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Why are you broadband users so hostile against us 56Kers?

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It's almost as if by some nature, people always seem to feel the need to segregate each other by some means and single out that group who is different. You are extra cruel to us when we play online games like Half-life or HALO; making us your primary target because you think our 200+ pings make us easy kills. When a thread has many pictures in it, you post add to the end of it's subject what you think are funny or witty derogatory comments about my dial-up brethren. Things like (56k, no way), (56k not gonna happen), (56k, nuh uh!), and (56k u be dead). When we try to download files from you off peer-2-peer file sharing networks, what do you do? You show us no mercy and kick us from the download!

Well, I come to you today to say that we're internetusers too damn it! Just because we access the internet via dial-up phonelines doesn't mean you can disrespect us. We've got rights! Do we not all visit the same websites? Do we not all play the same online games? Do we not all whack to the same pornographic material?

Your tyranny will not be tolerated much longer! Don't forget, we outnumber you! There's power in numbers! Treat us as equals or there will be a rebellion, and you'll regret the day you sniped me six times in a row with your bedamned crossbow!!!

P.S. BTW, did you know that AOL™ 9.0 Optimized with TopSeed™ Technology loads webpages on dial-up 50% to 60% faster than on regular dial-up? Yes, that's 60% faster! So eat it bitches! Eat it you tau-cannon-in-the-air-and-snipe-3-people-before-your-feet-touch-the-ground bastards!!!!


insert blank space here
In Battlefield 1942/Vietnam I don't even need to bring a gun to the battle with a 56k'er... just a knife ;) :p.


Do you mock me?!

I will put together the ULTIMATE clan called The 56K Clan or T56C for short. I will pool together all 56Kers out there and we will join forces in T56C. Then, without warning, we will attack. There won't be a game server safe from my elite attack force. You will connect to a game of Half-life or HALO only to find that you are outnumbered by T56C 5 to 1. You might be able to kill the four of us in the front, but that one in the back of you will get of a shot before he goes down taking you with him. No one under a ping of 150 will be safe! Mwhahahaha!

Doth Togo

Vieo said:
P.S. BTW, did you know that AOL™ 9.0 Optimized with TopSeed™ Technology loads webpages on dial-up 50% to 60% faster than on regular dial-up? Yes, that's 60% faster! So eat it bitches! Eat it you tau-cannon-in-the-air-and-snipe-3-people-before-your-feet-touch-the-ground bastards!!!!

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
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:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
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:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol



Does it make you nervous? A little, afraid? Huh? HUH?!


aol is like taking your connection (56k or broadband) running it through sludge,shit and crazy glue then sending it out on the 'net for BLindling slow speeds!
The reason we mock the 56k ers is kinda self explanitory.

You go into games meant ONLY FOR BROADBAND like BF42 or Halo and slow down the game for everyone with your exremely high ping rate. Nothing like seeing a model TELEPORT because of your cheap, I'm too poor to pay $7 more a month for DSL ass.

And please.. don't bring up AOL... EVER!

Want to kow why those pages load faster skippy? They downgrade any and all images... same thing NetZero does. Not exactly rocket science.

As for P2P, the reason why all the hate is simple. YOU ARE HOGGING THE SPOT FOR SOMEONE ELSE WHO WON'T TAKE 12 HOURS TO DL A FILE, NUMBNUTS!

Cripes, you already pay $23 a month for AOL.. why not stop being a cheap bitch and pony up the extra 7 to get DSL?

So stop your whining and DEAL WITH IT.


Queen of Denmark
jecclr2003 said:
The reason we mock the 56k ers is kinda self explanitory.

You go into games meant ONLY FOR BROADBAND like BF42 or Halo and slow down the game for everyone with your exremely high ping rate. Nothing like seeing a model TELEPORT because of your cheap, I'm too poor to pay $7 more a month for DSL ass.
I agree with you, but I just wanted to point out the common misconception that it's only a few bucks more for broadband; I pay $10 a month for dial-up, and the cheapest broadband that I've seen (not counting three month introductory prices or whatever) is around $30.

Otherwise, please, carry on. :)


I cant believe some of you people are taking this so seriously. Jesus. The AOL bit was really funny btw.
Human like I said... if you get AOL... you pay $23 or more. Pony up and spend the extra $7 and get a free modem, ethernet card and firewall and pop up blocker software.

AOL just gives you slow connections (if you can even connect during a peak hour), weird freaky people constanly IMing you asking if you have a pic or whatever strange fetish they may or may not be into, and the constant Warner Bros whoring that they do.

As for those of you that use a $10 or less connector, sure no problem. Just one thing, STAY THE HELL OUT OF ANY GAMES! If I'm playng Battlefield and see you teleport one time.. guess what? PUNK BUSTER, BIOTCH! Any ping over 200... SEE YA! Oh, and dont bother reconnecting... It wont let ya.

If you do ANY gaming... get at least DSL. For he love of all things holy, if you have dial up, stay the hell away. Use a friends computer or something, just dont screw up my gaming experience. Especially when I'm trying to pilot my Zero and strafe bomb the enemy checkpoint only to crash into something because of YOUR lag.

Wow, feels good to vent.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
I suspect most of us who are using dial-up do so not because we're too cheap to pay for cable or DSL, but just because we're stuck with it as we have no other real options where we live. I can drive down my road about five minutes in either direction and get Time Warner cable, but because the little patch of land where I live isn't densely populated, they don't bother bringing it out here. My only other option would be satellite broadband, and that tends to be even worse than dial-up for gaming due to its latency issues. Yeah, dialup sucks, and I just sort of accept my friend's mockings with a "yeah, I know", but I just do all my major downloading at work and was never a big online-play fan anyways, so it's not so bad. Now if cable ever snakes its way to my area, fuck yeah I'll be flopping down the 40 a month...



I remember when that hit...

I found a link for a download and sat there and WATCHED the download for hours. While on AIM/forum/etc. Good lord that was a long night. I finally fell asleep and woke up the next day as it was finishing downloading. Then I played. SoF rocked.


I think a few ppl missed the fairly obvious funny in the first post, but whatever it was still a humorous thread. ;)

If I had one issue with HPB and LPBs back when labels were appropriate (and less than half a server would have broadband) it was those young ISDN users who refused to believe their connection was in any way a factor in their being 84-12 in a deathmatch. ;P At least when broadband became more common and majorities of online FPS gamers were LP most admitted it was actually a pretty obvious advantage.

God I'd get so frustrated, not by the fact some trash talking kid would be running up a 6:1 ratio when he was the only sub-250 ping on the server but by the way he would so often refuse to believe that dial-up was any different at all than whatever he had.
"yeah, whatever you're just lucky you have that ISDN"
"IDIOT THAT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE AT ALL PING IS JUST A MYTH YOURE JUST JEALOUS" *rail guns 6 ppl in 5 seconds, half his victims dying before they round the corner to see him shoot them*


insert blank space here
Now wouldn't it be funny if he couldn't enter his own thread because it took too long to load.... someone... do it!
I grabbed the entire Windows XP SP2 network download while I walked away from the PC to get a drink from the kitchen.

It would probably take a 56ker a night or two with a download manager to grab that thing.

Ah....((((((cable modem))))))


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
My Verizon DSL (which they won't upgrade, jerks) is feels slow as it is (dn768/up128), I can't comprehend going back to 56k.

Kon Tiki

jecclr2003 said:
Society... then kill yourself. Life isn't worth living if you can't DL porn at insane speeds.
LOL. No, I have Broadband. All 10Mbit of it.

There are some people that can not get BB, people that do not live in urban settings. Have a bit of respect. :p


I'm getting my 13Mbit line soon. Helloooo 1Mb/s+ downloads. :D Movie? Ok, we can start streaming it with the Xbox innnnnn about 2 minutes. :D


jecclr2003 said:
The reason we mock the 56k ers is kinda self explanitory.

You go into games meant ONLY FOR BROADBAND like BF42 or Halo and slow down the game for everyone with your exremely high ping rate. Nothing like seeing a model TELEPORT because of your cheap, I'm too poor to pay $7 more a month for DSL ass.

And please.. don't bring up AOL... EVER!

Want to kow why those pages load faster skippy? They downgrade any and all images... same thing NetZero does. Not exactly rocket science.

As for P2P, the reason why all the hate is simple. YOU ARE HOGGING THE SPOT FOR SOMEONE ELSE WHO WON'T TAKE 12 HOURS TO DL A FILE, NUMBNUTS!

Cripes, you already pay $23 a month for AOL.. why not stop being a cheap bitch and pony up the extra 7 to get DSL?

So stop your whining and DEAL WITH IT.

Six months ago there was no internet access except 56K in my country. And now I have to pay 60 Euros per month for ADSL 384. So you see it's not like anyone has the choice to buy broadband. So be more tolerant next time.


I have a 5Mb/1Mb cable from Shaw. So much better than regular old cable, but it's still a bit flaky in my area. I totally lost my connection for an hour yesterday evening and a few times now it's had periods where it drops every couple of minutes for a minute or so - just long enough to really annoy you.

Still, oh so worth the extra $10 a month. Nothing like downloading 3 tv shows from bittorrent in a couple of hours and not even noticing any net slowdown while you surf. My wife was downloading a TV show and it pegged at over 600KB for a while.


I don't know about you guys, but I'm at the point now where even DSL feels too slow.

I'm considering going back to school for a PHD just so I can enjoy a really fast pipe again.


You know what's even worse? Having SUCKY cable! 512/128...if even that. It's my only option, but if I go driving for 2 minutes north.....my friend has DSL that is faster than my cable. 138 kilobytes/s UPLOADING speed. I fear to think what his download speed is. I'm lucky to get 60 kilobytes/s download on any torrent. And I'm just waiting for the day they call (it's through a VERY local company) and ask why I downloaded 5 gb through yesterday and today of Power Rangers. Why not just upgrade the connection a bit faster. Is atleast 3mb/1mb cable too much to ask?


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Despite being a dialup user, I hate them as well. Really, this is 2004, dialup should be completely dead by now.



I find it strange that some of you guys consider 512 or 1Mb slow. I have 384 and I feel like the king of the world...
As a regular user of satellite internet... I'm enjoying a temporary drop back down to 28K while housesitting for relatives. Low ping times have let me get in some Battle.net. :)
Be more tolerant? Why?? This is a fun thread... it needs a bit of hostility. It's what makes the world go round.

You obviously don't know what it's like to have a lag free game of any FPS.. lag free that is until that one 56ker comes in and screws EVERYTHING up. Lag starts happening, chaos ensues... server admins wet themselves. Hellfire, brimstone, the second coming of the horsemen. Typically bad stuff.

To be honest, I could care less about Eruope or the rest of the world. Some freaky stuff goes on over seas.Rude, smelly French, women who dont shave.


Minotauro said:
Despite being a dialup user, I hate them as well. Really, this is 2004, dialup should be completely dead by now.



The 21st Century: A cure for cancer, jet packs and blazing downloads.
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