Warriors was interesting. The weapon attacks honestly seemed more limiting than I thought. However, I clearly failed to dodge a bunch of attacks, so I assume at harder difficulties than Easy I would have gotten slaughtered at some points. I assume there's a proper dodge mechanic somewhere, so if that's there, it could make things more interesting. It was fun in the pure Zelda fanservice sense, although we didn't really get to play a full mission. It was simply free a couple keeps by beating some lead Moblins, find the bombs, chuck bombs at things for fun, free like 1 more keep and then fight King Dodongo (all in 10 minutes). My understanding is that the actual mission has quite a lot more to it. If the game was mostly just what I played in the demo, I could see it getting old really fast though. We'll see.
Sonic seemed at least mediocre when I played it, albeit kind of boring. The Wii U game seems to rely a lot on that laser lasso or w/e, which seems to be used to hang onto rails and throw missiles at Eggman for example. Apart from having a spin dash, Sonic's actual running speed seems super slow. I wasn't able to find a run mechanic like Lost World or something. The more "Sonic" level I played was super short and pretty bad. The boss (Eggman) was alright. I didn't play the first of the three demo levels though. Keep in mind I really loved Sonic Lost World at the last PAX I went to (didn't end up buying it), as opposed to this where it was just pretty mediocre. Reminds me of an older 360/PS3 game graphically too.