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why does comedy central still bleep bad words in dvd releases? (south park, reno911)

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i just got the reno 911 dvd and realized that all the 4 letter words are still bleeped, same as south park.

it's not a HUGE deal, but wtf? why do they still bleep it?


i would guess the bleeps are present in the masters. if they were to remove the bleeps for the DVDs, dialog would need to be re-recorded, and that's too much trouble.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Beats the **** out of me....you would think that since the Chappelle show on dvd doesnt have the bleeps they would have done the same for atleast Reno.

I guess they figure too many kids watch South Park or some **** :\
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