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Wii U Games 2014


Didn't want to make a new thread for this so...


... Error or just want to get rid of the Wii minis?

That definitely can't go wrong... nope.

2014 should be a good year.

I love how the only concrete release date we have is for Donkey Kong. How long til we get the date for Kart? Next Nintendo Direct?

Like Rösti said, they'll probably announce some details for their 2014 lineup in their earnings release.
Actually, I want to see what Iwata has to say about him failing to reach his 9m Wii U goal.
I know he said he expected those sales by the end of their fiscal year (march 2014) but it doesn't really matter since he failed anyway.

Please understand galore incoming.


Rösti;95616547 said:
29th of January I think.

Like Rösti said, they'll probably announce some details for their 2014 lineup in their earnings release.
Actually, I want to see what Iwata has to say about him failing to reach his 9m Wii U goal.
I know he said he expected those sales by the end of their fiscal year (march 2014) but it doesn't really matter since he failed anyway.

Please understand galore incoming.

Oh SHIT I forgot that was coming up. I wonder what they lower those projections to. 3 million? Less? What a disaster. Do they announce a price drop? Gamepadless SKU?

The very least they could do is give us some dates in an attempt to divert attention away from those awful sales figures lol

There's no way Kart is out by the end of this FY. It's scheduled for Spring 2014, right? So March 20... I guess could possibly get it in there during that 11 day window before the FY ends. Doubt it, though.


Just bought a Wii U for $180 or so on Amazon from gift cards so I'm pretty excited to get to finally play some Wii titles I missed. Looking forward to Mario Kart 8


The colors, man

My wiiu is the zombiu bundle, so its dark and ugly

At least i bought super luigi, should arrive tomorrow


Neo Member
Look at this POSSIBLE release schedule:

Jan -
Feb - DKC Tropical Freeze
March - Mario Kart 8
April - Watch Dogs
May - Bayonetta 2
June - Wii Sports Club Retail?
July - Hyrule Warriors
August - Rumored Exclusive 3rd Party Title?
September - Project Cars, 3rd Sonic Game
October - Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem, Yarn Yoshi
November - X, Smash Bros Wii U
December -

These are just the titles we know of.

On top of this we have several promising big production eShop titles:

Child of Light
Rusty Pup

Then, we have Miyamoto's "new IP" which he personally teased for 2014 and possibly one more surprise title (Star Fox?). I'm also sure I'm probably leaving off some titles but If all these titles release in 2014, it will be an incredible year of gaming for me.


Oh SHIT I forgot that was coming up. I wonder what they lower those projections to. 3 million? Less? What a disaster. Do they announce a price drop? Gamepadless SKU?

The very least they could do is give us some dates in an attempt to divert attention away from those awful sales figures lol

There's no way Kart is out by the end of this FY. It's scheduled for Spring 2014, right? So March 20... I guess could possibly get it in there during that 11 day window before the FY ends. Doubt it, though.

For better or worse, the gamepad is here to stay. I'm sure they would drop the price once again and taking even a bigger loss before ditching the gamepad.

Just imagine if they did... little Timmy bought his Wii U without gamepad box and also bought ZombiU and Batman ACAE since they were dirt cheap... he can't play shit. Oh God, I can see it already.

And about Mario Kart, I feel they will release it in April to match Mario Kart Wii's launch. This fiscal year is a lost cause anyway.
While I could see Zelda Wii U releasing this year, I have a weird fear it won't. Overall the line-up looks pretty good, the Wii U is still getting that Child of Light game right? Outside of that I'm still holding out hope there's another, more traditional 3D Mario being planned for the system, definitely not for 2014 mind you.
If be willing to bet Mario Kart 8 is out in April since it's listed as a "Spring" launch.

If all that came out for the Wii U in 2014 was Mario Kart, Smash, Bayonetta, and X I would be happy with my Wii U for the year.

There's a ton of other stuff that looks great as a bonus. Not to mention stuff that releases that we still have no idea about.

Throw in Zelda and i would be doing backflips.

2014 has te potential to be amazing!


Looking forward to DKC:TF, Yarn Yoshi, Mario Kart 8, X, and if Zelda U actually comes, which I doubt, that one too. Hopefully I will have more than just 4-5 games to buy for the Wii U for the whole year, though.


There is absolutely no chance in hell mainline Wii U Zelda will be out this year, besides Hyrule Warriors of course. We haven't even seen the game yet! It'll be their big November 2015 game to close out the generation.

We'll get Majora's Mask 3D this year, at least :)


There is absolutely no chance in hell mainline Wii U Zelda will be out this year, besides Hyrule Warriors of course. We haven't even seen the game yet! It'll be their big November 2015 game to close out the generation.

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking.


There is absolutely no chance in hell mainline Wii U Zelda will be out this year, besides Hyrule Warriors of course. We haven't even seen the game yet! It'll be their big November 2015 game to close out the generation.

Doesn't mean much. First trailer we saw of Super Mario 3D World was at 2013's E3.
The time I have to dedicate to gaming has dramatically lessened, so, at the most, I'll be buying two or three of these games. But if there's one title I'm going to make sure gets the attention it deserves, it's X. Monolith is positioned to knock it out of the goddamned Milky Way with this one.

Mandatory hype .gif:


God they have been way too silent on this goddamn game.


I dunno about "way too silent".
This is Nintendo, after all.
We've gotten two amazing trailers for it. Which is quite a bit more than some games get so far from release. I would definitely expect more news soon, though.


I dunno about "way too silent".
This is Nintendo, after all.
We've gotten two amazing trailers for it. Which is quite a bit more than some games get so far from release. I would definitely expect more news soon, though.

Teasers, yo. Gut feeling says the next time we see the game is going to be at E3, which is where we'll see an actual trailer. I'm hoping for another teaser before then, though.

Son Of D

Teasers, yo. Gut feeling says the next time we see the game is going to be at E3, which is where we'll see an actual trailer. I'm hoping for another teaser before then, though.

We'll probably get a teaser at this month's direct (presuming there is one), and then a full trailer this E3 including the name reveal.


Rösti;95613550 said:
I assume there's little point in readying our bodies for a Nintendo Direct broadcast in conjunction with the FY 2013 Third Quarter Earnings Release on the 29th of January. It's not really needed since the call itself will provide much goodies, but perhaps a mini-Direct?

I'm very curious as to how Nintendo is going to handle the third party relations this year. Very few announced third party titles. Nintendo won't be at CES 2014 (as far as I know), so it's either through GDC or E3 they will have to communicate any new strategy. Or through Nintendo Direct broadcasts, though that seems to me the wrong place for such announcements. We'll see what they have to say by the end of the month, there ought to be a lot of cranky investors.

They will have a Nintendo Direct announce some new unnannounced games like they did last yearbefore the Earnings release.

They always have new announcements around the earnings release even before ND's, just last year they had a huge ND, I dont see why they wont do the same this year.

I expect the unannounced 3rd party exclusive rumored game, more on Hyrule Warriors, maybe talk a lil more about Zelda WiiU and say we will see it at E3, Mario Kart release date, more X info maybe a name, Steel Diver Subwars, and a few more stuff.


They definitely will need to do a major Direct before E3 some time. Dunno if it will be this month, since they had one in December. But Before March is probably safe to assume.


Doesn't mean much. First trailer we saw of Super Mario 3D World was at 2013's E3.

Right. But EAD Tokyo's last game prior to 3D World was 3D Land in November 2011. The Zelda team just finished Link Between Worlds in November 2013, and were involved with the making of Wind Waker HD. I'm sure development of the Wii U Zelda has been ongoing during the entire year 2013, but I'd be very surprised if they manage to get it out before November 2015 considering their workload.

Which also includes Majora's Mask 3D at this point ;)


lol I saw the OP and inmediatly wanted everything there, and I still have many games from the alst two years that I haven't bought :O WiiU has no games indeed


Right. But EAD Tokyo's last game prior to 3D World was 3D Land in November 2011. The Zelda team just finished Link Between Worlds in November 2013, and were involved with the making of Wind Waker HD. I'm sure development of the Wii U Zelda has been ongoing during the entire year 2013, but I'd be very surprised if they manage to get it out before November 2015 considering their workload.

Which also included Majora's Mask 3D at this point ;)

The "Zelda" team actually has two teams. A smaller one that works on handhelds and a larger one that makes the console games. And with LBW done, the smaller team will fold into the larger one to speed production.
As for Wind Waker, a lot of it was actually outsourced (To HexDrive and Digital Scape) so that didn't take away from Zelda U very much at all.
They also have Monolith group 3 that they will fold in to the team nearing the end of production, like they did with Skyward Sword.
I still don't expect the title this year, mind you. But next year is a given.


The time I have to dedicate to gaming has dramatically lessened, so, at the most, I'll be buying two or three of these games. But if there's one title I'm going to make sure gets the attention it deserves, it's X. Monolith is positioned to knock it out of the goddamned Milky Way with this one.

Mandatory hype .gif:
My hype for this game will skyrocket once we:

1) Know the official title

2) Know what kind of game it is

3) Know it's FUN


They definitely will need to do a major Direct before E3 some time. Dunno if it will be this month, since they had one in December. But Before March is probably safe to assume.

The Dec ND really wasnt big, outside of Hyrule Warriors everything else was small with 2 WiiU eshop games and stuff we known about for awhile.


The Dec ND really wasnt big, outside of Hyrule Warriors everything else was small with 2 WiiU eshop games and stuff we known about for awhile.

Any Direct that announces a new full game I consider pretty major. But we'll see. Nintendo is, if nothing else, unpredictable.


I expect the unannounced 3rd party exclusive rumored game

I don't want to burst your bubble but some research led EatChildren to close that thread since the source isn't in a really good place when it comes to rumors.
Got my Wind Waker edition Wii U for Christmas; love it more than I expected I would! I picked up 3D World, Madden 13 (cheap!), Nintendoland and Lego Marvel Heroes (best Lego game ever). There are a few others I am considering picking up like Pikmin 3 or Sonic racing (heard good things about both) but I figure those will keep be busy for the next few months before some of these new ones start dropping.

I'm one of the fools that continues to hold out hope that Smash 4 will release around May-July time frame. I also do expect some surprises that are really close to release as it seems Nintendo has been doing that more and more.
Got my Wind Waker edition Wii U for Christmas; love it more than I expected I would!

This is it. I've read this SO MANY TIMES. Expectations are pretty low while people are plugging that Wii U HDMI cable in for the first time; actual thoughts of 'meh, should I really have gotten this? There's been a heap of doom talk about this sucker recently'. 25 mins later this thing BLOWS YOU AWAY! HD Nintendo franchises look incredible - better than you ever thought possible, the GamePad is actually GOOD, off-screen works well; but damn, it's such a hard sell without letting someone sit down with it in their living room for 30 mins.

Nintendo should start a door-knocking 30 min demo program in every city of the world :p


Look at this POSSIBLE release schedule:

Jan -
Feb - DKC Tropical Freeze
March - Mario Kart 8
April - Watch Dogs
May - Bayonetta 2
June - Wii Sports Club Retail?
July - Hyrule Warriors
August - Rumored Exclusive 3rd Party Title?
September - Project Cars; 3rd Sonic Game
October - Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem; Yarn Yoshi
November - X; Smash Bros Wii U
December -

These are just the titles we know of.

On top of this we have several promising big production eShop titles:

Child of Light
Rusty Pup

Then, we have Miyamoto's "new IP" which he personally teased for 2014 and possibly one more surprise title (Star Fox?). I'm also sure I'm probably leaving off some titles but If all these titles release in 2014, it will be an incredible year of gaming for me.

Go ahead and add Skylanders 4 to October. I'm sure we'll get another one of those, and Swap-Force (my first Skylanders jaunt) was really good.


This is it. I've read this SO MANY TIMES. Expectations are pretty low while people are plugging that Wii U HDMI cable in for the first time; actual thoughts of 'meh, should I really have gotten this? There's been a heap of doom talk about this sucker recently'. 25 mins later this thing BLOWS YOU AWAY! HD Nintendo franchises look incredible - better than you ever thought possible, the GamePad is actually GOOD, off-screen works well; but damn, it's such a hard sell without letting someone sit down with it in their living room for 30 mins.

Nintendo should start a door-knocking 30 min demo program in every city of the world :p

So... Wii Would Like To Play 2.0?


I don't want to burst your bubble but some research led EatChildren to close that thread since the source isn't in a really good place when it comes to rumors.

Actually it wasn't even posted on the site.
So far it's just some tweets by one of their columnist which is in Japan right now.
I don't know him but I give him the benefit of the doubt for not being Julien Chieze lol


Of the games in the OP, I have:

Fucking Donkey Kong
Mario Kart 8
Watch Dogs (PS4)
Bayo 2
Yarn Yoshi

pre-ordered. Waiting for the E3 2014 Future Shop sale to jump on Hyrule Warriors, and Smash 4 is missing because I'm either buying digital at midnight or importing a Japanese Wii U and buying it via Japanese eshop depending on whether it's out in NA or Japan first.


Got a Wii U for Christmas, really enjoying it so far. Got Mario 3D World (great fun), Zelda WW HD (AMAZING), Deus Ex: Human Rev director's cut (good fun) and ZombiU (too scared to try this :lol)

Looking to pick up Rayman Legends, maybe NintendoLand and Lego City Undercover. How are these?

I quite enjoyed all 3 of these. Rayman Legends I found much more imaginative and varied than Super Mario U, which was welcome at the time, before SM3DW came out.
Nintendo Land is a must have, most of the games are very fun even when playing solo, although several can be played with multi concurrent players. Only 3 games (Mario Chase, Luigi's Ghost Mansion and Animal Crossing Sweet day) require more than 1 player and they are unrivaled on any platform for local multiplayer across 2 screens (TV, Gamepad).
Lego City Undercover is another great game on the U, it's been compared to GTA. I think because you can free roam around the entire map either by car, helicopter
, bike, truck ...etc and hijack any vehicle on the road/street. There are also hundreds of items to collect outside the 12 or so story missions, so exploring every nook and cranny of the map will bring its own set of rewards.
The combat aspect is very much like all lego games, not quite accomplished but the sheer volume of items to uncover, characters, bonuses, vehicles, areas to unlock make up for it.


Don't know if it's just in the UK (and presumably the rest of Europe), but Ubisoft have a lot of their games on sale on the eShop right now at pretty good prices. Black Flag is £39, Splinter Cell is £18.50, Rayman is £16.80, and ZombiU is £8. It's possible to find physical copies cheaper, but I know some of you like your games downloaded.
Every time this thread gets bumped I get hyped for new eshop details or some release dates. Now I'm contributing to the crushing circle of disappointment.


Don't know if it's just in the UK (and presumably the rest of Europe), but Ubisoft have a lot of their games on sale on the eShop right now at pretty good prices. Black Flag is £39, Splinter Cell is £18.50, Rayman is £16.80, and ZombiU is £8. It's possible to find physical copies cheaper, but I know some of you like your games downloaded.

Ubisoft has been doing awesome eShop sales in the UK. America has been getting jack squat for some reason.
ZombiU is a steal at that price.


They will have a Nintendo Direct announce some new unnannounced games like they did last yearbefore the Earnings release.

They always have new announcements around the earnings release even before ND's, just last year they had a huge ND, I dont see why they wont do the same this year.

I expect the unannounced 3rd party exclusive rumored game, more on Hyrule Warriors, maybe talk a lil more about Zelda WiiU and say we will see it at E3, Mario Kart release date, more X info maybe a name, Steel Diver Subwars, and a few more stuff.

How do we know that wasn't the December ND? I mean they announced a Zelda game (not a traditional one, but you know what I mean)

Son Of D

Don't know if it's just in the UK (and presumably the rest of Europe), but Ubisoft have a lot of their games on sale on the eShop right now at pretty good prices. Black Flag is £39, Splinter Cell is £18.50, Rayman is £16.80, and ZombiU is £8. It's possible to find physical copies cheaper, but I know some of you like your games downloaded.

Nabbed myself Zombi U from that sale, was planning to get a physical copy but the £8 is the best price I've seen. AssCreed 3 is also £8 for those interested (although that's probably dirt cheap physically now). Was hoping for Black Flag to be cheaper considering that at the time it was announced, it was barely cheaper than retail. Now that a lot of places have it for around £25 physical I just bought a disc. Shame that Ubisoft were the only ones putting multiple retail games on sale, surprised Capcom didn't put MH3U on sale (I'm waiting for a sub £30, since I know it won't go any lower).


Oh how I wish Zelda U was for 2014.

But it isn't.

Nintendo's big Fall/Winter release is Smash Bros people, lets accept that and look forward to it.

The one I really hope comes next year is "X"

Give me this game now!

While it's unlikely to happen, I'd bet internally, they're feeling pressure to make that happen...
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