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Why the Japanese are having so few babies ( The Economist)



The Economist

Last month a local official in Aichi prefecture set out a daring proposal. Tomonaga Osada suggested that the authorities could distribute secretly punctured condoms to young married couples, who would then get to work boosting the birthrate. His unorthodox ploy won few supporters, yet it reflects a gathering concern about Japan’s demographic plight. Last year just over 1m babies were born, far fewer than the number needed to maintain the population, which is expected to drop from 127m to around 87m by 2060.

The chief reason for the dearth of births is the decline of marriage. Fewer people are opting to wed, and they are doing so later in life. At least a third of young women aim to become full-time housewives, yet they struggle to find men who can support a traditional family. In better economic times potential suitors had permanent jobs as part of the “lifetime employment” system. Now many hold down temporary or part-time work. Other women shun marriage and children because Japan’s old-fashioned corporate culture, together with a dire shortage of childcare, would force them to give up their careers. Finally, young people are bound by strict social codes. Only around 2% of babies are born outside marriage (compared with 30-50% in most of the rich world), which means that as weddings plummet, so do births. Even for those who do start families, the rising cost of child-rearing often imposes a de facto one-child policy.

Is the Japanese government even able do something? The government can always give monetary incentives to parents - paying part of a parental leave, tax breaks, etc. But I’m not so sure that Japan can do these types of incentives in a way that would change the fertility rate to an acceptable level and not bankrupt the country.

Edit: Wrong side, can a mod please move it?
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