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Wii? Non! - Nintendo Land |OT|


Is there anyway to disable the gamepad as a camera in the Plaza?

Only thing I could find is turning off the front-facing camera when in the attractions but I'd rather not have the camera move in the Plaza just because I move the gamepad slightly.


So far I've tried the Yoshi game (pretty fun), Ninja star throwing (it's OK), Zelda's game (fun) and the DK Crash course (SUPER fun and addicting, the lady here at homes has been playing it for 2 hours straight).
I've played Metroid Blast, F-Zero, Yoshi Cart, and Ninja Castle so far. I enjoyed them all.. especially Metroid! I really like the Yoshi music. dat nostalgia~
This game just oozes charm and fun, Wii Sports Resort meets Wii Party meets Smash Bros. (for the fan service). Haven't played all the attractions yet but I have been very impressed so far.


I'm really loving this game so far. Those Yoshi Bots are hilarious. Playing with just 2 players, the AIs seem very fair and well-programmed. The graphics are very good, plays gorgeous on my TV. This game alone justifies all of the hype I've put into this console.


Any tips on DK's Crash Course area 9? I can't make those R trigger jumps =/

DK Area 9 Tip:
Just give them a slight tap. Don't hold down R for too long.

Maybe this is just my audio setup, but I noticed that the GamePad audio during the game is out of sync with my setup. Does anyone else have this problem? I think it's awesome that they tried to harmonize the stereo + gamepad audio, but at least for Nintendo Land the audio comes through the gamepad about 150-200ms faster which makes it really jarring. I hadn't noticed it anywhere else in the system but couldn't find anything that would let me sync the GamePad's audio.


There's at least 9 levels? :O
Nincs amount of content in this game!

I don't know how many levels there are but I was referring to the first one. I believe every time you pass a checkpoint flag the game called those 'areas' and I'm stuck in the 9th one.

DK Area 9 Tip:
Just give them a slight tap. Don't hold down R for too long.

That's exactly what I did and got about halfway through the jumps. Do I need to slightly tilt the gamepad in any given direction or keep it straight? Also did you kept tapping R to jump through the platforms quick or did you make one jump and pause before making the next one?


You know. I'm freaking addicted to Donkey Kong Crash Course. That mini game is addictive as all hell. I'd actually buy a full game of that. I can't stop playing it.
You know. I'm freaking addicted to Donkey Kong Crash Course. That mini game is addictive as all hell. I'd actually buy a full game of that. I can't stop playing it.
How many levels are in it? I played it at a demo event and almost finished the level. I wondered if there were any more?
Crash course is soooooooooooooo awesome, I've had one run in which I was able to save the first two Paulines. It gets sooooo punishing in the third overall level.

Absolutely hooked. Found a few shortcuts in the first level already. I think there are 5 stages


My excitement is building for trying out this game now. Crash Course has always perked my interest the most from videos.


Love this game so far. And the difficulty ramps up in all the games. I don't know how I'm going to finish some of these.


Can't wait to finally play this tomorrow. hard to believe, but at this point I think I'm actually more excited about this than NSMBU. The production values are phenomenal.
My room mate and I dabbled in each of the multiplayer events, then he watched me do all the single player ones. Early thoughts (in order we played them)

Zelda: Enjoyable, though I felt the archer was constantly falling behind the swordsman, game works well with any number of players (only tried with 1 and 2) though I hope it scales up the enemies for more players cause both stage 1 and 2 were really easy for 2 people.

Metroid: Ship controls took some getting used to, the vs enemies mode worked really well with 2 players and was a blast even if the ship's missile felt a bit over powered. The vs combat mode doesn't work at all with 2 players, even without screen hopping the space ship always won. Would be a lot more fun with 3-5 people.

Pikmin: Total blast to play and makes my body so ready for pikmin 3. Each level seems to introduce more concepts making the 10 stage adventure mode have a lot of replay.

Animal Crossing/Luigi's Mansion/Mario Chase: All 3 come down to "these modes don't work unless you have 3-5 people" you can do them with just 2 but none of them feel balanced for it. Animal Crossing the tablet player can easily corner the one player. Luigi's Mansion the AI is broken and makes it impossible for the ghost to win if the human sticks near them. Mario Chase it's too difficult for the single toad to find Mario, especially when the yoshi bots can't kill on their own.

All the multiplayer stuff is awesome, it's a shame that you need to have 3-5 people for most of them to work well.

Now the single player only games

Yoshi: I only played a few stages, seemed pretty easy early on though I can see how it can probably become a lot more difficult later on. Fun little time waster.

Octopus: I can't fathom why this game is called Octopus, it has almost nothing to do with the game it's supposed to pay tribute to. It's a fun rhythm game that can get pretty challenging when you have to move both arms and your body but I couldn't help but feel like they designed this mini game before they knew what game it would be an homage too.

Donkey Kong: Ugh easily the worst game for me, it's an Iphone/Ipad game with some wonky physics that mostly got me killed. Will try again later but I never really had fun with it.

Takamaru: Holding the wii mote flat and throwing shurikens felt awkward at times for me, it's probably because my current situation has me very close to the tv so I'll reserve judgement for when I can try this in a more open space. Seemed like a fun little time waster though I kept thinking back to the kirby shuriken challenge in return to dreamland and wondering why this wasn't more like that.

F-Zero: I would say this feels slow, but considering I died on stage 6 out of 12 by crashing into an obstacle that's irrelevant. Holding the wiiu pad vertically was okay I guess but the sensor always seemed to be a bit off. That aside I had a blast playing this before I died, easily the best single player game.

Balloon Fighter: Had a blast playing this, touch screen controls work well and it's fun to play new Balloon Fighter content. This really should have offered multiplayer though :<

Great game and it boggles my mind why Nintendo did such a poor job showing this game off at E3. A live demo of Zelda or Metroid would have blown some minds.


Having a lot of fun with this game so far. Though it is a bit crazy how much control they give player 2 (and I'm assuming so on), allowing them to try to steal your Mii and jump into the game real quick if they want to be a dick.

Also, I really need to get used to the controls on the ship in the battle part of Metroid, as it had me losing HARD.
Bassforever, wonky physics in DK crash course?! you kidding. Don't mistake hyper sensitivity for wonkiness. The collision detection, momentum, and tilt sensitivity are all top-class. Give it another go and exercise caution when necessary. Game is awesome, whether or not it seems shallow. There are also multiple ways to shave time, and a great effect of 'patting your head and rubbing your belly' when you need to turn cranks while tile the pad and such.



Zelda: Enjoyable, though I felt the archer was constantly falling behind the swordsman, game works well with any number of players (only tried with 1 and 2) though I hope it scales up the enemies for more players cause both stage 1 and 2 were really easy for 2 people

The people with the swords can shield and stop themselves from moving while the archer shoots pots for rupees and catches up.

Bassforever, wonky physics in DK crash course?! you kidding. Don't mistake hyper sensitivity for wonkiness. The collision detection, momentum, and tilt sensitivity are all top-class. Give it another go and exercise caution when necessary.

Yea, no way. That game is very tightly built.


The people with the swords can shield and stop themselves from moving while the archer shoots pots for rupees and catches up.

Yea, no way. That game is very tightly built.

yep, I fell behind...wayyy behind, before realizing charging your arrow/shooting makes you stand still so you have to plan, or have swords shield up for a second.

had tons of fun 1 on 1 metroid blast, probably played 20 rounds. unlike bassforever I found that the on foot character had a sizeable advantage (huge target to shoot at) that I thought about raising the hearts for the ship. if it were 1 v 2 or 3 i would def have to.
edit again: read the rest of bassforevers rundowns, and I disagree that the 3 multi only don't work with 2 players. In mario chase the toad won every time (i got caught at 1 sec once, giving my buddy a stamp), I also won 2 or 3 times being the elephant/candy collector in AC. didn't try Luigi.


DK Crash Course is unforgiving enough that skipping a section feels like a real accomplishment. I'm gonna spend way too much time on this one.

Sweet Day was the best multiplayer game for our group of three. The balance is excellent, and the ever-expanding heads are both useful and hilarious.


Is the miiverse stuff working for anyone in the game? I know miiverse is acting up but I'm kinda sad the main hub isn't populated with user generated miis instead of these random ones i can't click on.


Well...I can't play this game. It keeps crashing for me within a few seconds of getting into it. No other games are. I...I'm stumped.

Davey Cakes

So after my Wii U launch party, I have to say that Nintendo Land was a hit! And this is only based on four of the games. I really love how some games support 5 players.

The first game we played was Mario Chase and everyone was hooked after a couple of rounds. We played 14 rounds before trying another game (Luigi's Ghost Mansion), and even then we eventually went back to Mario Chase when some of my other friends showed up, because basically we couldn't let anyone NOT play the game.

Luigi's Ghost Mansion was basically the same case though. Everyone loved it almost right away and got addicted. Great use of teamwork.

The third game we played was Animal Crossing, which was fun but we only played a few rounds.

Lastly, we played 6 levels of Zelda and yeah, that one's a winner too. Starts really easy but gets tough in some levels, requiring good team coordination. I only played a little bit as the archer but I have to say, archery is almost preferred for me. Shooting arrows in Zelda games is always incredibly satisfying for me so that's no surprise.

So far, it seems like the magic of Nintendo Land is in the 5th player using the Gamepad. By actually making the Gamepad user's role fun and unique, everyone wants to get in on it. Everyone wants to experience being on both sides of the equation, which extends the longevity of the mini games. If these games were only four-player, I think they would get old much faster; by putting every person into the Gamepad role and switching off really makes a difference. I love it. It sold me on the idea of Gamepad implementation in multiplayer games.

So yeah, positive impressions so far from everyone who played. Can't wait to delve into the other attractions. It's unfortunate that half the games are single-player but maybe we can find some way to make the single-player attractions social in their own way.

In terms of the social experience, Nintendo Land is definitely the Wii U's Wii Sports. And, after spending six years with the Wii, I realize that Nintendo Land is exactly the kind of game that I bought the Wii U for, and other sorts of games are mere bonuses.


Well...I can't play this game. It keeps crashing for me within a few seconds of getting into it. No other games are. I...I'm stumped.
Do we have a troubleshooting "WiiU launch" thread? Might be a place to gather those issues and respond to them.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
The three multiplayer chase mini-games are simply amazing. The family and I played them for hours, just like we did when we first got Wii Sports. Oh, and it turns out the presentation and other attractions surrounding these local mutiplayer gods aren't too shabby themselves. Nintendo really has a hit on their hands with NintendoLand.

Davey Cakes

The three multiplayer chase mini-games are simply amazing. The family and I played them for hours, just like we did when we first got Wii Sports. Oh, and it turns out the presentation and other attractions surrounding these local mutiplayer gods aren't too shabby themselves. Nintendo really has a hit on their hands with NintendoLand.
The worst thing is the limited number of stages. One of my friends suggested the idea of new stages/maps as DLC, for games like Mario Chase and Luigi's Ghost Mansion. It probably won't happen, but it'd be awesome nonetheless (and not really that hard either, in terms of designing the stages).

The problem with Nintendo Land is that it might be spread thin because of the number of attractions, with each one not having enough variety. I'm not much into DLC but man, in this case I'd buy it without hesitation, for the same reasons I'd buy DLC Mario Kart tracks if such a thing ever came to be.


What time is it?
Well...I can't play this game. It keeps crashing for me within a few seconds of getting into it. No other games are. I...I'm stumped.

Did you get the patch? Maybe try deleting the patch and playing without the patch/re-applying the patch?

The three multiplayer chase mini-games are simply amazing. The family and I played them for hours, just like we did when we first got Wii Sports. Oh, and it turns out the presentation and other attractions surrounding these local mutiplayer gods aren't too shabby themselves. Nintendo really has a hit on their hands with NintendoLand.

I don't have a lot of opportunity for local multi-player so I feel like I missing out. Luigi's Ghost Mansion and Mario Chase look amazingly fun.

I know everyone is saying it but the music is so damned catchy. I really like Pikmin Adventures and Balloon Trip Breeze is good in doses (though I wish you could play it all from the touchscreen instead of the zoomed in view it gives you) but the most fun I've had with the game is the pachinko-like machine that lets you spend all of your coins. The rest of the single player enabled attractions haven't grabbed me.


We had tons of fun playing the mario/luigi/animal crossing games with 5+ people taking turns. I'm wondering if it'll be possible to trade/return the game and get it digitally. The Wii U seems to keep spinning the disc even when you're playing other digital content or just using the OS.


I can't get the F-Zero minigame to work. The calibration is wonky and no matter how many times I calibrate it, it doesn't work.

When I hold the game pad straight up it's shown as me going to the right. Fucking annoying.

EDIT: Okay I've gotten it to go straight on start but now it just slowly drifts to the right. My game pad isn't busted because everything else has been working fine apart from this game.


Just wanted to say that using the gyro to look around on the controllers screen works crazy well. Probably the most impressive thing about the console so far Imo. I demand full games that do that!
I really love Pikmin Adventure. It looks so good and I love that it's off tv compatible. Do the regular Pikmin games play like this somewhat? i never had the chance to play them.
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