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Wii U Community Thread

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Not sure what you're saying there, but if it's about Hollywood introducing a new GPU block which was not already in Flipper - you're wrong. Flipper had a CP, which was doing the exact same thing as Hollywood's CP, namely, traversing the command buffers coming from the host, setting up DMA pointers, etc.

Im not saying anything, Im wondering. You have a link for the Gamecube?


I've never sold a console or game, and I don't plan to.

I did (SNES to get money for N64) and I went through extreme withdrawal and re-bought it a few years later. Stupidest decision I ever made (selling, not rebuying obviously). Oh god, all those games I sold for next to nothing on the flea market ... mint condition boxed and all high caliber stuff :( ... been rebuilding ever since.

I have a Gamecube, so there's really no reason for me to keep my Wii (someone feel free to convince me otherwise).

This has got me thinking though; how is Nintendo going to handle Wii BC? If the console supports off screen play, will we just have to cope with games requiring motion controls being almost unplayable? Games with IR pointing or M+ would be impossible, but is there any chance at all that we will be able to map something like Mario's spin attack to another button? The thought of playing Galaxy in bed is probably giving me false hope. :/

The GamePad has a sensor bar above the screen. That one spanish Wii U interview from one of the experience events made it sound like regional offices expect full Wii game functionality with off-screen play but don't know for sure of the home office is fully integrating that. But in theory it is possible!

I believe Iwata said as much in some press release.

Iwata said "more software for launch window and beyond would be announced later" ... not sure if he added "in the year" or not but it was never explicitly said that it would still happen this year.

I thought this article on CVG (originally published in UK's Nintendo Gamer magazine) was interesting.

Nintendo Land: A Wii U classic in the making?

Lots more at the link.


I strongly believe NintendoLand will actually be a fantastic piece of software and serve as a wonderful showcase for what new gameplay we will see with the controller. That game suffered so much due to it's horrible unveiling that many like to dismiss it because of what it was not instead of appreciating what it is.

Wait, what?

Congratulations, you are being stalked! :D


Nintendo never revealed prices and releases dates at E3, always close to the actual launch. It's how they roll. There is other ways to make your E3 awesome.

I completely discredit Pachter for saying that. Release Date and Price for a game show is not a factor that decided whether it was good or bad, this is ridicolous.

I've sent a big mail to nintendo PR saying that micheal pachter spreads false claims and should not be taken seriously at all, talks for him self personally, and nobody of us hardcore fans or even any of the mass people in chat ever said or whined that E3 was bad exclusively because no release date or price was revealed. Everyone was talking about game announcements and tech specs and online features. There wasn't going to be a release date or price on E3 is what we knew weeks before E3 actually begun.

People are daily eager to get information, but there was nobody saying that nintendo outright sucks for not telling us release date and price.
I think Nintendo Land is going to be a pretty great game. So far it looks like it's got a fair amount of substance, and not so much just a collection of shallow mini-games.

With Zelda, you have several courses, so hopefully the replay value will be pretty high for that attraction. And dat butter smooth 1:1 sword combat! (Now if only you could navigate with the nunchuck...)

Then there is also Metroid, and if battle mii is any indication of that then I'll be playing it all the time.

The others look like they will offer some variety as well, but I guess the only question is whether or not I'll be buying it or not. While it looks like it will be fun, I'm just not sure it would be worth it for me or not. If I'm able to play most of the games by myself against cpu characters that would help, but mostly I'm just going to need to see what the rest of the attractions are.


I completely discredit Pachter for saying that. Release Date and Price for a game show is not a factor that decided whether it was good or bad, this is ridicolous.

I think Pachter is upset that he cant properly do his day job as an analyst.


Yeah to say the conference sucked just because they didnt give price or date is slightly preposterous. If anything, it sucked cos it lacked the spectacle of years past, spent too much focus on already released games like Arkham, was too much info-load on games rather than showing games, and dat Fireworks ending. Thats the reason it sucked Pachter, not because they didnt reveal the info Nintendo already specifically said they wouldnt reveal..
Has anyone else thought (even before NintendoLand was revealed) that Nintendo should open up a Nintendo theme park..? They're the only company I can think of that has characters and IPs as well known and as popular with people of all ages as those owned by Disney. It would cost them billions to do, obviously, but would certainly be recouped pretty quickly. One in Europe, one in the States and one in Japan.

Bung in a few rollercoasters, a Wave Race water slide thingy, Mario Kart kart track, Luigi's Mansion ghost train with guns to shoot ghosts, snacks and refreshments with Nintendo IP branding and plenty of demo stations of their latest hardware and software.

They'd earn a fortune!!! :Oo


There isn't any proof. Nintendo has in the past been consistent about using main node for their chips. That would suggest the GPU will be on a 32nm process.

How's that in the line of "main node" ... ? Based on what?

I don't think anyone said GCN tech would be in, or speculated, i thought just the contrary, but GCN is another thing so I don't mix it with node.
Unless some new info or indication or hint came recently ?

Wasn't the R7xx on 55nm and then shrinked to 40nm for one of the HD47xx series.

So I did a check and yes that's all true:


This is from the parent's multimedia/office-grade PC I built a year ago has a HD 4770 HDMI and this in an updated version with 40nm chip, the first HD4770 ones had 55nm and a S-video out instead of HDMI. (that's for easier differentiation)

I was speculating my self for the 32nm would be quite a good guess. 55nm is out of GPUs, 40nm seems kind of dated. 28nm would be too expensive and reserved.
I was also making research my self specifically for the GloFo factories that was reported has 32nm process up and running, the factories quite close to East Fishkill where the CPU is made. It was kind of months ago so I didn't find this right now but 32nm sound very plausible.

I just don't know how you got there.


I hereby express my deep offense at their comment on the oomph-factor of Nerf guns. I love those ><

I actually still have a super soaker and a nerf gun just in case myself lol. And also in that article, they mention that to play pac man vs, u needed 4 gba's. That was false. But Nintendoland looks good to me. I just don't know if i can drop the money for it.


Sorry, I coughed at some point during this generation, must have missed the marketing for those games in that split second. ;)

I kid, I kid. There are games there, but in diminished quantity and there's very little behind them in promotion is the problem.
Hehe :p I dont follow the japanese marketing of games in general, so i cant say how much or how little each game gets to be honest. I only know the little i pick up of info here and there. The White Knight Chronicle games sold pretty well at least, so i assume they had some marketing.

They were one of the only companies trying, and by the time Trauma Team came out, most core gamers totally gave up on their Wii and Atlus was smart enough to see the trend. There's a reason they've been in business for so long despite making mostly niche games.
It could be the reason. We'll see how it goes with the WiiU.

Bundles are just marketing, they don't do anything to nurture the developers themselves. It's done for games that were already going to sell scads and scads regardless of the bundle.
Marketing is important. Earlier you spoke how much Nintendo did to advertice Dragon Quest in west. Sure, bundles are mostly used for bigger games indeed, but it is still about 3rd party :)

I'm not really sure what you mean with nurturing 3rd parties when you ignore stuff like Playstation CAMP and everything else i mentioned about this. You mentioned like 5-6 games earlier where Nintendo did something for 3rd parties, and there are several of hundred 3rd party games. I could say that Nintendo hardly does anything based on this.

I'm not doubting that Nintendo is trying hard, the only thing i'm focusing on here is what you're saying about the other companies, that they dont do anything.

EDIT: Unless "they" is referring to the bundles. But bundles are something that 3rd party developers like, so it can definitelly be a "carrot".

The difference is in approach. Nintendo saw the failure of Other M, and what are they doing? Putting Ninja Gaiden 3 on all of their hardware promo materials and pushing the game in marketing, as well as publishing the Fatal Frame 2 remake in Europe.

What did Sony do with Folklore after the Genji bomb? Sent it to die.
You mean similar to when Genji bombed, Sony still hired Game Republic to make Folklore (or FolksSoul), Dark Mist and Toy Home? Giving the company more work and paychecks? :) FolksSoul got TV commercial in Japan by the way, so i wouldnt said that it was sent to die. Sometimes games simply doesnt sell much because it is a niche game, or that the game isnt very good (generally speaking, not referring to Folklore). But using one game from 2006 as an example as how the situation is today doesnt seem very accurate to me.

You also have upcoming Soul Sacrifice for Vita, developed by Marvelous and SCEJ. Sony will have a big push with this game. But i'm not sure that these games (including Ninja Gaiden 3 and Fatal Frame 2) have much to do with 3rd party support. All of these games are published by Sony and Nintendo respectively, and that makes the releases 1st party in that sense. This means that the sales cut to the 3rd party developers is a lot smaller, or maybe nothing at all (besides the paychecks for working on the games of course).

By the way, i dont know if you saw my previous edit, but Game Republic made 11 games after Genji. I'm not sure if Genji was the main reason why they shut down in 2011.

Square Enix (Kitase specifically) already said they are looking at Final Fantasy's viability on the WiiU back in 2011. If that bears any fruit, prepare for a shake-up.
And before the "bubububuBUT Agni's Philosophy" people come in, that was a Luminous tech demo. And I have suspicions Square Enix is looking to be the Epic Games of Japan and license it for next gen to any takers, so making something stunning is a marketing prerequisite.

And as for Capcom, we know Ono has a dev kit, he was talking about the system prior to E3 2012. So it's pretty clear we'll get fighters.

As for anyone or anything else, no one's opened their mouths.
This seems to be more about multiplatform games. I dont doubt that there will be multiplatforms to begin with, but what about exclusives?

We knew just as little about the Wii (then Revolution) and PS3 in 2005 as we do about the PS4 and Durango now, and Japanese developers were MUCH more talkative in 2005. Compared to deathly silence, there is something up.
The PS3 and the Wii were both announced in mid 2005, i think this is the reason. We dont have a clue about PS4 and Xbox 720 at this point. We have the rumors, but they are rumors.


The ps3 was delayed though,it was supposed to launch in spring 2006
Yeah, i think so. Some problem with the production (not 100% sure if that was just rumors, but it would make sense if there was a delay with releasing the PS3). But since they were announced, it make sense why they started talking about games for it.


Has anyone else thought (even before NintendoLand was revealed) that Nintendo should open up a Nintendo theme park..? They're the only company I can think of that has characters and IPs as well known and as popular with people of all ages as those owned by Disney. It would cost them billions to do, obviously, but would certainly be recouped pretty quickly. One in Europe, one in the States and one in Japan.

Bung in a few rollercoasters, a Wave Race water slide thingy, Mario Kart kart track, Luigi's Mansion ghost train with guns to shoot ghosts, snacks and refreshments with Nintendo IP branding and plenty of demo stations of their latest hardware and software.

They'd earn a fortune!!! :Oo

You know, actually ... yes ... even documented in video form:

here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6j2-mlPpi0

from her Giant Bomb wiki page (I wrote it so I have no shame in copying it over):
Random trivia fact: Ash came up with an idea for a real-life Nintendoland amusement park in the December 15, 2010 episode of the HAWPcast which then got turned into an episode of HAWP that aired on May 13, 2011 and ended with a plea to Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, read out in Japanese by Ash herself, to make that crazy idea a reality. A year later, at E3 2012, Nintendo announced NintendoLand, a video game for Wii U. Eyebrows have been raised. Jokes have been made. It obviously worked! Totally.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I think Pachter is upset that he cant properly do his day job as an analyst.

Pachter's bitterness toward Nintendo is based on the fact that nearly every time he has made a prediction about the company over the past few years he has looked like a complete fool.


The NFC thing could be huge. Huge I tell ya.

Best case scenario: they make tons of money but without creating a product I feel compelled to buy. I don't wanna go down that road. Go make NFC-Pokémon, I don't care about that. But don't start with NFC Zelda or Mario or even Metroid stuff ...


It's more like this:

Pachter: Ntendo gib information bout Wii U
Nintendo: Patcher pls
Pachter: fug yu Reggie
Nintendo: thank you cum again


Unconfirmed Member
Due to problems with security over the weekend I haven't been active as much as usual, but I saw discussion regarding this thread's place on the boards, if it's more suitable for Gaming or Community. Has any decision been made yet about that?

Also, I reserved the OT "Wii U Release Day" a while ago, so that's covered anyway.
How's that in the line of "main node" ... ? Based on what?

I don't think anyone said GCN tech would be in, or speculated, i thought just the contrary, but GCN is another thing so I don't mix it with node.
Unless some new info or indication or hint came recently ?

Wasn't the R7xx on 55nm and then shrinked to 40nm for one of the HD47xx series.

So I did a check and yes that's all true:

This is from the parent's multimedia/office-grade PC I built a year ago has a HD 4770 HDMI and this in an updated version with 40nm chip, the first HD4770 ones had 55nm and a S-video out instead of HDMI. (that's for easier differentiation)

I was speculating my self for the 32nm would be quite a good guess. 55nm is out of GPUs, 40nm seems kind of dated. 28nm would be too expensive and reserved.
I was also making research my self specifically for the GloFo factories that was reported has 32nm process up and running, the factories quite close to East Fishkill where the CPU is made. It was kind of months ago so I didn't find this right now but 32nm sound very plausible.

I just don't know how you got there.

I would be over the moon if Wii U had a down clocked 4770 (600-700 GFLOPS) with 2GB of Ram !.

Regarding the September event, if it's not being streamed i think it will more than likely just be a chance for the media to try the E3 games with improved builds, with of course a release date and pricing announced.

Any more will be a bonus, just don't build yourself up for new third party game announcements, Japanese software reveals and OS details ect shown off.

Things like that will be kept for the next Nintendo Direct, looks like they have skipped the August one so i would guess around October 20th for the next one as that press event is in September.
Pachter's bitterness toward Nintendo is based on the fact that nearly every time he has made a prediction about the company over the past few years he has looked like a complete fool.

It is a bit more visceral than that, I think. He has openly admitted that he advised everyone to go in hard on Sony this generation, despite $599, because he prefers that company and that system on a personal level. When Nintendo started losing money ~5 years later, he saw it as vindication of his original thesis and allowed him "revenge" on everyone that questioned him.


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
Has anyone else thought (even before NintendoLand was revealed) that Nintendo should open up a Nintendo theme park..? They're the only company I can think of that has characters and IPs as well known and as popular with people of all ages as those owned by Disney. It would cost them billions to do, obviously, but would certainly be recouped pretty quickly. One in Europe, one in the States and one in Japan.

Bung in a few rollercoasters, a Wave Race water slide thingy, Mario Kart kart track, Luigi's Mansion ghost train with guns to shoot ghosts, snacks and refreshments with Nintendo IP branding and plenty of demo stations of their latest hardware and software.

They'd earn a fortune!!! :Oo

Iwata says he has discussed about a theme park in the past, but Nintendo doesn't just want to copy the competition. If they were to make a theme park, it would have to offer something unique....



Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
It is a bit more visceral than that, I think. He has openly admitted that he advised everyone to go in hard on Sony this generation, despite $599, because he prefers that company and that system on a personal level. When Nintendo started losing money ~5 years later, he saw it as vindication of his original thesis and allowed him "revenge" on everyone that questioned him.

That is kind of weird that someone in his position would be so..emotional. Odd.
It is a bit more visceral than that, I think. He has openly admitted that he advised everyone to go in hard on Sony this generation, despite $599, because he prefers that company and that system on a personal level. When Nintendo started losing money ~5 years later, he saw it as vindication of his original thesis and allowed him "revenge" on everyone that questioned him.

Even though Sony was losing money from the start and continues to do so to this day.....

makes sense. Good Call Pachter. Good Call.
How's that in the line of "main node" ... ? Based on what?


Gamecube CPU/GPU - 180nm/180nm

Wii CPU/GPU - 90nm/90nm

Wii U CPU/GPU - 45nm/?

So far five out of the six components in their recent consoles have used a main node process with the GPU still unannounced. This is why I believe 32nm is the most likely as that would allow them to get their desired GPU as cool as possible within the available main nodes. And not announcing something like that (a 32nm GPU) screams Nintendo feeling they need to be secretive even though it's unnecessary. Also IBM started work on their 32nm eDRAM years ago.


He's far from the only grown man turned into a GameFAQS poster by Wii's success, lest we forget what happened to Steve Kent.

Slightly shifting from the intent of this post, I thought this was interesting from Mr. Kent's rant.

the 18 month mark was when you started seeing a generation of competent games for new systems

Nah, let's just judge Wii U games based on how they look before launch. Although in the rant he was wrong about Wii being out for 18 months. Must have been thinking about 360s launch.


It is a bit more visceral than that, I think. He has openly admitted that he advised everyone to go in hard on Sony this generation, despite $599, because he prefers that company and that system on a personal level. When Nintendo started losing money ~5 years later, he saw it as vindication of his original thesis and allowed him "revenge" on everyone that questioned him.

And thats why he can't call himself an analyst. His decisions, and apparently his advice to clients, are based on opinion not fact or research. That's also why I take his opinion in exactly the same way I take any gaming forum user, and sit wondering why gaming sites continue to think his judegment carries any weight at all.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
It is a bit more visceral than that, I think. He has openly admitted that he advised everyone to go in hard on Sony this generation, despite $599, because he prefers that company and that system on a personal level. When Nintendo started losing money ~5 years later, he saw it as vindication of his original thesis and allowed him "revenge" on everyone that questioned him.

That's absolutely ludicrous on a number of levels, number one being that he's advising people to invest in companies simply because he prefers the company and system on a personal level.


And thats why he can't call himself an analyst. His decisions, and apparently his advice to clients, are based on opinion not fact or research. That's also why I take his opinion in exactly the same way I take any gaming forum user, and sit wondering why gaming sites continue to think his judegment carries any weight at all.

It's a combination of all of these. He looks all the info, then makes a guess based on what he knows combined with what he thinks should happen. There really is no other way to do this. As far as we know, people cannot actually tell the future. Everyone is just guessing.

The whole Pachter drama is taken way too seriously. I get that it's annoying because his quotes are everywhere and he likes to poke fun at various things but let's just move on and talk about some god damn video games!

Now, I've just watched the video version of last week's Nintendo Voice/Video Chat podcast in which they played NSMB2 and I got really really excited. Some of the stuff I've seen there looked absolutely terrific (my copy was only shipped on Friday--god knows why zavvi/thehut didn't get any copies until a week after launch...). My excitement for Mario games in general has been officially renewed and I'm now really looking forward to what they throw at me in NSMB.U!


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage

Spine E Lobster

Neo Member
It's more like this:

Pachter: Ntendo gib information bout Wii U
Nintendo: Patcher pls
Pachter: fug yu Reggie
Nintendo: thank you cum again
I just had to say this made my morning. I know dolan can get old but Patcher pls killed me. Love the not so subtle misspell of his name.


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And I'm back. Any interesting news relative to WiiU during the past 7 days?
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