, are being discarded, and a turf war for control is in motion. It will continue until something condemns the conflict and puts things in order, whatever that may be, for better or worse.

Lastly, I'll leave this reminder. When I was young, I was liberal. As I grow older, I havent changed much but the world around me has changed, and those new parameters, loudly defined by younger, smaller population generations (like younger millennials and Gen Z), now see me as conservative. The humor arrives when those who now claim themselves to be liberal may be seen in a couple of generations after them to also be conservative. (Imagine Gen Z in their 40s being yelled at as repressors. I can see those younger generations embracing tech, like integrated cyborg tech, or super egregious green policies, as an accepted norm.) This is a part of life's journey and growth in society, and reflects a need for both elder wisdom and influence in society as much as youthful vigor. Neither are wrong, but both need respect in order for a community to survive and thrive. That being said, IMO, as had been done for countless generations, respect for elders (their collective wisdom) needs to be honored and practiced. There's a reason parents exist - for guidance.

PS - what I said above would get me banned on Ree. Kudos to Tyler and team for maintaining a moderate forum for discourse.
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This is end of an empire behavior. The late stage of the Roman Empire there was a fixation on sexuality and boy love.

Nero married his boy slave who he had castrated then married another male slave where Nero assume the role of the Bride.

We're just repeating history. Despite knowing the past it feels like there is no stopping this.
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In the last decade sissy boys, cross dressers and transvestites have become extinct. They now all claim to be trans because of clout. You don't even need the very rare condition of having body dysphoria now, you can just want to be a girl.

People observed that it was easy to gang up and cry bully on Twitter, marketing and PR think Twitter is the voice of the people. It's not.


I think its a byproduct of a very long period without wars to worry about in your own homeland and comfortable life without real issues and all basic needs covered. Add to that the narcissism promoting social media and crappy parenting.


One example that's also a mindfuck is the concept of the Matrix or simulation theory. Clearly it is making some turn away from religion. (Personally, I think God/heaven/Earth and the simulation theory are both part of the same thing).
You say clearly, why is that? I can't say I've heard that suggested as a reason for the decline in religion before. Also, do you think that is a significant number of people?


There is obviously a wide spectrum of gender expression. There are men who are not very masculine, and there are females who are not very feminine. It does not mean they’re transgender, which is a VERY different and real thing effecting a very small percentage of the population. This has always been pretty easy to understand until recently when non-binary became a widely adopted description by younger, likely socially isolated people looking for identify and community. I think it’s incredibly unnecessary and just as much of a needless social construct as the gender norms they like to criticize, but I can’t even be assed to care about it anymore. Everything that can be said has been said on this gender conversation and im so exhausted by constantly having to hear takes on it.


I really don't care how people want to identify themselves or be identified by others, but biological gender is literally what you're born with, whether you like it or not.

This is the problem. We have too many people who ”don’t care” but knows the truth but are afraid to speak up.

This is the result of that. Mentally ill people taking over the most important institutions in our societies where you and your family will be effected by it one way or the other. Even if you ”don’t care”.

It’s called being coward. Let’s call a spade a spade.
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