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Wii U Games 2014


Some site claims a Direct being announced tomorrow.

Felt like sharing, it'd be neat to see if they're right and if they're to be trusted in the future! Right? :p

I hope it's a Wii U Direct this time, after two 3DS ones, but those were JP-only, so since this is a western site, it'll likely just be a repeat of those, hope not. :/

Too good to be true :(. I'm itching for a nice OS update with some folders and N64 games on the VC.
Well I got me a Wii U!!! One game: Tropical Freakin Freeze

Thanks for the advice here gaf!

Actually was hoping for zelda bundle but all they had was skylanders, which I have zero interest for but it was 250. So I figured I spent 300 all together, and I just will tell myself I got the tropical freeze bundle and ignore the action figures I got. Lol, gamepad is charging now. Lord I hope I'm not disappointed.

Some site claims a Direct being announced tomorrow.

Felt like sharing, it'd be neat to see if they're right and if they're to be trusted in the future! Right? :p

I hope it's a Wii U Direct this time, after two 3DS ones, but those were JP-only, so since this is a western site, it'll likely just be a repeat of those, hope not. :/

FWIW, When Nintendo announced the MK8 DLC recently, they mentioned we'll hear shortly about how it supports Ammibos.


Fingers way crossed! :)

Its gonna be a ND first half of Sept I can guarantee that

this week will be nice

And that release list is pretty good, I def sure Zelda will be out in 2015, Star Fox we will see

plus the TBA games should get more info later this year or early next year, SMTxFE, Devils Third and maybe FF WiiU announced for the west
Its gonna be a ND first half of Sept I can guarantee that

this week will be nice

And that release list is pretty good, I def sure Zelda will be out in 2015, Star Fox we will see

plus the TBA games should get more info later this year or early next year, SMTxFE, Devils Third and maybe FF WiiU announced for the west

Last year they held the most Directs in September right? I SHALL GO CHECK!

Edit: Nope, 2 in Jan (XY and WiiU), 2 in Sept (Pokemon and Wii Fit U), and 2 in Nov (Regular ND and Louvre). This year they actually had 3 in April (Smash, Tomodatchi, and MK8).



Some site claims a Direct being announced tomorrow.

Felt like sharing, it'd be neat to see if they're right and if they're to be trusted in the future! Right? :p

I hope it's a Wii U Direct this time, after two 3DS ones, but those were JP-only, so since this is a western site, it'll likely just be a repeat of those, hope not. :/

Suppose we'll find out in 12ish hours if this is right or not.


Media Create Maven
Btw, I went to PAX today and played Smash Wii U (and 3DS), Bayo 2, Hyrule Warriors Sonic Boom Wii U & Captain Toad among other things. Let me know if you have any questions.

I also met Cory from the Treehouse crew (he was on the Comic-con live-stream if you recall). Seems like a cool guy.
Btw, I went to PAX today and played Smash Wii U (and 3DS), Bayo 2, Hyrule Warriors Sonic Boom Wii U & Captain Toad among other things. Let me know if you have any questions.

I also met Cory from the Treehouse crew (he was on the Comic-con live-stream if you recall). Seems like a cool guy.
How does Warriors feel?
Btw, I went to PAX today and played Smash Wii U (and 3DS), Bayo 2, Hyrule Warriors Sonic Boom Wii U & Captain Toad among other things. Let me know if you have any questions.

I also met Cory from the Treehouse crew (he was on the Comic-con live-stream if you recall). Seems like a cool guy.

How was Sonic?


Media Create Maven
How does Warriors feel?

Warriors was interesting. The weapon attacks honestly seemed more limiting than I thought. However, I clearly failed to dodge a bunch of attacks, so I assume at harder difficulties than Easy I would have gotten slaughtered at some points. I assume there's a proper dodge mechanic somewhere, so if that's there, it could make things more interesting. It was fun in the pure Zelda fanservice sense, although we didn't really get to play a full mission. It was simply free a couple keeps by beating some lead Moblins, find the bombs, chuck bombs at things for fun, free like 1 more keep and then fight King Dodongo (all in 10 minutes). My understanding is that the actual mission has quite a lot more to it. If the game was mostly just what I played in the demo, I could see it getting old really fast though. We'll see.

How was Sonic?

Sonic seemed at least mediocre when I played it, albeit kind of boring. The Wii U game seems to rely a lot on that laser lasso or w/e, which seems to be used to hang onto rails and throw missiles at Eggman for example. Apart from having a spin dash, Sonic's actual running speed seems super slow. I wasn't able to find a run mechanic like Lost World or something. The more "Sonic" level I played was super short and pretty bad. The boss (Eggman) was alright. I didn't play the first of the three demo levels though. Keep in mind I really loved Sonic Lost World at the last PAX I went to (didn't end up buying it), as opposed to this where it was just pretty mediocre. Reminds me of an older 360/PS3 game graphically too.
Sonic seemed at least mediocre when I played it, albeit kind of boring. The Wii U game seems to rely a lot on that laser lasso or w/e, which seems to be used to hang onto rails and throw missiles at Eggman for example. Apart from having a spin dash, Sonic's actual running speed seems super slow. I wasn't able to find a run mechanic like Lost World or something. The more "Sonic" level I played was super short and pretty bad. The boss (Eggman) was alright. I didn't play the first of the three demo levels though. Keep in mind I really loved Sonic Lost World at the last PAX I went to (didn't end up buying it), as opposed to this where it was just pretty mediocre. Reminds me of an older 360/PS3 game graphically too.

How was the framerate? Was it 60fps?


Btw, I went to PAX today and played Smash Wii U (and 3DS), Bayo 2, Hyrule Warriors Sonic Boom Wii U & Captain Toad among other things. Let me know if you have any questions.

I also met Cory from the Treehouse crew (he was on the Comic-con live-stream if you recall). Seems like a cool guy.
Are the individual levels in Captain Toad similar in size to the ones in 3D World? Is it different from the minigame, or just more levels of that?


Media Create Maven
Are the individual levels in Captain Toad similar in size to the ones in 3D World? Is it different from the minigame, or just more levels of that?

Toad is actually the game that surprised me and made me smile quite a bit. The basic levels are what you would have expected from 3D World, but at least 2 of the 4 levels were very different. Level 1 = typical Toad level (played this). 2 = minecart (pretty fun albeit short, played this too). 3 = boss (looked actually really epic =), didn't play this one though). 4 = ghost house (I didn't play this, but the videos seem to indicate it's on the tougher side of a typical toad level). Toad seems to have a dodge mechanic now or something too, although I think I failed to use it.

Also with the GamePad you can basically cheat and flat out hold enemies/blocks if you want (I guess it's kind of the super guide).


May I have a cookie?
I'll be disappointed if they shit out Star Fox in a year. The franchise has been through the mire over the last decade. The game looked like it had barely begun development at E3 as well. I want them to give it time so that it can have the space to become a premier franchise again.

That's also in no small part because of how Nintendo work on developing games. Graphics and polish are the last step. Most of the development time goes into researching gameplay mechanics and trying out different things, and according to Miyamoto they've been doing this with Starfox since the Wii days. The fact that they decided to show something at all probably means they have a fairly good idea of the design they want to make. That's not to say the game will definitely come out in 2015, but if it does I don't think the underlying gameplay will be rushed.


El Capitan Todd
That's also in no small part because of how Nintendo work on developing games. Graphics and polish are the last step. Most of the development time goes into researching gameplay mechanics and trying out different things, and according to Miyamoto they've been doing this with Starfox since the Wii days. The fact that they decided to show something at all probably means they have a fairly good idea of the design they want to make. That's not to say the game will definitely come out in 2015, but if it does I don't think the underlying gameplay will be rushed.

I'm pretty sure that the gameplay mechanics and concepts are done. Really.
they need "just" to create the "episodic story" and programm the game.


May I have a cookie?
I'm pretty sure that the gameplay mechanics and concepts are done. Really.
they need "just" to create the "episodic story" and programm the game.

honestly, thinking about it, this is a good approach to game development, especially as projects get bigger. Big teams work best when you have a very clear concept on top of a locked down vision of what you want to make. The clearer and the more precise that initial design is, the less work is wasted by the team realizing it. And since content creation is the most expensive part of the pipeline, it makes sense to take your time working with a small team until you have as best as possible an idea of exactly what you're making.


Well I got me a Wii U!!! One game: Tropical Freakin Freeze

Thanks for the advice here gaf!

Actually was hoping for zelda bundle but all they had was skylanders, which I have zero interest for but it was 250. So I figured I spent 300 all together, and I just will tell myself I got the tropical freeze bundle and ignore the action figures I got. Lol, gamepad is charging now. Lord I hope I'm not disappointed.

You got the basic bundle? Make sure you have an old USB2 HDD lying around (you need a Y-cable if it's USB powered) and make sure you get the charging dock for the gamepad. I think you can sell the skylander stuff for good money (or so i've been told).

And know that you can skip the initial update, so you don't have to wait before you play. It will just download in the background while playing.


El Capitan Todd
honestly, thinking about it, this is a good approach to game development, especially as projects get bigger. Big teams work best when you have a very clear concept on top of a locked down vision of what you want to make. The clearer and the more precise that initial design is, the less work is wasted by the team realizing it. And since content creation is the most expensive part of the pipeline, it makes sense to take your time working with a small team until you have as best as possible an idea of exactly what you're making.

I agree.

I want to see more Devil's Third.

me too, hoping for a change of camera during the shooting. the passge from third to first person bothered me. maybe playing it you can avoid the motion sickeing feeling I've got.


May I have a cookie?
I want to see more Devil's Third.

Me too, though I'm happy it's being given more time, according to that release schedule.

me too, hoping for a change of camera during the shooting. the passge from third to first person bothered me. maybe playing it you can avoid the motion sickeing feeling I've got.
I must be one of the only people who thought the transition from third to first (and back) made total sense. Either way, I seem to remember reading you could change it in the game's settings?


El Capitan Todd
I must be one of the only people who thought the transition from third to first (and back) made total sense. Either way, I seem to remember reading you could change it in the game's settings?

Oh it make sense, but looking at the videos, it gave me a motion sickening feeling. probably, playing it I would be fine. If you can change it freely, the better.


May I have a cookie?
Isn't that exactly what they tried to do, like, a decade ago or so?

I do wonder if we'll see a collapse of one of the big Japanese publishers into a half owned subsidiary of either Sony or Nintendo in the coming years. Whatever happens I hope this publisher's dead IP gets brought back in some form.


I do wonder if we'll see a collapse of one of the big Japanese publishers into a half owned subsidiary of either Sony or Nintendo in the coming years. Whatever happens I hope this publisher's dead IP gets brought back in some form.

I thought both Namco and Capcom were up for grabs about a decade ago.

But anyway, i'm not sure Nintendo is the best to revive old/dead IP. It's sitting on a ton of those itself. F-Zero, Waverace, Earthbound/Mother... Appearing in Smash Bros doesn't count.


That's also in no small part because of how Nintendo work on developing games. Graphics and polish are the last step. Most of the development time goes into researching gameplay mechanics and trying out different things, and according to Miyamoto they've been doing this with Starfox since the Wii days. The fact that they decided to show something at all probably means they have a fairly good idea of the design they want to make. That's not to say the game will definitely come out in 2015, but if it does I don't think the underlying gameplay will be rushed.

Maybe, but any good Starfox is very point-to-point and scenario driven (SF, 64, the good parts of Assault) so it doesn't fill me with confidence that all they seemed to have was an Arwing flying about some mountains. The last thing the series needs is another bland Command style game.


El Capitan Todd
Maybe, but any good Starfox is very point-to-point and scenario driven (SF, 64, the good parts of Assault) so it doesn't fill me with confidence that all they seemed to have was an Arwing flying about some mountains. The last thing the series needs is another bland Command style game.
They showed that, just to journalists, but have developed other gameplay concepts. You can find them in miyamoto interview


They showed that, just to journalists, but have developed other gameplay concepts. You can find them in miyamoto interview

Yup. Like I said, don't assume all they show is all they have since that's never really true. Star Fox was likely only shown to have one more "hey look, GamePad!!" things to talk about so they only showed the most basic thing they had lying around without doing a "Hey, look at this thing closely resembling the final product you're gonna buy! Hype!"


El Capitan Todd
Were single player and local multiplayer confirmed? I really hope it will have enough content so it get's the attention it deserves.

I think they confirmed those modes, yes.
as usual, Nintendo doesn't release many details for their games prior to release (unless they decide to spoil them completely like MK8, or unless someone leak them ;p )
So i have slowly been switching over to 100% digital on wii u so far i have gotten

New Super Mario Bros. U + Luigi U
Rayman Legends
Mario Kart 8
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Game & Wario
Pikmin 3
The Wonderful 101 (thank u gaf game is fantastic)
Legend of Zelda Wind Waker HD
Wii Sports Club + all dlc
Super Mario 3d World
The Lego Movie
Wii Fit U

Plan to buy tomorrow

Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze

anyone have any other recommendations for games i should get?
So NoA posted this on their Twitter:


Where's SMTxFE!?

No NBA 2K15, no Madden, no FIFA and no NHL. That's right... a PS4 will accompany my Wii U within the year.

I need 2 consoles this gen to make my life complete.


Were single player and local multiplayer confirmed? I really hope it will have enough content so it get's the attention it deserves.

single player and local modes were confirmed at E3 yes. the only digital title Nintendo announced was Mario & DK. everything else is retail software.

So i have slowly been switching over to 100% digital on wii u so far i have gotten

New Super Mario Bros. U + Luigi U
Rayman Legends
Mario Kart 8
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Game & Wario
Pikmin 3
The Wonderful 101 (thank u gaf game is fantastic)
Legend of Zelda Wind Waker HD
Wii Sports Club + all dlc
Super Mario 3d World
The Lego Movie
Wii Fit U

Plan to buy tomorrow

Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze

anyone have any other recommendations for games i should get?

ZombiU, Deus Ex HR Director's Cut and since you have The Lego Movie, you'll also like Lego City Undercover


El Capitan Todd
single player and local modes were confirmed at E3 yes. the only digital title Nintendo announced was Mario & DK. everything else is retail software.

Art academy U, Project Guard and Project Giant Robot are eshop release too, if I'm not mistaken


Art academy U, Project Guard and Project Giant Robot are eshop release too, if I'm not mistaken

Nope. We don't even know if the Project titles are even games of their own. Miyamoto said they might become parts of Star Fox after all. Not sure how that'll work but either way it's still muddy waters. I expect Art Academy for retail as well, just because of what type of game it is.


El Capitan Todd
Nope. We don't even know if the Project titles are even games of their own. Miyamoto said they might become parts of Star Fox after all. Not sure how that'll work but either way it's still muddy waters. I expect Art Academy for retail as well, just because of what type of game it is.

Well, actually so far they are all listed as separate games from StarFox, both in NoA twitter and Nintendo financial reports. in the former, even with different release windows:


About them being eshop games, I remember they said so around E3.
Specifically for Art academy, in the trailer there was the label: "Available on the eshop", while usually we see the claim "available ALSO on the eshop".



Well, actually so far they are all listed as separate games from StarFox, both in NoA twitter and Nintendo financial reports. in the former, even with different release windows:


About them being eshop games, I remember they said so around E3.
Specifically for Art academy, in the trailer there was the label: "Available on the eshop", while usually we see the claim "available ALSO on the eshop".


Ah, I must've forgotten about the AA thing then. My bad.

I'm just going off of what came out of the Miyamoto interviews and choose to give that preference over any official listings.


El Capitan Todd
Ah, I must've forgotten about the AA thing then. My bad.

I'm just going off of what came out of the Miyamoto interviews and choose to give that preference over any official listings.

Oh well, let's wait and see.
Looking at the Bayonetta2 LE date and details (for PAL at least), I'd say that we'll discover details for those games...at release...HAHHAH


So NoA posted this on their Twitter:


Where's SMTxFE!?

Interesting to see e-shop games listed, but no mention of Project CARS or Watchdogs.

Also, when is Shin'n going to show FAST? Jeez. I would have hoped they would at least have shown something before announcing PS4 ports.
You got the basic bundle? Make sure you have an old USB2 HDD lying around (you need a Y-cable if it's USB powered) and make sure you get the charging dock for the gamepad. I think you can sell the skylander stuff for good money (or so i've been told).

And know that you can skip the initial update, so you don't have to wait before you play. It will just download in the background while playing.

Ha I wish I saw this post last night, waited 2 hours for all the updates. Got to play 2 levels of tropical and I love love love playing it in bed while the wife is watching tv. Oh and game is great on first impression.

So will 8 gb be used pretty easily? I was just planning on getting physical discs so I don't use up all the space...


Interesting to see e-shop games listed, but no mention of Project CARS or Watchdogs.

Also, when is Shin'n going to show FAST? Jeez. I would have hoped they would at least have shown something before announcing PS4 ports.

Funny you should ask:

So will 8 gb be used pretty easily? I was just planning on getting physical discs so I don't use up all the space...

If you start buying eShop games those 8GB will go very quickly.
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