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Will Smith Breaks Silence: “Deeply Remorseful” For Oscar Slap

Now you are just trolling lol

Not sure what else expected. That's on me.
I don’t know what you expected either. I’m not here to fight you, I’m just being realistic about it. As I said, I was a fan of Will Smith’s, I have nothing to gain from his demise. But fact is, he made a massive duck up in a massively well publicised event which he will be remembered for. There’s a joke about it, you can do a hubdred great things, but you fuck up once …


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
His... music?

Animated GIF
Bro you act like "getting jiggy with it" is not an eternal meme that will never be forgotten.

Come on.


Perpetually Offended
Seems like you need to “seek help bruv”. Let us help you be removing you from this thread.
I can’t believe you thought everyone would forget about him absolutely humiliating himself after a couple of days.

It's been months.. not days. But whatever. It's obviously still fresh in your mind and you're traumatized by it. Seek help, bruv.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
Stopping you there. Not what I said at all. I have already said what Smith did was dumb. I just disagreed that it would haunt his career like you claimed and listed clear examples why that is not going to happen which you promptly ignored like a child. That isn't on me. That is on you.

Nice try though. Another A for effort for sure.
Whataboutism at its best. Sure other celebrities have done worse things that doesn't mean this won't define Smith's. It clearly is and will continue to do so for the rest of his days. Remember that incident was viewed live by millions therein lies the difference between what cuck Smith with the narc wife did vs. What others have done.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Whataboutism at its best. Sure other celebrities have done worse things that doesn't mean this won't define Smith's. It clearly is and will continue to do so for the rest of his days. Remember that incident was viewed live by millions therein lies the difference between what cuck Smith with the narc wife did vs. What others have done.
Agree to disagree I guess lol

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
He needs to do a real apology. Sit in front of this on stream, on a stage for as long as you can stand. Then I think we can all put this behind us. Let Chris Rock hang out in the audience with popcorn with his wife, laughing.



He owned it, which is good. He comes across as genuine, and doesn't seem to be making excuses. Wrong is wrong. That said, people don't have to forgive him all the same. It's okay to feel raw about it still. I want to see how Chris reacts first. When he's ready to forgive, the whole thing can finally be considered squashed.
I'm one who believes in second chances and it's clear that he's remorseful about the whole thing. Even though I'm not the biggest Will Smith fan, we should let the man be.


As soon as I heard the silly deep breath literally in the first few seconds I was thinking "OK this is going to be a load of bollocks"... aaaand it was.

The only reason he's apologizing is because it has clearly hit his bottom line. He's probably not getting any acting/showbiz work at all since he slapped Chris. Of course he's probably set for life financially if he didn't fuck up his finances but likely no more money coming in.

Honestly I don't even think it was that big of a deal. Remember how Tom Cruise practically enslaved Katie Holmes before she finally divorced him and yet he's still going strong. Doesn't seem to have affected him at all. I suppose it's a bit of a he said/she said and Cruise probably has way more money than Will Smith. I guess it's because it was live on TV and it was against a comedian. I suspect if a fellow actor (non comedian) did it and he punched him, it wouldn't have been nearly as much of a big deal.
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As soon as I heard the silly deep breath literally in the first few seconds I was thinking "OK this is going to be a load of bollocks"... aaaand it was.

The only reason he's apologizing is because it has clearly hit his bottom line. He's probably not getting any acting/showbiz work at all since he slapped Chris. Of course he's probably set for life financially if he didn't fuck up his finances but likely no more money coming in.

Honestly I don't even think it was that big of a deal. Remember how Tom Cruise practically enslaved Katie Holmes before she finally divorced him and yet he's still going strong. Doesn't seem to have affected him at all. I suppose it's a bit of a he said/she said and Cruise probably has way more money than Will Smith. I guess it's because it was live on TV and it was against a comedian. I suspect if a fellow actor (non comedian) did it and he punched him, it wouldn't have been nearly as much of a big deal.
He was probably set for life if he stopped working in 1996. He's set for 5 generations at this point. Net worth is $350 million.


This is not an apology, this is PR testing the waters to see if Will can star in a movie anytime soon because moneys.

First he fucks every comic there is by getting away with using violence against a fucking joke.
Then at the same time he fucks over everyone in that room there for an award.
A few hours later he's partying like it didn't happen.

Fuck him and i hope he never gets a role again

Hari Seldon

I have a hard time giving any fucks about this. I liked both of these dudes before the slap and if the apology is sincere then whatever I’ll watch his next movie if it is something I am interested in. As far as bad shit that celebrities do this is far more retarded than actually evil.


Rodent Whores
Sorry I’m not reading all that.
Don't do this. This is the reason you seem to think NI is defending Will Smith when he really isn't. If you want to know what someone is saying, you should read their words instead of imagining their position.

You seem to really like Will Smith so I’ll leave it.
He actually doesn't. He dislikes both Will Smith and Hollywood, which is why he's saying that's why Hollywood, which is filled with egomaniacal shitstains, will eventually be okay with it once everyone's collective temporary fake outrage subsides.

He's saying that in the long run, this probably won't affect Will Smith as much as you think it will, not because he likes Will Smith, but because Hollywood is full of circle jerking degenerate enablers.


It’s about time. Glad he seems pretty’s genuine. I always liked will and lost respect for the dude with that slap. I’m always down to give people second chances. I’ve done some stupid shit in the heat of the moment that I wish I could take back.

I’d be happy if he was able to get away from jada though. Not sure if that would help him or just make him worse off. I know some of my guy friends that are stuck in a toxic relationship with their baby momma. It’s easy to say “ dump the bitch” but tbh sometimes it’s just worse off. Stuck with child support and not a thing to your name. Ain’t no chicks wanna deal with a man like that.

Wills obviously in a different position then most men and could easily continue to live a luxury life with someone else.
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Gold Member
People's heads are being chopped off or dismembered live in parts of the world every day, yet not a peep of it on the news or morning shows. Someone slaps another in the States or farts in the wind and it's headlines, Breaking News, this just in bullshit. Fk, the United States is one sick, backwards asz country. Leave Will Smith alone. He was defending the honor of his wife (regardless of her way of life) whom has/had a disease. Nowhere was he wrong in slapping gimp Rock across his face. Should have been a right hook then an uppercut. 🥊
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Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
People's heads are being chopped off or dismembered live in parts of the world every day, yet not a peep of it on the news or morning shows. Someone slaps another in the States or farts in the wind and it's headlines, Breaking News, this just in bullshit. Fk, the United States is one sick, backwards asz country. Leave Will Smith alone. He was defending the honor of his wife (regardless of her way of life) whom has/had a disease. Nowhere was he wrong in slapping gimp Rock across his face. Shouldn't have been a right hook then an uppercut. 🥊
The honor of a cheating abusive narcissist? Not much honor in that imo.


What he needs to do is wait until Rock is ready to speak to him in private. That's when you give a sincere apology and hope to Jeebus that Rock shares that fact publicly, one day, earning you back some respect. Then you can speak on it.

Patiently sit back and relax in your mansion with your millions of dollars, until then.
Yes, we've all been there and it sucks but it has to be done.

The constant public apologies are beyond tacky. Will Smith didn't do a thing to me.
It ain't us you need to apologize too. That's just begging for your reputation back in the public eye and nothing more.
Don't do this. This is the reason you seem to think NI is defending Will Smith when he really isn't. If you want to know what someone is saying, you should read their words instead of imagining their position.

He actually doesn't. He dislikes both Will Smith and Hollywood, which is why he's saying that's why Hollywood, which is filled with egomaniacal shitstains, will eventually be okay with it once everyone's collective temporary fake outrage subsides.

He's saying that in the long run, this probably won't affect Will Smith as much as you think it will, not because he likes Will Smith, but because Hollywood is full of circle jerking degenerate enablers.
The difference between the other degenerates and Will Smith is he was at the Oscars when he had his brain snap. Again these attempts to downplay the understandable response to his behaviour as ‘fake outrage’ seems bizarre and come across to me as attempts to defend what he did.


I still like Will Smith 🤷🏻‍♂️

It was a shitty thing that he did, I felt bad for Chris Rock. He did it on a huge stage. Chris Rock is the only person I feel sorry for in regards to that incident.

That being said. I don't agree with people being cancelled, losing their livelihoods etc. Give me a movie with Will Smith, Louie CK, Mel Gibson and Johnny Depp. I'm watching that movie because I like them as actors.


Took him 3 months to figure this out? They should have kicked him out of the Oscars the moment that happened. If he's truly understood the gravity of the situation and is doing his honest best to make amends, then great, but I can't help but feel like this video oozes with dishonest celebrity privilege.
Watch this being admitted to being staged 10 years later just like Janet/Justin thing. At least now they didn’t have a woman to take all the blame.
Not nearly enough of those you tube comments are about his mentally abusive wife, or the fact that he needs to get away from her.

You think mentally its hard for him to leave her? Its the divorce and realization how much cash she would take with her, probably the kids as well as a mother which is why he doesn't just leave her.
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