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Why do the Brits never vote for Mo Farah in SPOTY?

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Junior Member
He has done the 'double double' and won so many other championship medals. It makes him Britian's most celebrated athlete ever. He should have won the award 5 years ago but never even makes it to the top 3. Today again he was robbed of the award.

Is this a sign of the racist undertones in society that Brexit and Trump made obvious to us?


The man who came 2nd said:

Alistair Brownlee has admitted his surprise that Mo Farah yet again failed to make the top three of the BBC’s Sports Personality of the Year on Sunday night and suggested it might be because “some people don’t see him as British”.

Brownlee said he would have voted for Farah, who came fourth in the awards despite retaining his Olympic 5,000m and 10,000m titles in style in Rio, and felt it was “really sad” that he did not get the respect his success deserved.

“For me Mo’s achievements are incredible and what stands out about them is that no one from this country has ever done them before,” Brownlee said. “There is a good chance that no one will again. It’s not like someone does it every year – it is a complete one-off in what are two very competitive, blue riband athletic events.”

Farah’s case was also supported by the 58-year-old showjumper Nick Skelton, another gold medallist in Rio, who finished third on Sunday night. “I think I would have voted for Mo,” he said. “What he’s done is amazing, hard work and flogging his body. To win all those double golds he’s a worthy winner of it.”



I don't think the doping scandal has done him any favours but he should be getting more votes than some posh guy with a horse.
Watching someone run isn't entertaining if it takes more than 20 seconds.

Not that I personally find Tennis fun to watch but it's clear to see why more people are interested.


Junior Member
I don't think the doping scandal has done him any favours but he should be getting more votes than some posh guy with a horse.
Even before that allegation came about, they never voted for him. If he was white then he would have won.

BTW there is no evidence that he has been doping.
I mean Andy Murray became the first person in history to win two Olympic Tennis singles gold medals, got to the finals of three grand slams -winning Wimbledon, won the ATP tour finals and ended the year as world number 1. He's an extremely deserving SPOTY winner.
Its just his bad luck that his achievements have come at times when there's been a tonne of other incredible british sporting acheivements


He is a long distance runner. No one in the West cares about long distance running unless their country has a shot at a medal every 4 years.


Junior Member
Watching someone run isn't entertaining if it takes more than 20 seconds.

Not that I personally find Tennis fun to watch but it's clear to see why more people are interested.

But other British long distance athletes have won for doing less. E.g Paula Radcliffe.

We have had rowers, cyclists and all sorts win. Athletics is bigger than those sports in terms of followers.


Black man doesn't win so racism? Andy Murray is about as deserving as your ever going to get. And tennis is just more popular in the UK. There's a reason why Mo Farrah is only mentioned ever 4 years, but Murray is always making headlines, and it's got nothing to do with skin colour.


He is a long distance runner. No one in the West cares about long distance running unless their country has a shot at a medal every 4 years.

Not sure why you bought up the 'West'... its a track and field event that garners huge ratings and had brought Mo lots of sponsorship. Running is popular here and Mo has inspired many kids to pick up runnning.


Even before that allegation came about, they never voted for him. If he was white then he would have won.

BTW there is no evidence that he has been doping.

There is no evidence until he gets caught. Alberto Salazar's two runners just happened to come 1st and 2nd at the Olympics beating Kenyans who are a mini Russia when it comes to doping. His domination is very suspicious.

Lance Armstrong never failed a doping test but it was clear from his unbelievable performances against dopers that he was on something.

Best news of today is Dodgy Dave Brailsford being pulled up in front of MPs..


Junior Member
He is a long distance runner. No one in the West cares about long distance running unless their country has a shot at a medal every 4 years.

So he got beaten by a show jumper this year?

Jo Pavey two years ago came third for winning the 10000m in the European championships. She is a long distance runner whose achievements don't come close to Mo Farah.


Not sure why you bought up the 'West'... its a track and field event that garners huge ratings and had brought Mo lots of sponsorship. Running is popular here and Mo has inspired many kids to pick up runnning.
I would like to see the receipts of huge ratings for long distance running in the West.
How is Trump exactly related to the British SPOTY thing? Is that a part of a larger anti Mo Farah narrative?

And lol Hamilton in 2014.
So he got beaten by a show jumper this year?

Jo Pavey two years ago came third for winning the 10000m in the European championships. She is a long distance runner whose achievements don't come close to Mo Farah.

A show jumper? I think you meant to say a guy who retired after breaking his neck, came back and won olympic gold medals, thats quite an achievement and fair enough mo finished behind him
The guy is a Somalian immigrant and a Muslim who prays at the end of each race. The Brits are being xenophobic.

Funny how everyone was completely behind him during the Olympics/Commonwealth etc, but when he doesn't win an award that's forgotten because lol brits are racist brexit.


i don't think it's the doping, he's still considered a national treasure despite the fact that any foreigner with connection to those coaches would be seen as a laughing stock. there's very warm feelings towards him in this country.

i think it's the lack of visibility for distance running. as such he only gets publicity in olympic years which pits him against dozens of other candidates in similar fields, but very few people understand just how incredible his performances are in distance running, like how borderline unbeatable he is. also race, yeah. it was probably easier for ennis to be the face of the 2012 olympics and even easier for the white cyclists like wiggins and trott.
He's a long-distance runner, it's just not as romantic as something like a Tennis tournament where people are being knocked out and things come down to points etc.

I know people with no actual "personality" have won in the past but I feel like Mo is severely lacking in that area. He gets a ton of attention outside of Sports media and after 2012, he seemed like the person I saw on every TV show. Even though most of the time he'd just do his "Mo-hawk" thing then leave.

It's not like he's widely unknown/under-appreciated.

Is this a sign of the racist undertones in society that Brexit and Trump made obvious to us?



How does this work?

The guy is celebrated universally in the country when he wins.

Yep, only the most far right UKIP crazies don't like him. He didn't win, because only achievements that people care about cone in years where other people have outdone him. Murray didn't just win Olympic gold, he won Wimbledon and finished the year as world number one, which a brit hasn't done in decades.

Andy Murray is Britain's greatest ever sportsman, I reckon.

He's not far off at all.


Junior Member
How does this work?

The guy is celebrated universally in the country when he wins.

He is celebrated a lot when he win medals for Britain. But the fact that he is a Muslim immigrant means that they have less love in their hearts that than they would have if he wasn't.

I don't deny that he is celebrated, but there is a lot of hidden dislike for him around the country. He is celebrated more in multicultural parts of the UK and in the liberal media. But the Brits elsewhere don't really love him.

The fact is that him never being in the top 3 is a disgrace. He is considered by the pros to be the greatest British athlete ever.


Andy Murray has had a dream 2016


Mo not winning it because people are racist ?



Junior Member
And long distance running isn't the marquee event. If it was, runners would be a house hold name. In fact, Mo Farah is probably a million times more popular than other long distance runners because he is British.

Paula Radcliffe
Liz Mccolgan
Seb Coe
Steve Cram
Kelly Holmes
Steve Ovett

All long distance runners who are known in British households. And some of them won the SPOTY. Some made it into the top 3 too.


murray is an understandable winner but i do think it's bullshit that triathlete brownlee came 2nd with 16% of the vote and farah came fourth with 7.3%. farah's achievements are far greater.

i can understand the showjumper in 3rd just cuz of the novelty of the 58 year old man as an olympic medalist being a nice narrative.
Black man doesn't win so racism? Andy Murray is about as deserving as your ever going to get. And tennis is just more popular in the UK. There's a reason why Mo Farrah is only mentioned ever 4 years, but Murray is always making headlines, and it's got nothing to do with skin colour.


A show jumper? I think you meant to say a guy who retired after breaking his neck, came back and won olympic gold medals, thats quite an achievement and fair enough mo finished behind him

And this.

Funny how everyone was completely behind him during the Olympics/Commonwealth etc, but when he doesn't win an award that's forgotten because lol brits are racist brexit.

Oh, and this as well. You're really reaching op.


And long distance running isn't the marquee event. If it was, runners would be a house hold name. In fact, Mo Farah is probably a million times more popular than other long distance runners because he is British.

Well if you go along with your claim, id argue people would find it difficult to point out Usain Bolt's peers too. We know winners, he is a huge force in British Athletics, and one of the most revered Olympian for children currently. There's an expectaion for us to continue to compete at the top in his category because of his domination.

My personal opion is that Andy deserved the win, he's had a spectacular year.


Yeah the British would never let a black sprinter win this

That's why Linford Christie never won it


Even before that allegation came about, they never voted for him. If he was white then he would have won.

BTW there is no evidence that he has been doping.

Why does this unnecessarily need to be turned into a race thing? He simply competes in an off the radar sport that even during the Olympics doesn't gather much attention compared to big events like the 100m dash let alone non-Olympic years. Personally I had never even heard of him prior to these Olympics. Athletes like Murray simply have a lot more exposure to win public votes like this. Biles also won the international SPOTY this year which I assume is voted on by the same voting public so what signs are you seeing of racism controlling the vote? Did he not win in 2014 because Hamilton was white? I get you are upset and feel he has been robbed but no need to make it into something it isn't. He simply doesn't have the same exposure as Murray, Hamilton etc.
murray is an understandable winner but i do think it's bullshit that triathlete brownlee came 2nd with 16% of the vote and farah came fourth with 7.3%. farah's achievements are far greater.

i can understand the showjumper in 3rd just cuz of the novelty of the 58 year old man as an olympic medalist being a nice narrative.

Alistair brownlee has acheived a hell of a lot and won olympic gold this year and back in 2012 and probably got a boost from him collapsing in that race a couple of months ago when his brother helped him over the line


If you think Mo didn't deserve it over Andy then fair enough. Andy did great. But Mo not ever even once be in the top 3? The guy has won so many medals over the years and broken multiple British records. He has had lesser achievers in lesser watched sports beating him.

And there is generally a story behind those lesser known athletes

You used Pavey as an example - an athlete who won a major trophy at 41, 9 months after giving birth. Public interest stories have a huge impact on SPOTY.

You're reaching, if you're British you know fine well how well Mo is regarded and this thread is just you trying to get your own race drama thread.


Junior Member
Yeah the British would never let a black sprinter win this

That's why Linford Christie never won it

Must I say it again? It's not just about his skin colour, it's the fact that he is an immigrant and Muslim. See how he prays after every race?

Linford was neither of the above.


Junior Member
you trying to get your own race drama thread.

It's not about creating drama, I feel strongly about this. It's disgraceful how the masses overlook him.

Yes he is celebrated by the sporting media but the ordinary folk in non-multicultural areas dislike immigrants.


If you think Mo didn't deserve it over Andy then fair enough. Andy did great. But Mo not ever even once be in the top 3? The guy has won so many medals over the years and broken multiple British records. He has had lesser achievers in lesser watched sports beating him.

Mo was 3rd in 2011.
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