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Wii U Games 2014

Give me Yoshi Yarn this year or give me death. Not a huge game by any means, but I had so much fun with Kirby's Epic Yarn, I know Yoshi Yarn would be equally as fun and charming. It's a cute game that's easy to play and tough to master, I know it will be a joy if they actually release it this year. Plus, it'd be the first non-Island Yoshi game since Story, that's something I've been wanting for a while, even if it is just aping the Epic Yarn look & feel.


Splinter Cell: Blacklist - What am I getting with this? Haven't played a Splinter Cell game though since the original ones for the Gamecube/Xbox...and couldn't finish 'em! I found them boring or too slow for my tastes. I do love MGS though, which is overall my favourite non-Nintendo franchise for sure.

Deus Ex: HR Director's Cut - I'm intrigued by the DC. I never played through the original one beyond the first level. I could get the original version on PS+ but its not the Director's Cut version. Is it a great game? How does it differ from the normal version? Is the Wii U version superior in any way? Any gamepad support? Can you play with Pro controller?

Rayman Legends - I do love platformers. But have never really got into previous Rayman games (though I have tried...2 was supposedly the best but a collect-a-thon...though I know this is a side scroller and I like Mario a lot if that changes anything)

Any help or input from those of you who have these games or played these games would be welcomed.

Or, should I just focus on finishing up Xenoblade and getting through the First Party Nintendo titles?

Splinter Cell is good. First mission is real poor, but it immediately starts get getting more interesting after that. Patience is required, obviously, but it's a relatively cool stealth game all in all.

Deus Ex is fantastic, and was my 2011 GOTY. This version has altered boss fights which are vastly improved over the originals which forced you to play a certain way which is pretty antithetical to the core Deus Ex design. Also the DLC is integrated into the middle of the campaign unlike before, and there's the addition of the developer commentary if you're interested in hearing about how they made the game. There's a lot to explore and see, and a lot of variation in how you can approach a lot of scenarios. On the WiiU, the gamepad is your usual map and inventory set up which can be helpful despite not being very revolutionary. Also there's Miiverse support integrated into the game itself, allowing people to share information or secrets which can be very helpful. This is one of the best versions of this game available.

Rayman Legends is a super fun platformer that has a lot of great momentum in its level design, and is oozing with charm. As far as I'm concerned, it's a way better game than most if not all recent 2D Mario games


Wii U Gaf,

I have some general questions about games I'm considering.

Any of you who have played these games or have similar tastes to me, help a Wii U brotha out!

Splinter Cell: Blacklist - What am I getting with this? Haven't played a Splinter Cell game though since the original ones for the Gamecube/Xbox...and couldn't finish 'em! I found them boring or too slow for my tastes. I do love MGS though, which is overall my favourite non-Nintendo franchise for sure.

Assassin's Creed 4 - I was bored with the first game, third game never hooked me, second game I did enjoy but unfortunately never finished. Not really a fan of the "modern day" story lines, I tend to enjoy the the historical ones though...and pirates seems like something I might enjoy! But is it too slow paced?

Deus Ex: HR Director's Cut - I'm intrigued by the DC. I never played through the original one beyond the first level. I could get the original version on PS+ but its not the Director's Cut version. Is it a great game? How does it differ from the normal version? Is the Wii U version superior in any way? Any gamepad support? Can you play with Pro controller?

Call of Duty: Ghosts - I'm really a single player gamer at heart. I won't ever play online for this game, and its one of the reasons many of the recent CoD's haven't struck a chord with me. But I did enjoy BLOPs & BLOPs 2, the original CoD and the original Modern Warfare (CoD4. not its sequels). How does single player stack up? For me, it would be a 40$ purchase...worth it?

Rayman Legends - I do love platformers. But have never really got into previous Rayman games (though I have tried...2 was supposedly the best but a collect-a-thon...though I know this is a side scroller and I like Mario a lot if that changes anything)

Lego Marvel Heroes - I enjoy these games a bit, but found them much too repetitive. Never completed one. Do like super heroes, and the humour Lego games have, but have they changed the gameplay at all?

Amazing Spider-Man - know nothing about this game. I liked Spiderman 2 and Ultimate Spiderman (last two I played) especially swinging around the city. But wasn't a fan of Spiderman 2 asking me to save everyone a million times (way too much of that, bored me out) - I do love the Batman Arkham games though....I never felt the repetition due to the way combat was engaging, and I just stuck through the main story line. Really enjoyed the Arkham games, actually.

Any help or input from those of you who have these games or played these games would be welcomed.

Or, should I just focus on finishing up Xenoblade and getting through the First Party Nintendo titles?

Based on your info I can speak on the games I played
If you dont like Splinter Cell games no you prob wont like SCBL, Tho I love it but I love those games

I dont care for AC games none of them hooked me just like you, I brought 3 and 4 cheap I say pass on it

I havent played the WiiU version on Deus ex yet but I will get it, and it plays to WiiU strengths so it should be a good pick up

Dont get COD Ghost if your only gonna play single player

If you love platformers get Rayman

Lego Marvel is the best Lego game yet and its good as a Marvel good so its a def buy

Never played Amazing Spiderman


How much waggle garbage is in the Mario Galaxy games and DK for Wii? Can I play these okay with just the pro controller?


How much waggle garbage is in the Mario Galaxy games and DK for Wii? Can I play these okay with just the pro controller?
Not much in either. Some find the DK controls bad, but there's a 3DS version too if you have the option to play that. They're not that bad, though. It's not like you have to waggle for a long period of time. It's all about quick shakes here and there.

Galaxy shouldn't be a problem at all.


Splinter Cell: Blacklist - What am I getting with this? Haven't played a Splinter Cell game though since the original ones for the Gamecube/Xbox...and couldn't finish 'em! I found them boring or too slow for my tastes. I do love MGS though, which is overall my favourite non-Nintendo franchise for sure.

Assassin's Creed 4 - I was bored with the first game, third game never hooked me, second game I did enjoy but unfortunately never finished. Not really a fan of the "modern day" story lines, I tend to enjoy the the historical ones though...and pirates seems like something I might enjoy! But is it too slow paced?

Rayman Legends - I do love platformers. But have never really got into previous Rayman games (though I have tried...2 was supposedly the best but a collect-a-thon...though I know this is a side scroller and I like Mario a lot if that changes anything)

Deus Ex: HR Director's Cut - I'm intrigued by the DC. I never played through the original one beyond the first level. I could get the original version on PS+ but its not the Director's Cut version. Is it a great game? How does it differ from the normal version? Is the Wii U version superior in any way? Any gamepad support? Can you play with Pro controller?

Any help or input from those of you who have these games or played these games would be welcomed.

Or, should I just focus on finishing up Xenoblade and getting through the First Party Nintendo titles?

Splinter Cell is a natural evolution from Conviction. If you have played Conviction, you'll enjoy Blacklist. However, it is not a stealth game. It has elements of stealth, but it is much more about empowerment. It is nothing like the originals, so you're fine. It is faster than MGS (haven't played Ground Zeroes) though, so keep that in mind. On the Wii U, there are long load times, and some textures are atrocious. However, the Wii U Gamepad does offer some nifty inventory management. Online seems to work now, although the population has died. I can only get into a Spies vs. Merc match every now and then. Also, there is no local co-op.

Assassin's Creed 4 has a less emphasis on the modern day storyline, and it's fairly non-intrusive. As for the pacing, it's what you make of it. Do all the sidequests, upgrades, etc.? Yes, it will be slow paced. Follow the storyline and just the storyline? It seems to flow fairly well. If you liked the 2nd one, you'll most likely enjoy Black Flag. Framerate can get pretty bad at points though.

Rayman Legends I'm picking up tomorrow. So I have no idea, other than it offers 5 player co-op.

Deus Ex has a lot of changes to it, primarily the ability to beat bosses with different methods. The Wii U version is a great enhancement, and the Gamepad is utilized for inventory, map (you can draw on it I think), hacking etc. It also has a lot of Developer Commentary. Also, you get the DLC (The Missing Link) I believe, and it's integrated into the main story (if I recall) which is a nice bonus.

EDIT: I just want to say that AC4, Splinter Cell, and Rayman are fairly cheap (I'm assuming you're in Canada). However, I'd honestly place Deus Ex as the superior game to all of them, it's a great game with an engrossing story, and has a large amount of content that matters.


How much waggle garbage is in the Mario Galaxy games and DK for Wii? Can I play these okay with just the pro controller?

Unfortunately not pal, DK Wii has roll on the motion control, and I may be mistaken but galaxy uses pointer input at times and has waggle for spin.

Motion controls are not a stress in Galaxy, but they are a pain in DK IMO


How much waggle garbage is in the Mario Galaxy games and DK for Wii? Can I play these okay with just the pro controller?

You can play both sans-waggle on Dolphin and they look absolutely incredible. Highly recommended if you've got a decent PC. I can already tell I'd hate Mario Galaxy on Wii but it's a joy to play on Dolphin with a dualshock 4.


El Capitan Todd
I've bought COD Ghosts on Mediaworld.it at 19.90€ (until APrile 13th it seems): ho is it compared to BLOPS in terms of control setups and single player campaign?

I'm still looking for a good deal on Scribblenauts Unlimited...



If you didn't get them on your other consoles Tekken Tag 2 and Warriors Orochi are good ports (TT2 specially) and should be really cheap by now. Both have extra content over the original versions too. TT2 doesn't support the MP3 upload feature though.


Deus Ex: HR Director's Cut - This game is phenomenal and absolutely gets how to use the Wii U hardware. Great without the GamePad, but even better with it. The DC adds a really cool commentary feature, a big chunk of DLC, changes to how the bosses are fought (more options) and a few other little things. Huge fan of this.

I have this game and i dont know about DLC in it.
Where can i find it?
Wii U Gaf,

I have some general questions about games I'm considering.

I like action games (like Platinum games, good beat em ups like Arkham series) and shooters (3rd/1st person but not stale or too repetetive), tend to enjoy games that take no longer than 10-12 hours or so - anything beyond and I start losing interest. That said, not every action game or shooter interests me. I found games like Pandora's Tower couldn't hold my attention at all beyond the first 30 mins of gameplay. Likewise, well-regarded games like Spec-Ops just didn't interest me and I felt like I was forcing myself to play through it. I eventually gave up and just went on wikipedia to see why the story was so highly regarded.

There are some exceptions to that for me such as Zelda, MGS, Mass Effect series, and recently Xenoblade (don't typically like RPGs but this one has my interest!) But some games like Monster Hunter 3 just aren't my cup of tea...takes too long for me to get going. I also hate games where I need to grind or do collect-a-thons, I found many older gen RPGs and platformers to be like that.

Not sure if this information will be helpful or not, but it should help give an idea of my tastes.

Any of you who have played these games or have similar tastes to me, help a Wii U brotha out!

Call of Duty: Ghosts - I'm really a single player gamer at heart. I won't ever play online for this game, and its one of the reasons many of the recent CoD's haven't struck a chord with me. But I did enjoy BLOPs & BLOPs 2, the original CoD and the original Modern Warfare (CoD4. not its sequels). How does single player stack up? For me, it would be a 40$ purchase...worth it?

I can only help you with Ghosts. The online is complete shit imo (not the Wii U version specifically) but the single player campaign is pretty great. I think it's stronger than the others in that regard, so if you appreciate CoD single player I'd say go for it.


Wii U Gaf,

I have some general questions about games I'm considering.

I like action games (like Platinum games, good beat em ups like Arkham series) and shooters (3rd/1st person but not stale or too repetetive), tend to enjoy games that take no longer than 10-12 hours or so - anything beyond and I start losing interest.

Considering this, I'm noticing an odd lack of the Wonderful 101 in your selection. If you already have it that's fine, but if not, there's your next game


El Capitan Todd
I can only help you with Ghosts. The online is complete shit imo (not the Wii U version specifically) but the single player campaign is pretty great. I think it's stronger than the others in that regard, so if you appreciate CoD single player I'd say go for it.

better than BLOPS2?
what anout wii u control schemes?


So I finally picked up Batman: Arkham City - Armored Edition last night. Swung by gamestop and grabbed a copy. No way I was going to pay $60 on the eShop. It's like WB forget the game was on there because Arkham Origins isn't priced like that and I think it's even dropped a little. Been really enjoying it so far. Youtube videos make the grappling and gliding continuously look so easy. I've gotten some practice with it but it's not as fluid as I imagined it being. The combat is super satisfying. I expected it to be after playing Arkham Asylum on the PS3 but still glad I had no negative reaction to it. I'm not sure how I like how you're just toss into the city with so much to do at once. It's nice but at the same time a little overwhelming. I got pulled away from the main story so easily last night.

Might be putting it aside for a bit as I have a few other games I'm trying to finish up. With the way releases look I figured why not finally go back and play games I took a pass on for whatever reason.

I do have Amazing Spider-man 2 pre-ordered on Amazon. I had a amazon prime trial and figured I'd take advantage of the shipping. I decided not to get the first game due to the issues it had. AS2 seems like a significantly better game by comparison (from graphics, web swinging, combat, level/area design, being able to play after the story is over, etc) so it didn't make any sense to buy the first one so close to the the second game's release. I just hope reviews come out before it's release so I don't have to go through the trouble of returning the game if it turns out not to be good.


Unconfirmed Member
Small update on this. Following companies have been added:

3D Development - Nintendo Wii U

Behaviour Interactive

Business - Nintendo Wii U

Behaviour Interactive

Casual Games - Nintendo Wii U

Behaviour Interactive

Children's/Family Entertainment - Nintendo Wii U

Behaviour Interactive

Developer Tools - Nintendo Wii U

Gaming Grids Inc

Digital Download/Gaming On Demand - Nintendo Wii U

Behaviour Interactive

Distributor - Nintendo Wii U

Bigben Interactive
BR-1 America, Inc.
Creative Mind Interactive
Innex, Inc.
Mecca Electronics, Inc
Ubisoft Entertainment

Hardware -Nintendo Wii U

Hyperkin, Inc.

Indie - Nintendo Wii U

Hyperkin, Inc.

Internet Product/Service - Nintendo Wii U

Gaming Grids Inc

Peripherals - Nintendo Wii U

Hyperkin, Inc.
World Int'l Trading, LLC

Publication - Nintendo Wii U

Ubisoft Entertainment

Sports - Nintendo Wii U

Bigben Interactive
Behaviour Interactive is listed under many categories, though not Action and Adventure. Not sure what's going on there. Their latest game appears to be Ice Age: Continental Drift - Arctic Games for PS3, Windows and Xbox 360 anyway.


Did I miss some news? Just wait 2 months for E3 and i'm sure we will know things no reason to accept anything now

No you didn't miss anything it just seems that gamers here, maybe in general, and in particularly Nintendo fans, can get very over dramatic. For evidence go look at all of the moronic what if Nintendo threads constantly appearing on Gaf.


Where was it confirmed that X will be releasing this year?

What do you mean by confirmed? Only release date they have ever given for X is 2014 worldwide. This release window has made appearance multiple times. During last Direct they didn't give any date after they showed gameplay trailer which got some people worried I guess.

Some Nobody

Junior Member
Did I miss some news? Just wait 2 months for E3 and i'm sure we will know things no reason to accept anything now

Witcher 3 kinda broke the part of my heart that cares about games. The way I see it, if I'm wrong then it's a pleasant surprise to the latter part of the year. Though hopefully it's not apart of Broketober.

If I'm right, I was expecting it then (like FFXV and TW3) so no harm done.

Basically I'm saving myself from potentially being one of the dozens of "What? This sucks, I can't believe it, this is why you don't trust game companies rada rada rada..." people that I can't stand.

And because I saw someone else talk about it: I still have faith in Nintendo. At least, all the faith one CAN have in a company that makes this many mistakes. But that belief is tempered with small amounts of cautious skepticism.


Rösti;107423456 said:
Sports - Nintendo Wii U

Bigben Interactive

Looks like these guys have released a handball game, a truck driving game and a motocross game called MXGP that released on just about every system imaginable but the Wii U. I'm guessing they have an MXGP port, although it looks like they only published that game in Europe. It scored OK on Metacritic though.


Thank you very much to all of you who responded and gave me your input. Very much appreciated.

To those who were curious, yes I do have W101 and most first party Nintendo games already. I also have Tekken tag 2 but I haven't touched it in a year or so, so I will probably trade it in soon. I was thinking about Warriors but I can see that games not getting too fun for me beyond an hour. I tend not to hold on to games that I don't play as well, so I have to consider how much time I would spend on some of these games.

It appears majority of the games I inquired about are indeed worth taking a look at. I'm still not entirely sure about a few of them, but deus ex I am going to try to find.

And yes, I'm Canadian, currently live in Calgary (and yes I love the jets! My fav nhl team...though I am a huge Nordiques fan too...hence my user name...but the Jets are here today, the Nords are not sadly) so thanks for the heads up on the sales, I didn't know about some of those games being on sale.

Again, thanks for the input guys. Meta critic hasn't been to kind to Spider-Man so I might have to skip out on it.


Spin Attack and Yoshi. Ocarina can probably replace the former, but for the latter you're out of luck

This is far from waggle.
It is mapping a button to motion controls, which is arguably just as bad.(not really in this case)
But waggle implies uncontrolled wiggling of the remote, like you're waggling the remote or something.
Not a precise timed flick of the wrist.

better than BLOPS2?
what anout wii u control schemes?

Ghosts was ported by Treyarch and has every control option that BLOPS2 had. It has the Same button layout, and the option for classic button layout is there.
Wii Remote Control is still in, and has just as many options to tweak as BLOPS2 and the Wii CoD games.
It's a very competent port job on Treyarch's part, it's just a bummer about no DLC.
If you have any specific questions, I do own both so I can let you know.

Some Nobody

Junior Member
Out of curiosity: Does the Smash Direct mean its highly unlikely we'll see a new Direct from Nintendo before E3? I mean, it would make sense. Mario Kart 8 releases May 30th--there's nothing that's going to release between now and E3 (June 10th).


Out of curiosity: Does the Smash Direct mean its highly unlikely we'll see a new Direct from Nintendo before E3? I mean, it would make sense. Mario Kart 8 releases March 30th--there's nothing that's going to release between now and E3 (June 10th).

We might get another ND this month focusing on other 3DS and WiiU games, in the past when they had single game ND's they still had the main ones


The Birthday Skeleton
Out of curiosity: Does the Smash Direct mean its highly unlikely we'll see a new Direct from Nintendo before E3? I mean, it would make sense. Mario Kart 8 releases March 30th--there's nothing that's going to release between now and E3 (June 10th).

If there is nothing announced until E3 it means practically there is no retail game launching until July. And NoA hates July, so it would mean that the next retail game after MK8 would be earliest August in NA and end July in EU.

I still hope we get the normal Direct this month.


Out of curiosity: Does the Smash Direct mean its highly unlikely we'll see a new Direct from Nintendo before E3? I mean, it would make sense. Mario Kart 8 releases March 30th--there's nothing that's going to release between now and E3 (June 10th).

We'll probably see a Direct around the time NES Remix 2 is released (25th April).


Thank you very much to all of you who responded and gave me your input. Very much appreciated.

To those who were curious, yes I do have W101 and most first party Nintendo games already. I also have Tekken tag 2 but I haven't touched it in a year or so, so I will probably trade it in soon. I was thinking about Warriors but I can see that games not getting too fun for me beyond an hour. I tend not to hold on to games that I don't play as well, so I have to consider how much time I would spend on some of these games.

It appears majority of the games I inquired about are indeed worth taking a look at. I'm still not entirely sure about a few of them, but deus ex I am going to try to find.

And yes, I'm Canadian, currently live in Calgary (and yes I love the jets! My fav nhl team...though I am a huge Nordiques fan too...hence my user name...but the Jets are here today, the Nords are not sadly) so thanks for the heads up on the sales, I didn't know about some of those games being on sale.

Again, thanks for the input guys. Meta critic hasn't been to kind to Spider-Man so I might have to skip out on it.

I think this may have been temporary, but when I was buying Rayman Legends at Best Buy on the weekend, Samurai Warriors was on sale for $15.


I think this may have been temporary, but when I was buying Rayman Legends at Best Buy on the weekend, Samurai Warriors was on sale for $15.

Yeap, I picked one up from Future Shop when it was $20. They told me they're clearing them out, so once they're gone, they're gone. EB Games said the same thing.


I suppose we could get a mini Direct next month to highlight Mario Kart 8's online play and Mario Kart TV feature as well as a quick mention of Kirby: Triple Deluxe and Mario Golf's upcoming release. I'm not so sure it would be in Nintendo's best interest to potentially announce new projects next month when E3 is around the corner. 3DS doesn't seem to have much going on for it this year beyond Smash Brothers, so maybe that title alone will perhaps cover its 1st party support for all of summer.


Media Create Maven
I suppose we could get a mini Direct next month to highlight Mario Kart 8's online play and Mario Kart TV feature as well as a quick mention of Kirby: Triple Deluxe and Mario Golf's upcoming release. I'm not so sure it would be in Nintendo's best interest to potentially announce new projects next month when E3 is around the corner. 3DS doesn't seem to have much going on for it this year beyond Smash Brothers, so maybe that title alone will perhaps cover its 1st party support for all of summer.

Well in all honesty, the 3DS got a ton of games up this first half of the year. In the US we got Bravely Default in Feb, Yoshi in March, Disney Magical World in April and get Mario Golf & Kirby in May. Getting Smash in the "summer" is an added bonus.


I suppose we could get a mini Direct next month to highlight Mario Kart 8's online play and Mario Kart TV feature as well as a quick mention of Kirby: Triple Deluxe and Mario Golf's upcoming release. I'm not so sure it would be in Nintendo's best interest to potentially announce new projects next month when E3 is around the corner. 3DS doesn't seem to have much going on for it this year beyond Smash Brothers, so maybe that title alone will perhaps cover its 1st party support for all of summer.

I think you could be right, although E3 is a bit too late to announce any June or July games, or even potentially August games. So I'm hoping we'll hear something about that release window for 3DS and Wii U prior to E3.


I think you could be right, although E3 is a bit too late to announce any June or July games, or even potentially August games. So I'm hoping we'll hear something about that release window for 3DS and Wii U prior to E3.

Bayo 2 and Hyrule Warriors need to have details before E3 otherwise they will get over looked and they suppose to be summer games, Bayo 2 has been playable since last E3 and do we really need to wait for E3 on a release date and final info on it

Also if they are gonna show Zelda WiiU at E3 that would completely over shadow Hyrule Warriors so it would make since to get the info out on that game early have people with Zelda hype and then E3 hit them with the big Zelda WiiU game

Some Nobody

Junior Member
If there is nothing announced until E3 it means practically there is no retail game launching until July. And NoA hates July, so it would mean that the next retail game after MK8 would be earliest August in NA and end July in EU.

I still hope we get the normal Direct this month.

There's a chance Bayo 2 or Hyrule Warriors could hit in July or August? We know Smash isn't a thing for the Summer anymore so we're left looking towards those games now.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't think this is "new thread" worthy so I'll just ask here...

When I was done playing Mario Kart Wii (on my Wii U) I hit the eject button on the console, but the disc didn't come out completely. I had do pull it out manually (luckily no scratches). Just to test it, I tried ejecting the disc again and it worked. As a final test I tried it a third time, but this time it got stuck again -_-.

Has anyone else experienced this with a Wii disc? I tested out a Wii U disc and it ejected three times in a row no problem. Wii discs are a different shape (and maybe a slightly different weight), could that have something to do with the problem?


So the Wii U version of the Hobbit has been delayed till next month in Australia?

Booo. Was kinda hoping it might appear on the eShop tonight...Given Mario Golf is out early next month too, will probably just hold off now to see what happens to the game when the final movie is released at the end of the year.

Had been looking forward to it too ):


The Birthday Skeleton
I suppose we could get a mini Direct next month to highlight Mario Kart 8's online play and Mario Kart TV feature as well as a quick mention of Kirby: Triple Deluxe and Mario Golf's upcoming release. I'm not so sure it would be in Nintendo's best interest to potentially announce new projects next month when E3 is around the corner. 3DS doesn't seem to have much going on for it this year beyond Smash Brothers, so maybe that title alone will perhaps cover its 1st party support for all of summer.

If there is any retail game coming in June or July (and even August I would say) they should announce it before E3 for logistical reasons. Unless they going to stealth release it.

Edit: and there is one more mini-direct for this week. Just not for Wii U, because the Wii U doesn't need more info.
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