Getting a Wii U around the time Smash 4 comes out
Nice thread!
I'm a new Wii U owner (or will be - I ordered one today and it's due to arrive on Thursday!) so I should really play what i've missed before I start buying the 2014 release games but this looks like it is going to be a good year for Wii U games.
Great OP.
But has X really been confirmed for 2014 or are you just being optimistic?
I really hope we get some new infos about SMT x FE soon.
Indeed.X Has been listed as a 2014 title world wide for a while now on Nintendo's schedule.
Great OP.
But has X really been confirmed for 2014 or are you just being optimistic?
I really hope we get some new infos about SMT x FE soon.
I want to see more remakes of GC and Wii games ala Wind Waker since it only took 6 months to do WWHD. Xenoblade, The Last Story, Metroid Prime Trilogy, Captain Rainbow, Zangeki no REGINLEIV, Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2, Excite Truck (could give Monster training wheels (HA) for a true sequel on Wii U), Custom Robo, Chibi Robo, Pikmin 1 & 2, so much to choose, so much to see!
Thank you.Rösti;95411515 said:Indeed.
Thank you.
Hope it's still the case, I need this game.
Yoshi, zelda and fire emblem were never cited as 2014, others are. I think yoshi will be out in 14 tough, together with at least another unannnunced game
Ah, thanks. I thought it was still "tbd.".X Has been listed as a 2014 title world wide for a while now on Nintendo's schedule.
Beautiful thread, great work!
I'm down for X, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, Mario Kart, Project Cars and maybe Bayo
2014 is going to be awesome for the Wii U.
I bought my WiiU just to play 4-5 Nintendo games a year, so I'm ok with this.
It should be, but only 9 games we know about so far?? -_-
We'll still get COD but I think AC is done. After Watch Dogs all I expect from Ubisoft is annual Just Dance games and maybe some UbiArt stuff. Activision will still be there with Skylanders, COD and licensed shovelware.I bet we still get CoD & the next Assassin's Creed next holiday. Mario Kart, Smash and another price drop (hopefully in time to save Bayonetta 2) will continue to grow the install base.
Sunshine HD makes almost too much sense. It's not currently playable on Wii U, it's different enough from 3D World design wise, it could use some major retooling like TWWHD and it's likely going to be awhile before we get another original Mario.I'd be very surprised if we didn't see another HD Gamecube or Wii remake, along with a retail release of Wii Sports Club once all the sports are done.
I'm also excited for Trine 2 being released. Like Rayman Legends, it's being localised and published (I think) by Nintendo here in Japan.
I know it didn't sell but anyone playing Assassin's Creed 4? Thinking of rebuying it but curious as to what the mulitplayer population is like? That or getting it just to run around the world whenever the need comes. Considering the same with Assassin's Creed 3.
The time I have to dedicate to gaming has dramatically lessened, so, at the most, I'll be buying two or three of these games. But if there's one title I'm going to make sure gets the attention it deserves, it's X. Monolith is positioned to knock it out of the goddamned Milky Way with this one.
Mandatory hype .gif:
Have you seen X?Looking at that gif, Its almost like Nintendo knew Titanfall was releasing in 2014.
Didn't want to make a new thread for this so...
... Error or just want to get rid of the Wii minis?
Didn't want to make a new thread for this so...
... Error or just want to get rid of the Wii minis?
Most third party games will come from Nintendo funded projects like Bayo2 and Zelda Musou. Expect to see more of them.Rösti;95613550 said:I assume there's little point in readying our bodies for a Nintendo Direct broadcast in conjunction with the FY 2013 Third Quarter Earnings Release on the 29th of January. It's not really needed since the call itself will provide much goodies, but perhaps a mini-Direct?
I'm very curious as to how Nintendo is going to handle the third party relations this year. Very few announced third party titles. Nintendo won't be at CES 2014 (as far as I know), so it's either through GDC or E3 they will have to communicate any new strategy. Or through Nintendo Direct broadcasts, though that seems to me the wrong place for such announcements. We'll see what they have to say by the end of the month, there ought to be a lot of cranky investors.
29th of January I think.2014 should be a good year.
I love how the only concrete release date we have is for Donkey Kong. How long til we get the date for Kart? Next Nintendo Direct?