Ned Flanders
The players:
Nedders- Yours truly
A- Recently deflowered 17 year old D cupper who I'm currently...seeing? Dating? She's actually very cool and very trustworthy. Not to mention fuckaliciously horny all the damn time.
B- Former Stamination victim and ex-coworker, 24, bootylicious as all get out. She's into the clawing/ear biting/wild animal fucking and it definitely works for me.
C- 36 year old stacked divorcee coworker who is recently single. There's long been a sexual tension between us, and I've always wanted some vintage All-Pro ass. Likely a wild child in the tater sack.
D- 22 year old tall and svelte coworker, also recently divorced and very interested in Homer Simpson's neighbor. She's been hanging out with a toolbag coworker (T) who's grown attached to her despite them only being "friends" and not getting freaky in the least.
E- 21 year old supermarket supervisor, friend of D, who is pugnaciously cute and also built for the action. She desires her some Stamination as well.
So, as you heard exclusively here on GAF mere weeks ago, I finally pulled the trigger on Miss A and deflowered her like Austin Powers set loose in a convent. I'm not mushy over her in the least (I really like her a lot but I'm not lovey dovey), but I do have possessive feelings and I'd probably be furious if I found out she did something outside of our current little thing. Luckily she's not at all like that, is totally into me, and we have a policy of making sure that all extracirricular activity is out in the open. If anything, I've been more worried about myself lately, for reasons I'm soon to explain.
A bunch of my female coworkers have been going out to a club lately (in Texas we have shitloads of dancehalls that mingle sets of country music with contemporary hip-hop/dance), C and D among them. I haven't been out dancing in a over a year, and I admit that I've been getting antsy to go out and have a night of fun and frolic with some booty shaking action. The past 3 weeks, every time they've went out, C has all but pleaded with me to come, and given that she just recently ditched her first post-divorce boyfriend (this guy wasn't a toolbag, he was a fucking toolshed) she's clearly ready to have a good time again. Given all the flirtation and my testimonials about my Stamination prowess in the past (we've worked together over 2 years), I get the feeling that shes finally ready to ride my rodeo, and wants the club to be her setting for seduction.
Miss B I last had a fling with going on a year ago, and we've been talking recently on a semi-regular basis, including about my cherry-popping ways. She was completely supportive and non-judgmental, saying that if I felt ok with it, thats all that matters. We've remained friends since she started working elsewhere, and last night she invited me out to a bar to have some drinks with another friend of hers. She had no hesitation in asking what the status was of me and Miss A (to "Are you just fucking or seeing each other?" I responded "Somewhere in between" to keep the window open) and was quite forward throughout the evening. She called me tonight to see if I wanted to go out dancing as well, as she was meeting up with the same group of girls as Miss C and D. I think she wants a 3D flashback of me pounding her pudding as she clawed my ass like Wolverine.
While at the bar last night, Miss D and E showed up as well (incedentally), and I spent some time with them when not hanging with Miss B. Miss E had previously narced me out to Miss D and Mr..T (lol) back on the night before I deflowered the youngster, because she works at the supermarket where I was buying boxes of condoms and just happened to step to the register as I was making my purchase. After railing on the two of them about it for a while, Miss D asked me for my number and told me that the 2 of them would be going out next Monday to a bar if I wanted to join them. I told them I'd think about it. Then, tonight before I even received the call from Miss B, Miss D text-messaged me asking if I wanted to go to the club as well. So 3 different broads (4 if you count D's friend E) are tugging at my bozack to get me to go dancing at the same time, and my fucking head is about to explode.
So, firstly I obviously didn't go out tonight, as I'm totally assed out from working out and staying out late last night, but I know they'll be going back out next week and are likely going to invite me again, not to mention Miss D and E's invite for next Monday.
My problem is many splendored. Miss A would let me go out and dance with them so long as I told her about it and didn't fool around, but she'd likely want reciprocation to do something suspect out with her friends one night and that would drive me apeshit if I thought she was doing something freaky.
Second, even if I could go out on the cool and didn't do anything but dance with these girls, word would probably get around to Miss A somehow (fuck I couldn't buy condoms at the damn supermarket without my fucking coworkers finding out for Christs sake) that I was getting all freaky on the dance floor (which happens), and that would definitely cause some tension between us.
Third if I did go out with all of them and had totally dirty intentions of Stamination, I'd be squandering opportunities with the others upon choosing only one of them, not to mention throwing things out the window with Miss A, who might remain interested but probably would start fucking anything with a semi-firm appendage behind my back.
If I were to do anything, Miss B would probably be the safest bet, as we have a repoire (so I could likely count on her silence), have done it before, and no longer work together. But at the same time, old territory has none of the pageantry of new conquest. Miss D doesn't really do it for me other than her extremely cool demanor and laidback personality, and Miss E would likely be a fun fucktart but otherwise irritating. Miss C would be a trophy fuck to be sure, and she might be able to keep quiet, but I just know that if we hooked up at the club that everybody and their mom's hairdresser would be flapping their gums at work.
So what do I do? I got with Miss A under the guise of "you only live once", so as not to cheat myself out of the opportunity to have some fun with a ripe busty youngster. But that same guise is haunting me now that half a dozen other snatches are somersaulting towards my cock, and I'm wondering if remaining faithful to Miss A will mean I'm missing out on some other fun experiences. It would be easier if she were old enough to go out and do those kinds of things with me, but since she can't it makes the others that much more appealing. The temptation is starting to erode my character, and I feel that I can't hold out much longer.
So do I remain faithful to Miss A and carry things to their conclusion? Do I just go out with the others and tell A, and hope that the consequences don't fuck things up between us? Do I bag Miss B on the downlow and just don't tell Miss A, thereby abandoning my principle of honesty? Do I cut Miss A loose and just go wild with whoever I feel like?
I'm completely torn by this and the irony is all the more depressing given that a month ago, when I wasn't engaged in any extra-cirriculars with Miss A, I didn't see half the advances in a week that I get in a day now. It's fucking maddening.
Throw the Staminator some advice, wouldja?
Nedders- Yours truly
A- Recently deflowered 17 year old D cupper who I'm currently...seeing? Dating? She's actually very cool and very trustworthy. Not to mention fuckaliciously horny all the damn time.
B- Former Stamination victim and ex-coworker, 24, bootylicious as all get out. She's into the clawing/ear biting/wild animal fucking and it definitely works for me.
C- 36 year old stacked divorcee coworker who is recently single. There's long been a sexual tension between us, and I've always wanted some vintage All-Pro ass. Likely a wild child in the tater sack.
D- 22 year old tall and svelte coworker, also recently divorced and very interested in Homer Simpson's neighbor. She's been hanging out with a toolbag coworker (T) who's grown attached to her despite them only being "friends" and not getting freaky in the least.
E- 21 year old supermarket supervisor, friend of D, who is pugnaciously cute and also built for the action. She desires her some Stamination as well.
So, as you heard exclusively here on GAF mere weeks ago, I finally pulled the trigger on Miss A and deflowered her like Austin Powers set loose in a convent. I'm not mushy over her in the least (I really like her a lot but I'm not lovey dovey), but I do have possessive feelings and I'd probably be furious if I found out she did something outside of our current little thing. Luckily she's not at all like that, is totally into me, and we have a policy of making sure that all extracirricular activity is out in the open. If anything, I've been more worried about myself lately, for reasons I'm soon to explain.
A bunch of my female coworkers have been going out to a club lately (in Texas we have shitloads of dancehalls that mingle sets of country music with contemporary hip-hop/dance), C and D among them. I haven't been out dancing in a over a year, and I admit that I've been getting antsy to go out and have a night of fun and frolic with some booty shaking action. The past 3 weeks, every time they've went out, C has all but pleaded with me to come, and given that she just recently ditched her first post-divorce boyfriend (this guy wasn't a toolbag, he was a fucking toolshed) she's clearly ready to have a good time again. Given all the flirtation and my testimonials about my Stamination prowess in the past (we've worked together over 2 years), I get the feeling that shes finally ready to ride my rodeo, and wants the club to be her setting for seduction.
Miss B I last had a fling with going on a year ago, and we've been talking recently on a semi-regular basis, including about my cherry-popping ways. She was completely supportive and non-judgmental, saying that if I felt ok with it, thats all that matters. We've remained friends since she started working elsewhere, and last night she invited me out to a bar to have some drinks with another friend of hers. She had no hesitation in asking what the status was of me and Miss A (to "Are you just fucking or seeing each other?" I responded "Somewhere in between" to keep the window open) and was quite forward throughout the evening. She called me tonight to see if I wanted to go out dancing as well, as she was meeting up with the same group of girls as Miss C and D. I think she wants a 3D flashback of me pounding her pudding as she clawed my ass like Wolverine.
While at the bar last night, Miss D and E showed up as well (incedentally), and I spent some time with them when not hanging with Miss B. Miss E had previously narced me out to Miss D and Mr..T (lol) back on the night before I deflowered the youngster, because she works at the supermarket where I was buying boxes of condoms and just happened to step to the register as I was making my purchase. After railing on the two of them about it for a while, Miss D asked me for my number and told me that the 2 of them would be going out next Monday to a bar if I wanted to join them. I told them I'd think about it. Then, tonight before I even received the call from Miss B, Miss D text-messaged me asking if I wanted to go to the club as well. So 3 different broads (4 if you count D's friend E) are tugging at my bozack to get me to go dancing at the same time, and my fucking head is about to explode.
So, firstly I obviously didn't go out tonight, as I'm totally assed out from working out and staying out late last night, but I know they'll be going back out next week and are likely going to invite me again, not to mention Miss D and E's invite for next Monday.
My problem is many splendored. Miss A would let me go out and dance with them so long as I told her about it and didn't fool around, but she'd likely want reciprocation to do something suspect out with her friends one night and that would drive me apeshit if I thought she was doing something freaky.
Second, even if I could go out on the cool and didn't do anything but dance with these girls, word would probably get around to Miss A somehow (fuck I couldn't buy condoms at the damn supermarket without my fucking coworkers finding out for Christs sake) that I was getting all freaky on the dance floor (which happens), and that would definitely cause some tension between us.
Third if I did go out with all of them and had totally dirty intentions of Stamination, I'd be squandering opportunities with the others upon choosing only one of them, not to mention throwing things out the window with Miss A, who might remain interested but probably would start fucking anything with a semi-firm appendage behind my back.
If I were to do anything, Miss B would probably be the safest bet, as we have a repoire (so I could likely count on her silence), have done it before, and no longer work together. But at the same time, old territory has none of the pageantry of new conquest. Miss D doesn't really do it for me other than her extremely cool demanor and laidback personality, and Miss E would likely be a fun fucktart but otherwise irritating. Miss C would be a trophy fuck to be sure, and she might be able to keep quiet, but I just know that if we hooked up at the club that everybody and their mom's hairdresser would be flapping their gums at work.
So what do I do? I got with Miss A under the guise of "you only live once", so as not to cheat myself out of the opportunity to have some fun with a ripe busty youngster. But that same guise is haunting me now that half a dozen other snatches are somersaulting towards my cock, and I'm wondering if remaining faithful to Miss A will mean I'm missing out on some other fun experiences. It would be easier if she were old enough to go out and do those kinds of things with me, but since she can't it makes the others that much more appealing. The temptation is starting to erode my character, and I feel that I can't hold out much longer.
So do I remain faithful to Miss A and carry things to their conclusion? Do I just go out with the others and tell A, and hope that the consequences don't fuck things up between us? Do I bag Miss B on the downlow and just don't tell Miss A, thereby abandoning my principle of honesty? Do I cut Miss A loose and just go wild with whoever I feel like?
I'm completely torn by this and the irony is all the more depressing given that a month ago, when I wasn't engaged in any extra-cirriculars with Miss A, I didn't see half the advances in a week that I get in a day now. It's fucking maddening.
Throw the Staminator some advice, wouldja?