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Wii U Games 2014


There's a chance Bayo 2 or Hyrule Warriors could hit in July or August? We know Smash isn't a thing for the Summer anymore so we're left looking towards those games now.

Bayo 2 is either september or december depending on whether X is released globally in 2014.

not a chance Nintendo will sacrifice it to hardcore gamers looking for some gaming during summer.


Well in all honesty, the 3DS got a ton of games up this first half of the year. In the US we got Bravely Default in Feb, Yoshi in March, Disney Magical World in April and get Mario Golf & Kirby in May. Getting Smash in the "summer" is an added bonus.

Yeah, the 3DS had a few games in the first half of the year, but it certainly looks like a less exciting lineup for it compared to 2013's. Fortunately, Smash Bros is there to make a big splash.

If there is any retail game coming in June or July (and even August I would say) they should announce it before E3 for logistical reasons. Unless they going to stealth release it.

Edit: and there is one more mini-direct for this week. Just not for Wii U, because the Wii U doesn't need more info.

Logistically, I don't remember if Nintendo ever made a game announcement at E3 with its release date 1-2 months later. We're still obviously waiting on news on several previously announced titles, and there's several of them that we still don't know much about.With Mario Kart 8, we only got a tentative spring release date for 2014 at last year's E3, but we didn't find out it was going to be released at the end of May until the Nintendo Direct for February. I suspect Hyrule Warriors may be out by August, however, Iwata said that there would be software momentum shortly after Mario Kart 8's late May release, but if there's no other game in June or July, then that's not really software momentum.

Yeah, the 3DS has confirmed localization of Tomodachi Life coming out, apparently for release in early June.


I think I might be returning Arkham City. Picked it up used so I can still take it back. I like it well enough but at the same time I'm finding the desire to really play it lessening the more I play it. It was the same way with Batman Arkham Asylum I think. To the point where I put it down and didn't go back to it until almost a year later. It came with my system so I felt I needed to play it. Got a LOT more enjoyment out of Infamous which also came with the PS3.

I think my issue is that the biggest highlight of the game is the story and the combat. Once the story is over that's it. The combat while enjoyable enough isn't something I want to spend hours upon hours with in the challenge modes. The depressing atmosphere isn't helping either and if that was different I might feel differently about it. One of the reasons I started liking Tomb Raider more as the locations and time of day started to change and allowed for different feelings while playing.

Huh, The Hobbit is up on the eShop. I guess it was retail version that was delayed? Kinda strange.

This retail delay makes no sense. As expected Warner Bros isn't saying anything either.


Hey, i have a few doubts about region locking. I asked on Wii Fit U thread and got no answer
See if you can help me

- I dont know where my WiiU is from. How can i get this info? I bought it at Panama
- I have some canadian games, disc, they work fine. If i buy US games, retail, will they work?
(My eshop is set for canada btw)
- I want to buy a new Fit Meter for my wife. Can i buy any fit meter, from anywhere in the world, and it will work?
- What is the best online store, shipping to US or Canada, to buy a green or red fit meter?


Hey, i have a few doubts about region locking. I asked on Wii Fit U thread and got no answer
See if you can help me

- I dont know where my WiiU is from. How can i get this info? I bought it at Panama
- I have some canadian games, disc, they work fine. If i buy US games, retail, will they work?
(My eshop is set for canada btw)
- I want to buy a new Fit Meter for my wife. Can i buy any fit meter, from anywhere in the world, and it will work?
- What is the best online store, shipping to US or Canada, to buy a green or red fit meter?

If you can play games sold in Canada you should be fine. Canada and the US are the same region.
I think I might be returning Arkham City. Picked it up used so I can still take it back. I like it well enough but at the same time I'm finding the desire to really play it lessening the more I play it. It was the same way with Batman Arkham Asylum I think. To the point where I put it down and didn't go back to it until almost a year later. It came with my system so I felt I needed to play it. Got a LOT more enjoyment out of Infamous which also came with the PS3.

I think my issue is that the biggest highlight of the game is the story and the combat. Once the story is over that's it. The combat while enjoyable enough isn't something I want to spend hours upon hours with in the challenge modes. The depressing atmosphere isn't helping either and if that was different I might feel differently about it. One of the reasons I started liking Tomb Raider more as the locations and time of day started to change and allowed for different feelings while playing.

This retail delay makes no sense. As expected Warner Bros isn't saying anything either.

You are not alone but I speak for Batman AA, and I don't know how to explain it. When I do give it a chance I do enjoy it, but when I think about playing something it is in the back of the pack. I know I will finish it and then probably get both Batman Wii U games for cheap, but in the meantime I think I will stick to other games like Pikmin 3, Splinter Cell, Deus Ex, Rayman Legends and NFSMW, plus coming games. Yeah I plan to invest a lot on Wii U and 3DS.


Don't take it for granted but I read somewhere that even the Fit Meters were region locked in which case, no, they wouldn't work. They're PAL and you are NTSC.

I expect it to be that way, but still had some hope.

So its impossible to get a Red or Green fit meter for an US/Canada WiiU?

EDIT: Got a green canadian fit meter from futureshop


El Capitan Todd
Nah, I finished it yesterday and it was quite ok, short but good.

Ok, that's good. I'm loving the variety of situations/locations/equipments
And of course, I'm loving playing it half on the gamepad with the Offtv, and half with wiimote+nunchak.


Gold Member
Interesting to see, anyone here getting the Wii U version of Watch Dogs?

Depends on these...(considering it will be out way later then the other versions)

*. Full price when all other version have dropped to at least half price?
*. No more DLC after release if there is any at all for the Wii U version?
*. Performance worse then on PS3/360 in terms of textures/framerate etc etc?


Ok, that's good. I'm loving the variety of situations/locations/equipments
And of course, I'm loving playing it half on the gamepad with the Offtv, and half with wiimote+nunchak.

Yeah, I liked the different locations too. I had seen screenshots of the game before and it looked quite crappy in terms of graphics, but on my tv it doesn't look nearly as bad rather quite good. Maybe they patched some of the flaws, I remember reading something about a texture loading bug, I never encountered it.


El Capitan Todd
Yeah, I liked the different locations too. I had seen screenshots of the game before and it looked quite crappy in terms of graphics, but on my tv it doesn't look nearly as bad rather quite good. Maybe they patched some of the flaws, I remember reading something about a texture loading bug, I never encountered it.

I agree!

Interesting to see, anyone here getting the Wii U version of Watch Dogs?

the only curiosity I've ever had about the game was the hacking system, especially integrated with the Gamepad interface. Even Splinter Cell (a multiplatform "mature" game had a gret gamepad interface so...)

So I could be interested if:

Wii u version will exist for real
Watchdog will receive good reviews
Gamepad will be integrated well

otherwise, I'll skip it easily


Interesting to see, anyone here getting the Wii U version of Watch Dogs?

I'm in the "it depends" camp as well. I'm not in any rush in getting the game because I know I'll be spending a lot of time with Mario Kart 8 in the summer months and whatever digital games are released. I plan on getting back into Monster Hunter during the summer as well. I also want to see what the end quality of Watch _Dogs is before even considering to buy at this point. I was all ready last November. Not so much anymore. So I'm looking at the following.

- Price of the game vs the other versions by the time it comes out.
- Performance and graphic level of the game compared to the PS3/360 version. It will look lesser compared to the PS4/XBO/PC versions as a given so that isn't a factor.
- Use of the gamepad since they're using that as an excuse to delay it
- Addition of DLC and its significance if it makes it full price.
- If the game gets good reviews.


Interesting to see, anyone here getting the Wii U version of Watch Dogs?

I was really hyped for the game when I first saw it, that hype has pretty much died after every trailer they showed. What irks me are the newest trailers that make it look like a GTA clone with over the top idiotic violence (I'm referring to shooting a guy 2 times with a shotgun for no other reason than it looking cool). If the Wii U port is good, I'll might get it along the road though.


Neo Member
Honestly I am happy with nintendo only games on the Wii U, I had a differnt tune during the gamecube. But I have learned my lesson with the Wii. Why by horrible games from developers who do not try or are lazy. Sorry but watch dogs coming to the wii u, guess what who cares. Every nintendo 1st party game makes me feel glad I got said system, where as these other games make me feel like wow this is horrible. Its not that the wii or wii u is under powered no, its the fact that if you play on nintendo consoles you must be casual so you deserve shovel ware, or a lazy port with no dlc. Ok the wii u is not powerful as the other console but it has the game pad instead of only focusing on graphics how about making a uniqe port for the system or a spin off game. In my opinion the strongest console for local multiplayer this gen is the wii u. And nintendo has done the right step and put its effort into those games. Where as 3rd party games will fail because the caused this, I expect a lot of people to play smash 4 online but what about the next cod on the wii u. Which do you think will have more players. No DLC twice in a row ya I am going with smash. Local multiplayer is not dead but on the other two consoles is there a game that you can think of out right now that is four player , five player? I know I am the odd one out but honestly I love local multiplayer and that gamepad is awesome. But the industry must be stale in that area except nintendo. Hardcore players do not want that they just want to play online bs. I know I went on in this rant but I am sick of people blaming nintendo ( because the system is not powerful) The fanbase (there a bunch of casuals) then the actual cause of the problem 3rd party developers.


Interesting to see, anyone here getting the Wii U version of Watch Dogs?

Nah, i never had anything for this game

I dont like Assassins Creed. I didnt liked Sleeping Dogs. Since GTA4 im really not feeling the modern Open World games.

Fetch quests, tail mission, go from point A to point B, big world with nothing fun to do.
Really, it feels these games are going backwards.

And Watch Dogs, from trailers and previews and etc, feels exactly like everything that i think its wrong with open world games.


Fit Meters are NOT region locked.
The Wii U Gamepad is.

Actually, only the firmware is region-locked, which means you can't update it with a console from another region... but the pad itself is still usable with any Wii U, no matter the region.

Yeah I know it doesn't change much in the end (though GamePad updated aren't that frequent).

Btw: planning to get Watch_Dogs... but 69€ at launch? Yeah, no.


The Birthday Skeleton
Interesting to see, anyone here getting the Wii U version of Watch Dogs?

For me it all depends on the Gamepad implementation. I'm somehow disappointed in what this game might turned, after all the recent trailers. With a hacker that has turned from a smart guy into a bro with a gadget and the hacking that seems more like a QTE in many places (like press A now to blow the pipe to stop the police from following you), a great Gamepad implementation (like Splinter Cell had) might bring this game back to what I thought it was.
Nah, i never had anything for this game

I dont like Assassins Creed. I didnt liked Sleeping Dogs. Since GTA4 im really not feeling the modern Open World games.

Fetch quests, tail mission, go from point A to point B, big world with nothing fun to do.
Really, it feels these games are going backwards.

And Watch Dogs, from trailers and previews and etc, feels exactly like everything that i think its wrong with open world games.

I feel a bit like you, did not enjoy GTA 4, but I am confused bec I did enjoy AC 3 and I am enjoying Sleeping Dogs, so I might give WD a chance.


Interesting to see, anyone here getting the Wii U version of Watch Dogs?

I had a $40 preorder for it, but when it got pushed back from November I cancelled it. I could pick it up down the road if it's halfway decent, but certainly not at full price.

I was ready to rock this one out in November, but I've since lost most of my interest.

I feel a bit like you, did not enjoy GTA 4, but I am confused bec I did enjoy AC 3 and I am enjoying Sleeping Dogs, so I might give WD a chance.

I didn't like GTA4, GTA5, or Sleeping Dogs at all. Can't even call them fun in the least. AC4 feels mediocre, and AC3 was a lot of fun, though part of that is because I'm a huge sucker for American Revolution stuff. Based on all that I might not like Watch_Dogs, but all the same I was looking forward to it in November as a open world game with a slightly different twist, and expected solid gamepad usage. We'll see what happens. (No, I'm not saying "we'll see if it even comes out for Wii U"; the assumption that Ubi is lying to us about its status would require a pretty big tinfoil hat.)



The lovely Cosmochoria lowered it's WiiU stretch goal to 25k which means that we'll probably be seeing it on there. The dev (who's an awesome dude) posts on Gaf btw.


El Capitan Todd
So, still no news on:

- the rumored Japanese exclusive "à la Bayonetta 2" published by Nintendo
- the Minecraft rumor
- the Tantalus interactive AAA port (could be Minecraft?)
- the Wii U port of a multi AAA PS360 game from Ubi Montreal

Should we give up on those, or should we wait until E3?


So, still no news on:

- the rumored Japanese exclusive "à la Bayonetta 2" published by Nintendo
- the Minecraft rumor
- the Tantalus interactive AAA port (could be Minecraft?)
- the Wii U port of a multi AAA PS360 game from Ubi Montreal

Should we give up on those, or should we wait until E3?

Isn't that Watchdogs? /s

They're all rumours tbf, so I'd just wait until E3 - if they're not there, they've been made up.


El Capitan Todd
Isn't that Watchdogs? /s

They're all rumours tbf, so I'd just wait until E3 - if they're not there, they've been made up.

Don't know if it's Watchdogs: is Ubi Montreal working on that? for Wii U version originally it was Ubi Bucharest. Could it be the "current gen" AC game? don't knwo..
about the Tantalus game it wasn't a rumor, initially, but something official. Let's see..


Don't know if it's Watchdogs: is Ubi Montreal working on that? for Wii U version originally it was Ubi Bucharest. Could it be the "current gen" AC game? don't knwo..
about the Tantalus game it wasn't a rumor, initially, but something official. Let's see..

Watch Dogs is allegedly still Bucharest, not Montreal. I'd lean towards "last gen" AC, PS360U (if the rumor is/was true).

That minecraft rumor... that was a LONG time ago. Unless it's the tantalus game, I'm kind of assuming that rumor was bs.


Neo Member
I don't know if this game will reach its kickstarter goal, so it may not end up coming to WiiU, but Hex Heroes is being described as a "Party RTS" by the developers. One person controls the gamepad with touchscreen-based RTS-like play. In local multiplayer, they'll be directing the other players. The game is being made by Mario Castaneda, the artist behind The Bridge.

Some characters players can choose to control are:
- The Knight (good offense and defense, combat oriented)
- The woodcutter (good for harvesting and building structures)
- The Rogue (low health, quick movement, ability to build and set traps)
- The Scout (quick movement, low attack and defense, illuminates field for other units)

Other announced characters:
- Elementalist
- Necromancer
- Wizard
- Angel

There are two modes being planned for the game. One is Lair mode, where you go to find computer players' lairs and try to seal them away from the rest of the world. The other mode is Horde mode, where you fend off endless waves.

Other planned modes are local vs., online, and journey modes. Journey would include going from point A to point B while surviving attacks from computers.

The game's aesthetic is based off of the idea of a "living board game". All footage is pre-alpha, and their inspirations are "Stacking" and "Tower Wars". The soundtrack is being provided by Grant Kirkhope, who did the music for Banjo Kazooie.

For footage, concept art, and more information, check out the kickstarter page at:

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
I think the last open world sandbox I truly loved was GTA3! I enjoyed my time with Red Dead 2 but because of the atmosphere and the setting, just following the story without taking part in the side missions/overworld stuff unless it was a random event coming my way, which made it believable and fun since it was a rare occurence and almost always a different one. But I'm enjoying GTA5, sometimes it's a lot of fun.

Always found AC series boring (played a bit of all of them bar Black Flag), Sleeping Dogs seemed decent but I gave up on it after 2 hours maybe I'll get back to it, didn't like GTA4 at all, have yet to play my copy of Just Cause 2 and that one could be fun, hated that the Arkham series steered toward the open world aspect instead of following the greatly crafted metroidvania experience of the first game.


hated that the Arkham series steered toward the open world aspect instead of following the greatly crafted metroidvania experience of the first game.

Yeah, I wasn't huge on either game, but I definitely liked Asylum better than City without a doubt for the reason(s) you stated.


I just saw on twitter: The Armillo dev Fuzzy Wuzzy Games is looking for people around the world to market the game. If you want to help them, check out their twitter and drop them an email.
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