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Will Halo 2 get 10's from the big publications?


Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I'm curious as to how edge will handle this. There 10 is a big dealy-o.


it got high 9's almost everywhere and i only see that score going up with halo2.

i also think its possible some places will give it a low/lower score to drive up traffic.


Joe said:
it got high 9's almost everywhere and i only see that score going up with halo2.

i also think its possible some places will give it a low/lower score to drive up traffic.


i kid i kid :p


Edge gave the first one a 10, and EGM gave the first one straight 10's (and GOTY). I think there is a good possibility that the sequel, which by all accounts is incredible and lives up to the hype, will see a repeat.
Probably not from IGN or Gamespot as they have the .1 scores, but from most magazines, I'd expect alot of 10's. EGM, Gameinformer, Gamepro, GMR, XBN.

It's sad how this can be said without any actually playing the game. This game is simply critic proof. So many have already crowned it as the best game of all time, before even picking up a controller.


sonycowboy said:
It's sad how this can be said without any actually playing the game. This game is simply critic proof. So many have already crowned it as the best game of all time, before even picking up a controller.

It is sad how it can be said. But I do disagree with the game being critic proof. However, if the game takes everything from the last game and perfects it -- does it warrant a 10? Does it still deserve that high of a mark? I think those will be the key questions when Halo 2 comes out.


I've read some pretty negative impressions, but I don't trust the word of thieves, so we'll see I guess. The hype train is running full speed, nothing can stop us now!!


Scoot said:
It is sad how it can be said. But I do disagree with the game being critic proof.

I do believe games can become "critic proof" to some extent. It's very difficult to come out and say anything negative against such a tidal wave of hype. MGS2 might be a good example of this, and I basically think any Zelda game is subject to this.*

* I'm not saying the Zelda series is overrated.. just that I think a lot of people would be hesitant to underscore a game from the series.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
SyNapSe said:
I do believe games can become "critic proof" to some extent. It's very difficult to come out and say anything negative against such a tidal wave of hype.

this is not true.


akascream said:
I've read some pretty negative impressions, but I don't trust the word of thieves, so we'll see I guess. The hype train is running full speed, nothing can stop us now!!
where are these impressions you speak of?


chespace said:
this is not true.

It's wonderful you can speak for ALL REVIEWERS. I wasn't trying to convey that they were unethical, just.. they are human also.. it can be difficult to not get rapped up in the hype. I've definately played games I was super hyped about and thought they we're much better than how I felt in retrospect a year or so later.
chespace said:
this is not true.


The problem is this. So many people are going into this game wanting it to be great, expecting it to be great. I believe that that blinds people to flaws that they would see if it were ANY other game. I think I'm just as guilty of this as anyone else.

Don't even try to play the unbiased, honest reviewer. Such as thing does not exist. It can't. As much as we might want to, we cannot remove ourselves from our biases.
I see halo-hating idiots have infested this thread already. Why don't you confine your idiocy to non-halo related threads, your shit is getting tiring.

Cue "Xbox fanboy" and "Keyboard and mouse > controller s!!! repeating levels omfg" comments in 3, 2, 1...


Go Go Ackman! said:
Cue "Xbox fanboy" and "Keyboard and mouse > controller s!!! repeating levels omfg" comments in 3, 2, 1...

The same people crying "OMG. This game is going to get a 10 no matter what" are the same people who would be jumping for joy inside the minute it gets less than a 9.


testicles on a cold fall morning
sonycowboy said:

The problem is this. So many people are going into this game wanting it to be great, expecting it to be great. I believe that that blinds people to flaws that they would see if it were ANY other game. I think I'm just as guilty of this as anyone else.

Don't even try to play the unbiased, honest reviewer. Such as thing does not exist. It can't. As much as we might want to, we cannot remove ourselves from our biases.
likewise someone can have a bias that Halo (settle here) MIGHT NOT BE THE GREATEST PIECE OF CODE EVAR!!!!

universal hype, or near universal hype is nothing but a larger asshole, and everyone's got one of those. it's really easy to have dissenting voices (GI: omg! Paper Mario 2 is a kiddie! 6.9!!!) this happens in movies (matrix), music (smile) and even videogames. fuck, if anything, the fact that there's so much hype should make reviewers more critical.


My only criticism is that such a score seems to be a foregone conclusion.

I want every reviewer to take a long, hard look at the game rather than just having a big online party and writing a review based on that.

Halo 2, more than any other game, has the chance to get this score. The only other games coming out with that chance are Half-Life 2 and the new Zelda. That's an important responsibility, and reviewers shouldn't screw it up. That's all I'm saying. I thought the first Halo was phenomenal, although it wasn't for me.

If I'm upset about anything, it's that I can't get XBL and join the party because I just couldn't get into the first one. But make no mistake about it. I do believe that it's probably the best console game being released this year.


i've seen some top quality screens of halo2. And its fucking beautiful, the art is something else. Epic in every sense

it'll get 10s easily


not an idiot
i've seen a few places claim, a year after the fact, that they messed up by not scoring the original higher, due to how the first one had incredible legs and just kept giving and giving with an incredible multiplayer and co-op. i believe that they won't makes that mistake this time.

in other words, halo 2 will actually get more 10's than halo 1.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Have me write the GA review and you'll be sure that the site'll get a LOT of traffic just to check out the low score :D


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Prine said:
i've seen some top quality screens of halo2. And its fucking beautiful, the art is something else. Epic in every sense

it'll get 10s easily

Ok, no offense, but uh, I've seen much more artistic games than Halo 2. Yes, it looks good, but the best? Far from it.

And you're doing EXACTLy what everyone says shouldn't be done: giving a game a ten prematurely.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Prine said:
i've seen some top quality screens of halo2. And its fucking beautiful, the art is something else. Epic in every sense

it'll get 10s easily

You do know that having good graphics and art won't automatically get a game 10's right?


its Halo majorly improved, how can it not score 11s? i mean 10

The art and graphics is just icing on the cake

10 easy

There are times when you know a game is going to be special. Halo2 is one of them


Well, if the first Halo could get away with a perfect score despite being an FPS with an assy framerate, there's a big possibility Halo 2 will too. So don't worry, it's gonna be OK! *hugs*


shpankey said:
i've seen a few places claim, a year after the fact, that they messed up by not scoring the original higher, due to how the first one had incredible legs and just kept giving and giving with an incredible multiplayer and co-op. i believe that they won't makes that mistake this time.

I guess that all depends on your attitude. To me "10" means perfect.. and no game should ever be given that score... let alone the original Halo; Which had tons of faults ( many fans could point those out themselves)

The exciting thing about Halo 2, is that Bungie is one of those special developers. They've been given all the extra time and money they need, and they understand the flaws the first game had. The "fun" or gameplay factor of the first game deserves a 10.. if they can polish up some of the things that were lacking, i.e. repetitive levels etc, and add new neat content then it should definately have a chance to be one of the few official 10 type games of the generation.


Joe said:
any game that i can play for 3 years straight and not get bored of gets a 10 in my book.

Yeah, it's a tough argument.. I just finished Co-Op with a friend again 2 weekends ago. Still it isn't a *perfect* game. I also pray to god that if the levels are as long and strenous in Legendary as the first game that they allow people to save during the level even on Co-Op.

Maybe not save as much as SP, but at least halfway through or something? Eh?


Prine said:
its Halo majorly improved, how can it not score 11s? i mean 10

The art and graphics is just icing on the cake

10 easy

There are times when you know a game is going to be special. Halo2 is one of them

Meh. If Halo 2 doesn't introduce any innovative gameplay then why does it deserve anything about an 8? I'll probably play it through on legendary then never play it again.
Any game can get all 10's with enough money/power/leverage. The newer GTA games are proof of that. Don't tell me you guys have already forgotten about how they bullied publications into giving them high marks by holding future exclusives in front of them.

Not saying GTA isn't awesome, cuz it fuckin is, but that just goes to show how you can get away with shit like that if you're a big hitter. I'm kinda suspicious of those new Ratchet and Clank scores floating around...


Prine said:
its Halo majorly improved, how can it not score 11s? i mean 10

Therein lies the problem. What if it really is just Halo with a new can of paint? Will the magazines point this out? Would the magazines still give it a 10?

I don't care for reviews on these kinds of titles anyways, because I'll buy it regardless.


Gantz said:
Meh. If Halo 2 doesn't introduce any innovative gameplay then why does it deserve anything about an 8? I'll probably play it through on legendary then never play it again.

Sorry, but I disagree. I'm all for innovation and bringing new things to the table, but a games "score" should mostly reflect on how enjoyable an experience it is.


Spike said:
Therein lies the problem. What if it really is just Halo with a new can of paint? Will the magazines point this out? Would the magazines still give it a 10?

I don't care for reviews on these kinds of titles anyways, because I'll buy it regardless.

Fortunatly its not. I cant believe some of you are questioning the quality of Halo2. Its Bungie for gods sake. With as much time and money needed to create Halo 2.

Halo 2 looks to be a huge step up from Halo, quit worriying.
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