All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Blatant bait threads like this are not acceptable. Do better than trying to instigate infantile culture wars.
I'm watching Captain Marvel right now, and none of the things I've heard are true. The acting isn't bad. The action isn't bad. The story isn't bad. The plot makes sense. Brie Larson is neither a bad actress or annoying. Also, Samuel L. Jackson is great, as always, and no one ever mentions that he's even in this movie. The same thing happened with the last Terminator movie, nerds got mad, and none of their complaints matched what was in the movie.
Why do nerds get mad when women star in movies? And why do they seem to make excuses about it instead of just saying why they're mad?
Why do nerds get mad when women star in movies? And why do they seem to make excuses about it instead of just saying why they're mad?