I read your post OP. I don't really agree with your premise, dinosaurs are always popular and the Dino Crisis setting has a high ceiling. Just because it's been totally and vastly underused by Capcom doesn't mean that potential doesn't exist. and I also think that, from an Americlap point of view, it has far more market potential than the Japanese quasi-historical setting infused with supernatural elements from Japanese folk tales.
It's not that Capcom haven't tried to do this in the past, I already said that they did in OP with DC3 and failed completely. RE5, 6 and REV2 were bad if not terrible, but have they failed as much as DC3 did back in the day? Have they? I've been there and saw everything, but even RE6 wasn't that bad as a not RE game. I just don't see how action oriented RE clone with dinos can be relevant in today's day and age, I just don't see any appeal let alone huge sales and lasting power. My movie comparison clearly showed that movie industry can get away with even more shit than the last Jurassic Park trilogy, I mean...
Transformers before Bumblebee ... but gaming undustry can't sustain complete creative disasters and doesn't work like that, it can't just bet on graphics and expect great sales.
We've seen a few example of complete failures of a different kind and I won't be pointing my finger at anything specific, I'll just say that there was great concepts and with great visuals and good character work, but with bad, repetitive and boring gameplay which you can't even explain and for who it was made. At least when it comes to stupid and brainless af movies you can tell for which audience they were made, and I'm not saying that people are stupid and brainless... it's just for some let's say compelling story that makes sense, great character development and other shit like that simply doesn't matter and they just want to have fun and there's nothing wrong with that, plus it's 90 to 120 min of your time at best and not a huge time commitement, but games are completely different beasts.
After all... Ghostwire Tokyo...
Well that was a complete failure right from the start, I saw it a mile away as soon as they showed gameplay and then overall reception pretty much confirmed it. Really bad example, man, you can do better
Your opening post should have just stated that you want an Onimusha Remake more than any Dino Crisis Remake Capcom can put out and asked for vindication. Clearly with statements like this and the statement of your desire for outdated fixed camera angles (which cannot be bypassed with gameplay innovations) you do not care about what has more mass appeal.
I'm not against Dino Crisis remake, if they'll make one, I'll buy and try to play it, it's just it doesn't make sense to waste their time, money and tallent on a super safe RE clone but with dinos, which original Dino Crisis 100% is and remake won't be different. Also, mass appeal for action games almost killed RE, so it's for sure not a major deciding factor here I'm afraid. Also, I explained why I think the way I think and it's not just cuz I like Onimusha more that Dino Crisis, even though I do.
Jurassic World movies are popular so I'm sure there is demand dinosaur games.
They're popular for completely different reasons than the first two movies were. It's like saying that Transformers, Expendables or Resident Evil (live action) movies are popular - see what I'm getting at with this?
Yes, I agree that Onimusha is closer to RE than to Souls games. However, the old Onimusha combat doesn't "cut" anymore (yes the mechanics are good), it needs to be modernized and I don't think it's possible to do it without being inspired by From Software work (that took old mechanics, including those that were present on Onimusha and older games, to the current format), Team Ninja (Ninja Gaiden) and Santa Monica (God of War) , both had to adapt their games to the Souls standard, it's simply too popular (and good) to ignore it.
The greatest thing that FS did (gameplay wise) wasn't creating new gameplay mechanics, it was taking great gameplay mechanics and adapting them to modern gameplay standards in a way that works incredibly well.
They don't need to be inspired by From games, amongs everything else, Capcom just need to stay true to what original game did great, just like original God of War games worked way better as a game, before modern Sony turned into boring af Santa Barbara with annoying af kid which I hate with passion and decided to be inspired by something God of War didn't need at all. Original Onimusha already has everything it needs to be fun even today with all PS2 design limitations and it's short playtime, all they need to do is add even more to it, gore, dismemberment, different finishers based on where enemy is and which power or weapong you used, new powers etc. and they need to find a workaround for camera issues and make modern controls work with old camera perspectives, cuz otherwise they'll end up making DMC clone and that's not what Onimusha is and needs to be. I'm sure they can make it work and it'll take time, but all great things take time to make with passion.
Now, about Capcom taking the safer route... Well, I think that Pragmata is their biggest bet on a new thing, it seems like a triple A game with lots of new stuff from them. I am hoping for the best.
For fuckin' sure, man! Even though we can't tell what it is and can't even think or imagine what it'll be, that's a great example that clearly shows that they aren't afraid to make something completely new or be challenged during game development, that's why I think they can make amazing if not masterpiece level Onimusha remake. But Dino Crisis is going to be the safest route for them cuz there's not a lot they need to do to make it happen and it'll be much easier for them to make modern RE clone with dinos, but there's a lot more risk here and I already explained why, but you're free to disagree with me of course